Easy to Love You Page 31

He nodded his head in the direction of the door, I looked up and saw Chloe smiling at him, and she gave me a little push in his direction. Hunter pulled me into the dressing room, still smirking. He lifted me flush against his body and kissed me, long and hard. I completely forgot everything that had happened on the other side of the door, he was consuming me.

On the way over here, Cooper had filled Jackson in on my dad showing up at the mall where the girls where. He was already aware of everything that had happened and understood our panic to get there quickly. When Mason pulled into the mall parking lot a few minutes later, he dropped Cooper and me off at the nearest entrance to Victoria’s Secret and we hauled ass all the way to the store. When we turned the corner, Jason was sitting on a bench just between Hollister and Victoria’s Secret. He was by himself looking down at his phone. I’m not sure if he’d seen CC, Jaylinn and the girls or not. If he hadn’t I didn’t want to draw attention to them.

Why the f**k does he keep showing up? Was he following us? Does he want something? I had to get to the bottom of this shit.

I stopped Cooper and backed up around the corner again, “I don’t think he knows they’re in there.” I took a deep breath, trying to slow my heart rate, “We have to distract him.”

“I got it.” He replied. A group of girls were walking past us; Cooper tapped my shoulder and moved in their direction, he was off.

I waited for what seemed like a lifetime when really it was only a couple of minutes, before I peeked around the corner. Cooper had the girls blocking Jason’s view of the store and the corner I was standing behind.

I quickly rushed into the store and looked around frantically, trying to find the girls. I saw Hailey’s blonde ponytail in the back and made my way towards her.

“…I want to get over there before all the good shit’s taken.” Hailey was telling CC.

“Hey.” I said, slightly out of breath from all the adrenaline pumping through me. Then I kissed the top of her head, so thankful that Dickbag hadn’t gone near her.

“What the hell’s going on? I thought you were at the bar.” CC snapped at me.

Jaylinn peeked her head out, “What the hell, Hunter? Get out of here.”

When a lady in the dressing room next to Jaylinn walked out, I quickly grabbed the door before it shut. I winked and shrugged my shoulders at the sales associate then grabbed CC from Chloe.

I lifted CC up from her chair and kissed the hell out of her, I needed to distract her from the shit going on out there. I hated that Jason was back in my life, everything had been so perfect. I’d finally gotten my girl after all these years of wanting her, and now I felt like this was going to take her away from me. There’s just no way I could let that happen, whatever he wanted I’d give it to him just to get him to leave. So as much as I was distracting her from what was going on, I was distracting myself from the possibility that she could be ripped from me once she found out about him.

Finally, out of breath, I pulled away. “Wow.” CC said.

I sighed in relief that she was relaxing and not demanding to know why I was in here with her. I f**king hated this store. On one hand, no one should ever have to pay fifty dollars for a damn piece of cloth that covered your tits, and on the other, I wanted to buy everything for CC, which would break the bank with ease.

As I was still holding her up, I got a look at her ass in the mirror. I made sure she was steady before running my hands down the rest of her back and to her perfect f**king ass, just thinking about it was making me start to grow hard. “I love your ass in these yoga pants.” I informed her.

I gave it a squeeze and she yelped a little. “Is that why you picked them out this morning?”

“Of course it is. Although, I should’ve dressed you in sweats since you were coming to the mall.” I kissed her again, then twisted just slightly so I could walk her back to the wall.

Fuck! I hope they’re getting rid of Jason. I didn’t hear anyone talking outside of the dressing room. I was worried for Jaylinn too, but I knew she’d be safe with Cooper; he wouldn’t let that ass**le near her.

Thankfully, CC was still distracted; I’d caged her in between my body and the wall. She dropped her hands and balanced herself. I had both hands planted on either side of her head and just took her in.

I knew what she was wearing since I’d helped dress her, but damn she looked fine. She had on a tight, bright blue V-neck, long sleeve shirt, which clung to her body like a second skin. The “V” was dipping low enough that I could see the swell of her tits, it was mouthwatering. That shirt combined with those yoga pants and I was ready to go.

I looked into her bright blue eyes that were hooded with passion; she loved when I raked her body over with my eyes.

Bang, bang, “Hunter let’s go.” Jackson said.

I jumped slightly; I wasn’t expecting it because I was so caught up in CC. I closed my eyes preparing myself for the list of questions that was bound to come when I took CC home.

I helped her back into her chair, opened the door, and wheeled her out. I glanced up at Jackson who had a murderous look on his face. This isn’t good. Shit’s getting too close and CC is going to find out what I’d been keeping from her. I had to make a decision today, if I was going to tell her or wait and see if I could get rid of him myself. Whatever I did, I had to do it quickly, so I could keep my family safe.

I parked the car with Jackson and ran the stretch to the mall. Of course, today of all days, there were no close parking spaces. When we approached the end of the hall I heard Cooper laughing, “What the f**k’s going on?” I pondered, mostly to myself.

“No f**king idea.” Jackson said with his eyebrows pulled together.

Cooper was standing in the middle of a bunch of girls laughing and flirting. Really? At a time like this?

Jackson tapped my shoulder with the back of his hand, “I’m going to go find Hunter and the girls and get them back out to the car.”

“Alright bro, I’m going to see what this douchebag is up to.” I really hoped he knew what the f**k he was doing.

“…I was the class after yours.” Some short girl with long black hair and a big ass was telling Cooper.

I cleared my throat, catching Cooper’s attention, “Yo, bro. What’s going on?”

Cooper moved slightly, revealing Jason behind him, now everything made sense. “When I walked in, I saw these fine ass girls and wanted to see if they were interested in coming to our party next weekend.” He threw his arm around the girl with the black hair and the other five had dreamy looks in their eyes. “You remember,” he looked down at the girl, “what’s your name again?”