Found Page 20

“So yeah, we both have daddy issues.”

“I guess so. Let’s hope our kids don’t have them.”

“Or mommy issues.”

He laughed. “All right, neither.”

“We’re really going to have kids one day, huh?”

“Don’t you want to have kids?” He looked at me seriously.

“In theory…”

“Same here. Let’s agree to not bring that topic up again until you’re done with college.”

“Good deal.” I snuggled into his side.

“Don’t move. I just want to check the fire.”

I waited as he stoked the flames. He also took the quilt off the bed. “I promise this hasn’t been sitting here for seven years.”

“You’ve been back recently?”

“I was here this summer…”

He laid the quilt down right next to me. I moved onto it and he joined me.

I slipped my hand under his sweater and t-shirt. “Do you think this is going to live up to your dream?”

“I have a hunch it’ll be better. Reality has to be better.”

“I love you.” I leaned over and kissed him. So often he was the instigator, but I needed my lips against his.

“I love you more than anything.” He brushed my hair back from my face. “More than anything.”

I pushed his sweater over his head, following up with his t-shirt. “I could look at you for hours.”

“Only hours? I could stare at you for days.” He pulled off my sweater. “Or maybe years.” He unclasped my bra.

“The problem is I need you to do more than stare.”

He grinned. “So do I, Al. So do I.”

He cupped each of my br**sts and returned his lips to mine. Normally by this point, he’d be trying to get me out of my pants, but he was taking it a little slower. I liked it.

“You’re wearing light green panties.”

“How’d you know?”

“I’ve dreamed this before.”

“You remember the color of my underwear?”

“It’s still me, Al. It might have been an emotional dream, but I’d still remember a detail like that. You never wear green panties.”

“I haven’t done laundry since we got back.”

“Likely story.” He moved his mouth down to my breast, and I moaned.

I struggled a moment with his buckle, but eventually I got it and unzipped his pants.

He moved his mouth. “In a hurry?”

“I want you.”

“Really? I’d have had no idea.” He shifted to slide out of his khakis and boxers. “But the question is whether I’m ready for you.” He ran a hand down my stomach, stopping at the button of my jeans.

“You’re ready.”

“I love when you boss me around, babe.”

“Then you’re going to enjoy life with me.”

“Yeah, I think so too.” He finally unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down. He slipped off my panties. “When did you realize you loved me?”

“I didn’t admit it to myself right away, but it was that night at Antoine’s. As weird as it felt to have you giving me a ring so early, a part of me actually looked forward to getting an engagement ring from you.”

“I guess I gave you what you wanted.”

I laughed. “I guess so. But how about giving me what I want now?”

“And what’s that?”


“At your service.” Once he started, my whole world spun. It was so much more intense than usual. It was perfect—or beyond perfect, and I knew I’d never be whole without him. If saving Jess meant leaving Levi, it also meant losing a part of myself I was positive I could never get back.

“I’m yours.” The words came out as a moan.

“I’m yours too.” He kissed me, and we spent the rest of the night in front of that roaring fire, watching the starlit sky through the only cave skylight I’ve ever seen.

Chapter Eleven

“Keeping my boy up all night, huh?” Jared took a seat next to me at the breakfast table. We were the only ones there. I wasn’t sure what the Laurent clan was up to, but I had a feeling it had something to do with me.

“Like you don’t know every detail? I saw you guys talking before I went up to take a shower.”

“He didn’t tell me anything. He said it was an amazing night that’s going to stay between you and him.”

I smiled. I couldn’t help it.

“I take it you found it amazing too? Sometimes you guys act like an old married couple, but other times you act like you just met—all giddy over sneaking away together or something.”

“Which time is it now?”

“Both.” He poured syrup on his pancakes.

The breakfast spread was seriously impressive. I’d initially only planned to have some fruit and yogurt, but when the server offered to make me a Belgian waffle, I couldn’t resist.

“How is that even possible?” I spread my napkin on my lap.

He shrugged. “How would I know? I’m just the innocent bystander.”

“Here’s your waffle, miss.” The same server set it down in front of me.

“Thanks so much.”

“Would you like some whipped cream?” he asked.

“Yes, that would be great.” I didn’t look up as I answered. I expected Jared to be ready with a snarky comment.

Jared only smiled before diving back into his pancakes. I took it as my opportunity to move the conversation onto him.

“One day you’re going to fall in love, and I hope I’m around to see it.” I took a bite of my waffle. I’d made the right decision with the whipped cream.

“Are you planning on going somewhere?”

“No, but I might be really old by then.”

“Oh, Princess, you’re such a joy to be around in the morning.”

“She is even more of a joy when she just wakes up.” Levi slid into the seat next to me. “Sorry that took so long.” He picked up a fork and took a bite of my waffle.

“You can get your own food.”

“Be glad I’m not feeding you,” he teased. I didn’t want to remember how I’d had to put up with him feeding me an entire meal once at a Society event.

“Are you going to tell me what you and the rest of your family have been up to?”

“We’ve been talking about you.” He took another bite of my waffle. I was about to argue that he shouldn’t have taken a piece coated in whipped cream when he put it in my mouth instead of his own.