Finding Ours Page 7

“I’m sorry, baby.” I whisper against her lips. “I’m gonna stop.” I start to pull out.

She shakes her head, her legs wrapping around my waist as if to keep me there. “No, just---” she takes a deep breath and moves just a fraction of an inch. “Give me a second.”

Fuck, it feels so f**king tight I can barely breathe, hardly think about anything but wanting the sensation, the feeling of being inside her to never end. It’s probably for the best that she doesn’t want me to move just yet. The tightness that’s surrounding me is about to cause me to blow my load before we can continue; I need a moment as well just to slow this train down, once again.

I pull back and give her a gentle smile. “You okay?” I’m not sure if I’m saying this to her, or myself.

“Yeah.” She hikes her legs up higher and I sink in deeper. I’m about to lose it, right here, right now.

“Feels so good.” I say against her lips, pulling out and pushing back in again. Each time I do this, her grip on me eases up and she begins to relax. I distract her and myself with my kisses. I keep my movements slow but it’s not easy.

“I love you.” I kiss the corner of her mouth. “So f**king much.”

Rhea’s breath hitches, “Oh, Tanner.” She sniffles. “I love you too.”

My lips move from her neck and find her lips. I can’t take much more of this and I think she senses it too.

“I’m gonna come.” I warn her.

I can’t take it. With three quick movements, my body lets go and I groan against her lips, my body trembling with unquestionable pleasure. A pleasure that’s so much more intense knowing this is another first, possibly the ultimate first, that this beautiful being has given to me.

I rest my forehead against hers trying to slow my breathing down. Rhea runs her fingernails up and down my back.

I slip out and pull Rhea into my arms. “Happy birthday, Rhea.” I kiss the top of her head.

She rests her chin on my chest, “Happy birthday, Tanner.”

Exactly two weeks after the best night of my life, the worst day of my life happens. I didn’t want this to happen but I couldn’t keep quiet any longer about my dad and Daisy.

My dad and I were at it again when my mama came home early from work the day before I was to leave for college and she overheard our fight.

“How could you f**king do this to her?” I slam my glass of water on the table as some spills over the side. “And with Daisy of all people? Do you feel better, Dad,” I turn my back to him. “Knowing you not only ripped this family apart but you’re about to rip your best friend’s family apart too?”

“What I do is none of your business, Tanner, so keep your mouth shut.” Dad slams the fridge door.

“Screwing Daisy in our house is my business, Dad.” I yell.

There is a gasp behind me and then a thump. I turn to watch as Mama hits the floor in hysterics.

“See what you’ve done, Tanner.” Dad yells as he rushes to Mama.

“No.” She screams. “Stay the hell away from me.”

I pull a kitchen chair out and sit down. I thought she had some kind of an idea that he was cheating, that something was wrong. My God, how can this situation get even more f**ked up?

“Darlin’, I can explain.” Dad tries to assure her.

Yeah, good luck with that, ass**le. Try to come up with a feasible explanation that will make all the sense in the world as to why you have been balls deep in your best friend’s wife. I can’t wait for this explanation. If he pulls this off, I’ve got to find out how to nominate this bastard for an Oscar, I’m thinking.

“Get out!” Mama yells. “Get out of my f**king house, Josh and don’t ever come back again!”

“Darlin’” Dad tries again.

“Don’t you f**king call me darlin’ you son of a bitch. Get out now!” Mama screams.

Dad’s head falls forward as he stalks off towards the front door. I can’t even remotely feel anything for him. He caused this and he has to deal with the consequences, the fallout from his selfish choices.

I get up from the chair and walk over towards Mama who is still sobbing on the floor. I reach down and pick her up. “Come on, Mama. I’ll help you get upstairs.”

She cries harder as I cradle her frail body against my chest. “Oh, sweet boy, what am I gonna do?”

“Shh, we’ll figure it out Mama. Don’t worry about that right now.” I push her bedroom door open with my foot. “Why don’t you get changed and then we can talk.”

She takes a shaky breath, “Okay.”

My text message dings as I set Mama on her bed. “Come down when you’re ready.”

She crawls into the middle of the bed in a fetal position and cries. As I walk out I reach into my pocket for my phone.

Honey Bee 6:04 pm: What the hell is going on, Tan?

Me 6:08 pm: WW3 just started. Stay strong, baby. I love you.

Honey Bee 6:09 pm: I’m scared, Tanner.

Me 6:10 pm: Don’t be. We’ll figure it out.

Over the next week everything went to hell. Both sets of parents aren’t talking to each other and they are forbidding Rhea and me to talk to or see each other. I have yet to let that happen and it will be a cold day in hell when I do. They are all so oblivious as to what’s going on as they wallow in their misery that what Rhea and I do are the farthest things from their minds. How did this happen to our families?


~ Age 18 ~


I roll over and kick the covers off. I know I should really get out of bed but I’m slightly hung over from another night of partying with Tanner and our friends. My room is bright, too bright to be morning still.

“Are you going to wake your ass up anytime soon?” Knox asks shoving me in the back.

I roll over and shield my eyes with my arm, “Why are you in my room so damn early?”

Knox chuckles, “It’s not early, Little One.”

I sit up on my elbows and glance over at Knox.

“You look hot.” He says with a smirk.

“Shut up, ass**le.”

“You got a little something on your neck.” Knox points.

I wipe at my neck but I don’t feel anything.

“What you got is not going to wipe off. If your daddy sees that he’s going to beat your ass.” Knox chuckles.

I climb out of bed and walk over to the mirror on my dresser. My hair is sticking up all over the place on the right side and it’s matted on the left. My mascara is running down my face, and my lipstick is smeared all over my lips. I look like a hot mess. I take a look at my neck and I have to do a double take. I’ve got a hickey the size of Texas on my neck for all the world to see. And by all the world, I mean my daddy.