Easy to Love You Page 27

“I don’t care,” he pressed himself into me showing me just how much he didn’t care. “This is the longest waiting game of my life. I know we only have a few more to go, but it’s going to kill me.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, I wanted so badly to wrap my legs around his h*ps and get him closer but I just couldn’t. It was my ankle that still caused most of my pain.

“Really?” Hunter and I both jumped at the same time but didn’t pull away. “Even with her all banged up you are still trying to get some.” Hailey said. I didn’t have to see her face to know she was smiling.

“If you don’t get the f**k out of my room you’re going to get another show, smart ass.” Hunter said, smiling down at me.

“No Hunter, don’t stop.” I said playing along.

Hailey made a gagging noise, “That was more than I needed to hear, Kenz. Get your asses up, Mason is making breakfast.”

I was shocked, I mouthed to Hunter, “Mason making breakfast?”

He shrugged his left shoulder, still being mindful of his body weight. “The things you do when you’re in love.” He responded loud enough for Hailey to hear.

She was tapping her foot, waiting for us. “Hails you really are going to get a show if you don’t leave.” I clarified to her.

“Who cares? It’s not like I haven’t seen you two na**d enough. Plus, Hunter has a nice ass.” She said, snickering. My eyes widened as Hunter smiled, he really did have a nice ass and he knows it, but I really didn’t expect to hear that from Hailey. “But really though, you have a lot of balls Hunter, with her brothers under the same roof.”

“My roof, and they wouldn’t be just walking in without,” Hunter raised his voice, “knocking!”

He had a point, my brothers, or even Chloe or Jaylinn, for that matter wouldn’t have walked in without knocking first. Only Hailey would feel comfortable enough to do that.

“I did knock, ass**le.” She walked further into the room and her footsteps stopped by the end of the bed. “I need my girl for the day, so once breakfast is over I’m taking her out.”

I held my breath for a minute, realization setting in again. I couldn’t just jump out of bed and run off with Hailey the way I used to. I had a baby to think about first, plus how would I get around while I was still all banged up?

Hunter leaned his weight on his elbows and brushed his thumbs over my cheeks, “You’re fine, I’ll be here with Ryder.” Hunter said just loud enough for me to hear. I nudged him with my arm and foot reminding him that I still had them to deal with. “You can do it, Hailey will help you.”

“I can hear you over there whispering, I haven’t left yet.” Hailey reached over and tickled my foot; I yanked it up away from her.

“Have I ever told you that you’re annoying?” I groaned and slid the covers down so I could see her, but careful not to push them too much or Hailey would have another great view of Hunter’s ass.

“I have perfect timing. I broke this shit up before your brothers heard you moaning Hunter’s name and ruined our plans for the day.” She stated as a matter of fact. She walked a little closer to us and Hunter shifted his body to cover mine from Hailey. “Now,” she slapped Hunter on his ass, “get your hot little asses out of this bed and downstairs. Chop. Chop.” Then she turned on her heel and left.

Hunter dropped his head onto my shoulder, “Remind me to always lock that door when she’s around.”

I giggled; he pulled himself off me and quickly went to the door to lock it. He came and sat on the edge of the bed, “I’m going to take a cold shower, and then we can go eat ok?”

“Hell no, I need one too.” I smirked at him.

“And who am I to deny you?” He came around to the other side of the bed, pulled behind my knees and settled between my legs before he hoisted me up. Off to the bathroom we went.

I carried CC to the bathroom and placed her on the sink, just like I had the other night. I got both of her casts covered so they wouldn’t get wet. After I was done I stood between her legs, cupped her face and kissed her. Her lips were a favorite of mine, right alongside her ass and her eyes. She gasped at the feel of me; she reached with her good arm behind me and pulled me forward. I was right there; just a little push and I would have been inside her. I reached behind her, pressed against her ass to move forward enough so I could grab a hold of her.

I stepped into the shower without adjusting the water first. I figured it would be freezing, which was good because we both needed it, but it was refreshing.

“You’re so beautiful, CC.” She leaned in and kissed my lips, then pulled away when I didn’t kiss her back. When she noticed what I was looking at she smirked. On the side of her right breast, there was a mark that I’d left last night. She didn’t need any more marks; damn, I’d gotten a little too carried away.

“Don’t look at it like that, Hunter. I see it as a love bite; there isn’t anything wrong with that.” I swear she’s in my head more than anyone should be allowed, which could be dangerous too.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to be so rough last night. Things got a little carried away.” I pressed her back up against the shower wall and she shivered. “When I get near you,” I shook my head, “I just can’t help it.”

I reached down for her body wash that smelled of coconuts, I was torturing myself. I wanted her so badly. I was so hard; it hurt to have her pressed against me. I gently set her down on her feet, put the body wash on that puffy thing of hers and started with her shoulders. I washed down her arms all the way to her fingertips on her good arm and stopped right at the cast on the other arm, she was watching me with such awe in her eyes. I paid special attention to her br**sts, loving the fullness of them. I caressed her stomach and all the way down her legs. Big mistake, I was going to lose it any minute and she wasn’t even doing anything to me. I turned her carefully in my arms to keep her balanced and let the water cascade down her body to wash all the soap away.

When it was all gone she turned to me, “Your turn big guy.”

She winked and then reached to the side of her to grab my body wash; this was going to be painful. Once she had some on my body she started the same way I had, but only one side at a time while I steadied her. She rubbed the soap into my shoulders and then down my arms to my fingers. She pulled my left hand under the water, rinsed away the foam, and then kissed each of my fingertips. When she got to my ring finger she pulled it into her mouth, and I moaned at the feeling of her tongue against my skin. I squeezed my eyes shut. When she swirled that f**king tongue around my finger, I was shaking, I watched her and tried my hardest to smile but I was too f**king hard. Didn’t she realize what she was doing to me?