Red Blooded Page 25

I wondered in that moment whether she was more witch than demon.

“You can try to kill me all day.” She gnashed her teeth, bringing a hand up along her cheek, smearing scarlet. “But I won’t die, no matter how many times you try. My magic is something you’ve never encountered before. It makes me stronger than any witch or demon, and something you can’t best no matter how strong you are.”

“We’ll see about—”

Before I could retaliate there was a loud crackling noise coming from the PA system, followed by a voice that filled the room around us. “Attention, attention. We know you are in the building. We will find you. Turn yourself over, female wolf, or we will dispatch your kin. You have three minutes to respond. Thank you.”

It clicked off.

Lily pushed herself up and I let her go, a grim smile playing on her lips. “Still willing to risk your brother’s life by fighting me? I’ve never lied to you. I’m still the only chance you’ve got, no matter what I am, or how strong. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner we can move on.” She gestured toward the door as she stood. There was movement in the hallway beyond it. “I am the only thing that can defeat what lies out there. And because of what I am—a witch and a demon—they all fear me. And because they fear me, they will hesitate to react. I alone can get you and your precious brother out alive. Me.” She placed a single finger on her chest. “And you have one minute and forty-seven seconds to make up your mind.”

My mind raced. “There’s no way I can trust you, and the only way you’re going to keep helping me is if I agree to take you back to my plane. That’s not happening, Lily. You’ve proven over and over again how dangerous you are. Your powers are unique and strong, I get it, but that makes you a serious threat. Too serious to risk bringing you back.”

She took a step toward me, her pupils expanded to form a perfect sapphire oval. “I’ve repeatedly told you I’m dangerous. I’ve never kept it a secret. I also told you I would swear an oath to you that I will not harm anyone on your plane. I am purely looking for asylum and nothing more. I will still swear that vow to you now, if only to prove to you my intentions are innocent.”

I peered at her hard. “If you really want to prove to me you’re innocent—then prove it by freeing me and my brother. Earn my trust and my favor and stop asking for it.”

She opened her mouth and for the first time I saw that some of her back teeth were pointed. “Fine. I will continue to earn your trust, as I have already done, but when this is over, and I have lead you both safely to the portal, you will owe me. But your brother’s life is in jeopardy. There is no more time to argue—”

A horrid scream rent the air.

It was Tyler’s.

I didn’t hesitate. I spun, kicking the door in and bounded through. I knocked several demons out of my way as I blindly followed his voice down one corridor and through another.

The demons would come after me, but I didn’t care. If Lily was true to her word, she’d take up the rear. The demons had already sounded the alarms. There was no way around it. By acting now, I had the element of surprise. It would take the demons time to organize, and if anything, I might be able to exchange myself for Tyler. I just knew I had to stop anything more from happening to him. His cries of anguish were real.

The tunnels I raced through appeared deceptively normal. They mimicked hallways in buildings where humans conducted business. I flew past several demon underlings, each one looking more surprised than the last. I plowed right by them in a blur, moving fast, a haze of red covering my eyes. The new speed I traveled at surprised even me. But I knew it was fueled by terror, thinking I might be too late to save my brother.

My wolf worked overtime as we ran, feeding me power and urging me on.

I made one last turn, following his continued screams, and found several demons standing in front of what appeared to be a door to another “mending room.” These demons didn’t have any beasts with them, but I was too preoccupied with saving my brother to be relieved.

One of them stepped forward and tried to block my path, bringing its hand up. “Halt. You… come with… us,” it said in broken English. “You are… our prisoner… now.”

“I don’t think so,” I growled as I charged forward, spinning at the last moment and catching this particular demon in the chest with my foot. I wished I had my throwing knives for one brief, sorrowful moment.

The demon I’d kicked collided with several others and they sprang apart, crashing around the hallway. They were clearly taken off guard by my hand-to-hand combat. Judging by their surprised expressions they had not expected me to fight. And, luckily for me, these demons were not skilled at all. They must settle everything by trial or magic down here, but it was clear demons were not used to engaging physically.

I used it to my advantage. “Get out of my way!” I yelled, hauling another demon away from the doorway by the scruff of its neck, its jumpsuit tearing as I tossed it behind me with little effort.

Once the door was clear, I brought my leg up, but before I smashed it open, it swung from the inside and an startled demon met my furious gaze. I reached in and grabbed it, throwing it behind me as I made my way in.

“Tyler, oh my gods. No!” I shouted as I raced forward. My brother was strapped to an ugly-looking chair with several demons surrounding him, one of which was in the process of administering something that resembled a giant leech to his neck via some sort of nasty pliers. The black bug whipped back and forth as it headed closer to my brother.

With horror, as I moved farther into the room, I saw there were already several of those things secured to his face.

Tyler was straining, but awake. He was covered in his own blood.

I sprinted forward, swatting demons out of the way with my fists, taking the one with the nasty slug by the shoulders, my claws sinking in. I whipped it around, seething, “What are those?” I shook the demon. “Tell me what you’re doing to him!”

The demon was too stunned to answer so I raised my hand in front of its face, my claws sharp and pointy. “If you don’t spit it out in the next second, I will sever your jugular. And if you don’t have a jugular, I will rip your head off. Now tell me!” I shook it harder.

It stammered, “We… we are applying these to drain his strength.” This one’s English was better.