Red Blooded Page 43

I gave her my full attention. “Would you like to continue your happy fun time in Hell? Or would you like another option? I think we all deserve medals for even discussing this.” No supernatural I was aware of knew anything about the afterlife. There were ghosts, but no one knew what really happened when a supe died a true death. “My mate wants to leave you for dead, but if we could give you true death would you take it? Or do you prefer the option of fending for yourself in the Sholls?”

“I prefer neither,” she cried as she launched herself at me.

Old habits die hard.

I swatted her away like a mild irritant. It was hard to remember her in her former glory. She hardly resembled the porcelain doll full of vigor who had just, a short time ago, made my life a living nightmare. My wolf snarled at my humanness, which she considered my weakness, wanting me to end Selene once and for all. In the realm of the supernatural, having mercy was atypical behavior.

Before she could come at me again, Ray scooped her up, keeping his arms firmly locked around her waist. She struggled for a moment and then gave up.

I met Ray’s gaze. “Do you think you can take her soul?” I turned to address Lili. “Her soul is promised to the Underworld, correct? Do we rob the Prince by having Ray reap her soul right here?” That plan didn’t sound half bad.

Lili shook her head. “Something has gone wrong with her capture anyway. I think no one here one understands why. But whatever you do, you must do it soon. We have to leave this area. It’s a miracle no demon has found us. The Princess must be keeping them occupied, but it won’t last for long.”

“Ray,” I asked. “What happens when you take a living soul?” Ray had just figured out he was a reaper, and had taken down a Strigoi, the equivalent of a vampire ghost. But he had never sucked a living soul out of a body before that I knew about.

“I have no earthly idea,” he answered as Selene started to squirm. “But my body is telling me I can do it and her soul is screaming for a release.”

I walked forward, placing a hand on Selene’s arm. She tried to shake me off. “Don’t touch me,” she snapped.

I ignored her and nodded to my brother. He moved forward and grabbed Selene’s other arm. Rourke stepped in behind me. He’d been silent but I knew this was his vote. I placed a hand on Selene’s carotid artery. She tried to move her neck away, but Ray held her still.

I sucked in a sharp breath.

“What is it?” Rourke asked.

“I know why they can’t kill her. You’re not going to believe this—but I think she’s already dead.” As I spoke I sent my magic into Selene and found darkness, with only traces of her vibrant red magic signature scattered here and there.

“What are you talking about?” Selene barked. “I’m clearly not dead, you beast! I’m alive and breathing.”

“I seems your godhood is holding on to a shell, Selene.” I shook my head. “I think the only thing left in there is your soul. You must have an incredibly strong one.”

I dropped my hand and turned to Rourke. “I can’t let Ray harvest her soul. None of us understands what’s going on here, but she’s clearly already dead. I can’t help feeling like finding her like this was supposed to happen.” I glanced at Selene. “How did you know where to find us? None of us sensed you were near. We’re some of the most powerful supes on the planet and we detected nothing from you.” I angled my head back and took in a deep breath, along with my brother, just to be sure.

We both snapped our heads up at the same time.

She carried no scent.

For the first time, Selene appeared a little flustered. “I… I,” she stuttered. “I don’t remember. The Prince killed me again… and when I woke up, I heard your voice, so I followed it.” She brought a hand to her forehead for a second. Ray dropped his hold on her waist and stepped back, surprise lining his features, which certainly mimicked our own expressions. “But I can’t be dead. I’m not supposed to… die. Dying is for humans and… weak supernaturals. I’m above that. I am immortal.”

There was a shout in the distance.

“We can’t linger here any longer,” Lili said. “It’s only a matter of time now.”

Rourke prodded the small of my back. “Come on,” he said. “We need to move.” He ushered me forward, glancing at Selene as we passed. “If you know what’s good for you, you will follow us. Of your own accord. We can decide what to do with you when we have more than a minute to spare.”

Lili started down a new tunnel and we all followed. Including Selene.

I had no idea what we had just uncovered, but I was certain it was a one-of-a-kind situation. And to be very honest, I was damn tired of one-of-a-kind situations. They were sticky and hard to deal with. But the good thing was that nothing surprised me any longer. Unique experiences seemed to follow me by the truckload and I had to make my peace with it or go crazy. Do you know why this happens to us? I asked my wolf. Why do we attract all these unexplainable things? My mate is one of a kind, now so is Ray. Lili and Selene. Naomi is the only vamp I know without a bond to another vampire, and Danny is the only wolf on the planet whose Alpha is female. Things in my life are always complicated. I had to believe this was all working toward a purpose. I just had no idea what it was. My wolf shook her head, flashing a picture of us surrounded by our family. I know, I feel the bonds too. I guess we’re just going to have to wait and see.

“Where are you leading us?” Rourke interrupted my thoughts as he asked Lili. We had gone down several tunnels and a few stairways, each one seeming smaller and more remote than the last. “We need to move faster.”

“We are heading to the Prince’s private quarters,” she declared airily, not entirely pulling off unaffectedness.

“What? Are you kidding?” I exclaimed. “How could you possibly take us into his home? How will we not be detected? That doesn’t sound like safe haven, that sounds like a hijack.”

“It’s not a hijack,” she assured me. “You’re talking to someone who is intimately acquainted with Hell and its ruler. Going to his personal rooms will take us far under their radar. Once there, I will be able to get a message out to the Princess. It’s literally the only place that will give us cover where no one will look.”