Naked Page 24

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Ethan Blackstone: Never…Go 2 sleep my beauty. I will find u. <3

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I got up from Ethan’s sofa and headed back to the kitchen to wash up. I cleaned out the coffee maker and set it up for the morning. All I would have to do is start it. I used my new purple tooth brush and took the pill. The super soft sheets of Ethan’s bed smelled of him; soothing and comforting me in my solitude. I filled my head with his scent and crashed.

Firm arms held me. The smell I adored floated around me. Lips kissed me. I opened my eyes to the night and saw shadows. I knew who was with me though. My waking was peaceful and gentle, something good, and for me, a totally new experience.

“You’re here,” I murmured against his lips.

“And so are you,” he whispered. “I f**king love finding you in my bed.”

Ethan’s hands had been busy in my sleep. I was naked from the waist down, his silk boxers long removed. Ethan was naked too. I could feel his hard muscles and solid flesh trying to meld with mine. My shirt was pushed up and my br**sts being devoured by his rasping lips, whiskers tickling the sensitive flesh, teasing my ni**les with sucking pulls until I was a moaning, writhing creature beneath him.

I buried my hands in his hair and felt the movement of his head as he worshipped my ni**les and plumped the weight of my br**sts with his hand. He stopped and pulled my shirt all the way off and stared down at me, hungry and beautiful. The light from the master bath filtered in enough to allow me some vision of him and I was glad. I need to see Ethan when he comes to me. It reassures me that I will be safe with him.

“Your bed smells like you.” I said.

“You are the only thing I want to smell, and right now I need the taste of you in my mouth.” Then he spread me wide and descended.

“Oh, God, Ethan!” The work of his tongue on my cleft, swirling and smoothing over heated flesh opened to him switched me from sleepy to sexed in less than a second. I couldn’t keep still even though he held me down and open at the inner thighs. The orgasm came upon me so fast and so violently that I heard myself shout through it, riding his tongue like a wanton, my muscles clenching and throbbing in scorching pleasure.

Ethan growled against my pu**y lips and pulled away, probably staring at what he wanted to take with his cock. He didn’t ask. Ethan took.

He lifted my legs over his shoulders and pierced me hard and deep. He made sounds as his c**k filled me. I was pinned by his invasion while still reeling with an orgasm so I could only hang on as he f**ked me. The sex was fiery and demanding with him telling me how good I felt and how much he wanted me here in his bed and how beautiful I was. All words to bring me closer to him. More dependent on him. More tangled up in his world. I knew it.

Ethan made me climax again; nearly punishing strokes meant to claim first and pleasure secondly. But the pleasure was exquisite when it arrived simultaneous with him filling me up with his own explosive orgasm. I felt tears sliding down to the sheets as I accepted what he gave to me. He choked out my name, his eyes locked onto mine like the other times. I knew he saw my tears.

He moved my legs off his shoulders and propped himself against me, holding my face and stroking, his blue eyes searching, still buried in me flexing slow and deep with his talented cock, drawing out the pleasure. “You’re mine,” he whispered.

“I know,” I whispered back to him. Ethan kissed me reverently with our bodies joined; gentle explorations of my lips and feathery pulls and nibbles with teeth that only grazed. He held on to me and kissed me for a long time before he finally moved out of my body.

Fucking Ethan can only be described as beautiful in my head. I know to others it would be  p**n ographic, but to me it was simply a beautiful act of us together. To be intimate like that with him wanting me so intensely was an addictive drug. More potent than anything I’d ever experienced before in my life. I think I could forgive Ethan just about anything that he might do to hurt me. And this was my very great mistake.


Ethan brought me my coffee in bed the next morning. I sat up against the headboard and pulled the sheet up to cover me. He raised an eyebrow as he sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully handed the mug over. “I think I did it right, but you have a taste and tell me.”

I took a sip and made a face.

“I put half cream and three spoonfuls of sugar,” he said with a shrug, “you set up the coffee yourself. All I did was press brew on the machine.”

I kept him hanging for another minute before cracking a smile and taking another sip of my delicious coffee.

“What? Just making sure you’re trained in proper coffee prep. I have my standards.” I winked at him. “I think you’ll do in a pinch, Mr. Blackstone.”

“You devil woman, teasing me like that.” He leaned in to kiss me, careful of the hot coffee. “I like having the coffee maker set up the night before. I wonder why I never thought of it.” He stayed close to my face, looking intently over me, his hair still messy from sleep and all the sex and still managing to look like a god. “I think you should be here every night to set it up just before you get in my bed.” He put his mouth right at my neck and grazed. “So I can bring you your coffee like this in the mornings, with you all naked and lovely, and the smell of me all over you from a night of f**king.”

I shivered from the words, and the images of that reality but we still had things to discuss. And this was an issue between Ethan and me. We didn’t talk enough about what needed to be worked through. When he got near me, the clothing dropped away, my body responded to him, and well, not much talking ever got done after that.

“Ethan,” I said gently, my hand at his cheek to stop him, “we need to talk about what’s going on. The bodyguard thing with Neil? Why would you do that and not tell me?”

“I was going to tell you last night after I brought you here but it didn’t work out like that.” His face fell away from me and he looked down. “The city is full of strangers right now, baby. You are a beautiful woman and I don’t think it’s safe for you to be taking the Tube and walking all over on your own. Remember that ass**le at the club.”

“But I was doing that before I met you and I was just fine.”

“I know you were. And you were not my girlfriend then either.” He gave me one of his Ethan looks—the kind where I tense up and wait for the blast of Arctic air to hit me. “I run a security firm, Brynne. It’s what I do. How can I have you going all over London when I know the dangers?” He put a hand up to my face and started in with the thumb rubbing action. “Please? For me?” He put his forehead against mine. “If something happened to you it would kill me.”