Finding Us Page 7

She stares off into space, “No.” She gets up and walks into her bedroom.

I give her a few minutes to settle down before I head in, “When you’re ready to talk I’m here. Don’t worry about the bills until you get back on your feet, I have us covered.”

She kicks off her heels and sighs loudly, “Thanks Jas.”

I smile, “Of course.” I walk over to the only window in her bedroom and pull the blinds up. I glimpse across towards Knox’s apartment. It’s becoming a habit now. I don’t see him which means maybe he’s already out running without me.

“Why do you do that?” Summer asks.

I pull the blinds down again, “Do what?”

“Stare over at his balcony. I know you want nothing to do with him yet I find you doing little things all the time just to get a peek at what’s going on over there.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I think this heat is getting to you.” I say, deflecting her scrutiny.

“Which is exactly why we need to get out of the city Jas, please come with us?” She pleads.

I’m already regretting these thoughts running in my head. I know this isn’t going to end well for me but Summer is my best friend and I can tell she needs this break and she won’t go if I don’t because she’ll feel bad about leaving me behind. She’s already done so much for me when we were growing up and I feel like this is some kind of very small payback.

Sighing loudly I give in. “Fine.”

She bounces on her bed, landing on her stomach, “What?”

I glare at her, “You heard me, but…don’t force me to hang out with Knox. I want to soak up the rays on the beach. I’m looking a little pasty these days.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me to sit on her bed. “This is going to be amazing! Thank you, and I promise to be your buffer with Knox. I doubt you’ll even be seeing him, Rex said he runs a few clubs down there so I’m sure he’ll be busy.”

“I just want to go and have a good time.”

Summer picks at a piece of lint on her pants, “Remember that ass**le boss of mine, Dave? The one who kept trying to get me to go on a date with him?”


Tears fill Summer’s eyes, “He went to HR and filed a harassment complaint about me. I was called into the big boss’ office this morning and they said they had to let me go. I tried to explain that they had the story backwards but he didn’t care. I’ve only been there for a few months and Dave has been there for years. Of course they are going to believe him.”

I reach over and grab Summer’s hand, “I’m sorry Summer. Things will work out, you’ll find something else.”

Summer lets go of my hand and wipes her tears away. “I know. It just sucks because I loved that job.”

Summer and I lie on our backs staring at the ceiling when my phone beeps. I lean towards her and grab my phone out of my back pocket. There is a text from a number I don’t recognize.

Unknown: Don’t think you’ve gotten out of our run today.

Groaning, I drop it on the bed next to me.

“Everything ok?” Summer asks.




“Want to talk about it?”


We lay there for a little while before my phone beeps again. Summer looks over at me and a sly smile splays across her lips.

Annoyed, I ask her, “What?”


Groaning, “Yes, how did he get my number? I know you didn’t do it and I’ve threatened Rex’s balls so I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t do it either.”

She sits up and crosses her legs, “You know he’s just messing with you right?”

“You could have fooled me. I think he’s stalking me.” I joke around.

“Jasmine, you know I adore you and I think you’re beautiful and amazing…”

I cut her off, “Stop buttering me up.”

She chuckles, “He can have any girl he wants.”

I raise my eyebrows, trying to figure out where she is going with this. “Exactly, he’s pretty f**king hot. So my point is, why me? Why doesn’t he chase after someone who will give him the time of day?”

I watch her try to come up with an answer that would satisfy me. “You’re a challenge. Guys like Knox love a challenge.”

A challenge.

I don’t want to be anyone’s challenge.

Rex is going to be here any minute. I throw some last minute things in my bag. I’m ready to get out of the city and into some sun.

Summer drags a big ass suitcase into the living room. “Summer, seriously? We are going away for a few days not a month.”

She stands the bag up against the wall near the front door. Summer glances back at me and rolls her eyes, “You never know what we’re going to need. We don’t have anything planned so I packed for a little of everything.”

I shake my head, “All I packed was a few outfits, a few pairs of shoes and a couple of bathing suits.”

Before she could go on about me needing to be more prepared in the event that we go somewhere and I don’t have the correct clothing, there is a knock at the door.

Weird, Henry didn’t buzz us first.

Summer runs over to the door to answer it.

“Oh…hey Knox. I wasn’t expecting you, where’s Rex?” Summer asks.

Rex peeks his head in the door and Summer blushes.

I hope I’m not stuck with these non-relationship committing lovebirds all weekend or this is going to be a bust of a trip.

Both boys walk in, I get up to grab my bags from my bedroom so we can get this trip started. I pick up my bag and I’m about to sling it on my shoulder when I hear chuckling behind me.

I quickly spin around, “What the hell are you doing in here?”

He holds his hands up, surrendering, “Just coming to see if you need help.”

He takes a step forward, I take a step back.

“Well as you can see, I’ve got everything right here. Let’s get going.” Damn, he was making me uncomfortable and is invading my space again. I can’t think straight when he’s near me.

He takes another step forward. I attempt to take a step back but I’m stopped by the bed. I’d be damned if I submit to him, so I stand tall.

He reaches up and cups the side of my face with his big callused hand, “Damn you’re beautiful.” Knox says in that gruff sexy voice of his. He slowly runs his fingers down my neck to my shoulder and all the way down my arm to grab the bag out of my hand. “I know you can handle it but I insist on helping.”