Feeling Hot Page 5

“Cowboy,” he echoed dubiously.

“Hell yeah. Or maybe an actor.” She clapped her hands together. “An actor who plays a cowboy. Can’t you see it?” Her voice deepened to mimic the movie-man voice from the previews. “One duel, one chance to avenge his pa’s murder…Cash McCoy in…High Noon Outlaw.” She grinned at him. “Maybe that’s what I should do—write the copy for movie trailers.”

“I think you should stick to  p**n . High Noon Outlaw sounds like the worst movie on the planet.”

As another peal of laughter left that Cupid’s bow mouth of hers, lust slammed into his groin again. Damn, her lips were so damn sexy. Pink, ripe and utterly kissable. His mouth tingled, and he had to fight the urge to lean in and press his lips to hers. He was dying to know if she tasted as sweet as she looked. The kind of noises she’d make when their tongues touched.

“Why do you keep staring at my lips?”

Sheepish, he met her eyes, which were narrowed with distrust. “I can’t help it. You have really nice lips.”

“And let me guess, they’d look even nicer wrapped around your dick.”

He choked out a laugh. “You said it, not me.”

“But you were thinking it.”

Yup, he sure was. And his c**k seemed to enjoy the wicked thoughts running through Cash’s mind—the big boy was harder than a baseball bat, pushing against his zipper and begging for some attention.

“So it’s true, huh? Men really do think about sex like every other minute,” she said in a wry voice.

“Afraid so,” he confirmed.

Rolling her eyes, the blonde bombshell ran a hand through her hair, causing the scent of her shampoo to drift into his nose and wreak havoc on his senses. She smelled like cherries—man oh man, he loved cherries.

Make a move, McCoy.

His brain’s order—or had that come from his cock?—called attention to the opportunity staring him square in the eye. Here he was, sitting in the dark with a beautiful woman and an erection—why the hell was he dilly-dallying?

“You know, I just had a thought,” he drawled.

“Is that a new occurrence for you? Is your brain tingling?”

One of them is…

Cash fought a grin and slid across the couch, stopping when only a mere foot separated them. “See, you just got fired, which means you’re upset. And I’m not the kind of man who walks away when he encounters a damsel in distress.”

“Uh-huh. Go on.”

“It’s in my nature to want to ease that distress. Lucky for you, I know exactly how I can make you feel better.”

“I’m sure you do.” Her lips twitched as if she were holding back laughter. “So, pray tell, what will make me feel better?”

“A kiss.”

“Ah.” She paused. “I think I’ll pass.”

“You sure about that?”

He slid even closer, so that his thigh pressed into hers. The moment contact was made, a jolt of heat seared through his camo pants and scorched his skin. The blonde’s eyes widened at his nearness, but she didn’t scoot away. In fact, he was certain he glimpsed a flicker of desire in those baby-blues. And he’d definitely heard the hitch in her breath.

Oh, and look at that, the tip of her tongue was sweeping over her bottom lip.

Cash chuckled. “You totally want to kiss me.”

Even in the darkness, he saw the blush staining her cheeks. “I do not.”

“Yes you do. You licked your lips.”


“So that’s a clear sign of anticipation.” His voice took on a note of pure male arrogance. “You’re dying for me to put my mouth on you. And don’t think I forgot about your big, buff body comment. You’re into me—don’t bother denying it.”

He expected her to deny it. He expected her to hop off the couch in indignation and tell him where to shove it.

What he didn’t expect?

Getting mauled.

Before he could blink, two warm hands cupped his chin and yanked his head down, and then that sexy mouth collided with his in a hard, reckless kiss.

Oh yeah. That’s what he was talkin’ about.

His pulse accelerated as she devoured his mouth. Devoured it. Everything about the kiss drove him mad with arousal. The softness of her lips, the hungry swirl of her tongue, the nip of her teeth on his bottom lip. Every inch of his body throbbed, every muscle tight with sexual tension. Those long, desperate kisses summoned a low groan from his chest, making him want to flip her onto her back and grind his aching c**k into the juncture of her thighs.

Shit, it had been way too long since he’d kissed a woman, and damn it, as satisfying as it was feeling that hot mouth pressed to his, it wasn’t nearly enough.

Fingers shaking from lust overload, he stroked the graceful curve of her neck, then dropped his hands to her br**sts. When he squeezed those perfect tits, she moaned into his lips and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Spurred on by her moans, he continued to explore her petite body over her clothing, skimming his fingertips over her slender hips, her flat belly, firm thighs that clenched beneath his touch. His hands drifted back to her br**sts, and he began to toy with her ni**les through her shirt, his mouth flooding with saliva as he imagined sucking on those rigid buds.

“You know what, cowboy?” she murmured as she wrenched her mouth free. “I do feel better.”

She sounded surprised, embarrassed even, but he didn’t give her time to second-guess her decision to maul him. Instead, he dipped his head to kiss her again, slowly leaning into her until she lay flat on her back and his body covered hers. Groaning, he deepened the kiss, then parted her legs with his knee and ground himself into her thigh, his hips matching the frantic thrusting of his tongue.