Feeling Hot Page 57

“How’s the lovely Jen?” Dylan asked with a faint grin.

“Pissed. Her psycho ex got a hold of her cell number.”

“Did she talk to him?”

“Yeah, but only because I forced her to.” He glanced at the other two. “I need to be out of here by six, so let’s get this show on the road.”

They stuck to the same routine as last time. Fortunately, it was cloudy out, so Cash didn’t have to worry about coming down with sunstroke again. Unfortunately, he was preoccupied about his impending encounter with Jen’s ex, which allowed all three of his buddies to kick his ass in the push-up competition Seth challenged everyone to after the swim.

It was quarter to six when they finished up. Carrying their sneakers and socks, the foursome walked soaking wet to the parking lot, drawing several appreciative glances and a few come-hither smiles from a group of female tourists loitering near the Hotel Del.

While Seth and Jackson walked ahead, Dylan sidled up to Cash. “What’s going on? You’ve got the expression you wear when you’re in ass-kicking mode.”

His voice lowered to a lethal pitch. “I’m paying a visit to Jen’s ex.”

Seth overheard and turned to stare at him. “What the hell you doing that for?”

“Because I’m tired of this creep not getting the message. Someone needs to make it clear that Jen doesn’t belong to him.”

“And that someone has to be you?” Seth asked, perplexed.

They reached the cars, and Cash popped the trunk of his Escape and grabbed a few towels and four water bottles. He tossed the others one of each, then dried up and chugged some water. Normally he drove back to his apartment in his wet trunks, but since he was heading straight to the bar, he realized he’d have to change right here in the parking lot.

“Make sure nobody’s looking at my bare ass,” he called as he grabbed a pair of camo pants from the duffel bag in his trunk.

He ducked behind the open driver’s door, quickly shucked the swim trunks, and yanked his pants on, commando. The black T-shirt he’d stripped off before the workout went on next, and rather than sneakers, he grabbed a pair of clean socks, rolled them on his feet, and put on his boots.

When he turned around, he noticed the other men rummaging through the duffel bags in the back of Seth’s Jeep. Trunks were stripped off, pants and shirts came on, and all three opted for shitkickers as well.

Cash frowned. “You all live around the corner. Why you getting dressed?”

“We’re coming with you,” Dylan answered cheerfully.

“Duh,” Seth said in a dry voice.

“You think we’re going to let you confront the psycho without backup?” Jackson piped up as he bent to lace up his boots.

“I’m only going to talk to the guy.”

“Talking’s for pansies,” Seth replied. “If you want him to get the message, you’ve gotta rough him up a bit.”

“It might come to that,” he admitted. “But you guys don’t need to get involved. It’s not your fight.”

“Like hell it isn’t,” Dylan shot back. “Your fights are our fights. Besides, I wouldn’t mind giving that ass**le a warning of my own. Considering what happened last night, I’m feeling a tad invested in Jen’s safety too.”

Seth’s head swiveled from Cash to Dylan, and then he started to laugh. “Son of a bitch. You tag-teamed the LT’s sister?”

“No,” they said in unison.

“Wow. Just…wow.” Seth doubled over, gripping his side as he laughed. When he finally settled down, he sent a mocking look in Cash’s direction. “You realize you went from begging us to help you not screw her, to screwing her, to screwing her with Dylan. What’s next? Can me and Texas join in next time?”

Jackson’s slow drawl joined the mix. “Yeah, can we? I still haven’t had the pleasure of meeting the mysterious Jen.”

Cash glared at Dylan, who seemed to regret opening this can of worms. “No one is joining in. But if you’re serious about coming along, I’d appreciate the backup. I haven’t met this guy, so I don’t know what to expect.”

“Where are we going?” Seth tossed his wet trunks in the back of the Jeep.

“The Gaslamp Tavern.”

Seth headed for the driver’s door with his badass swagger, while Jackson walked around to the passenger side. “We’ll meet you there.”

After the Jeep sped out of the lot, Cash glowered at Dylan. “Did you have to drop that last night comment? I didn’t exactly want those two knowing about the threesome with Jen.”

“Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Clearly. Way to blow it.”

“Actually, I blew you,” Dylan said glibly.

They looked at each other for several long moments.

And then they burst out laughing.

When the laughter died down, Cash shot his friend a somber look. “We cool? You’re not going to get all weird around me now, are you?”

“Naah, we’re cool.”

Relief fluttered through him. “Good.”

Dylan smirked. “You were actually worried, huh? What, you thought I’d morph into a teenage girl and never talk to you again?”

“The thought crossed my mind.”

“Aw, you love me, don’t ya? You would’ve missed your bestest fwend ever.”

Cash gave him the finger. “Get in the car, ass**le.”