Easy to Love You Page 56

Jaylinn was teary eyed when she finished. “She’s gonna love it.”

“No crying, we’re too dolled up for that shit. Let’s get the hell out of here.” I told her.

A few hours later we were finished with our pole dancing lessons. How those strippers did that for a living was beyond me, my legs were sore as shit.

“Let’s go meet the guys.” I suggested.

“You sure that’s a good idea?” Hailey asked.

“Yeah, it’s not like there at some strip club.” I explained.

I texted Hunter that we were on our way and he said he couldn’t wait to see me. When we arrived it was dark, the club music was blasting through the speakers and it was packed.

I spotted him sitting at the bar with Jackson and Cooper so we made our way over.

“Hey baby.” I crooned in Hunter’s ear.

“Hey sexy,” he said as he spun around in his chair. “You want something to drink?”

Chloe ordered her drink while Hailey, Jaylinn and I got water, this whole not being twenty-one shit really sucks.

“Hunter, where’s Mase?” Hailey asked.

“He was playing pool.” Hunter answered.

“Kenz, can you run to the bathroom with me real quick?” Hailey asked.

“Alright,” I kissed Hunter on the cheek and told him I’d be right back.

I figured now was a good time to ask Hailey to stay with me the night before the wedding. We hadn’t really talked about the night before but I wanted to make sure it was spent with her. After she finished drying her hands and fixing her hair I handed her the letter. “What are you doing the night before the wedding?”

She eyed me, “What do you mean? I’m staying with you.”

I shrugged, “Just wanted to make sure. I want to spend it with my biffy.”

“I love you Kenz. That means more than you know.”

“Love you too. Now let’s go dance.”

Hailey held the door open for me but froze suddenly. “Hails, what the hell…”

My words froze in my mouth. Mason was standing in this little nook in the wall with a girl with long tanned legs and stripper heels.

“Mason!” I yelled after I’d slid past Hailey.

Mason jumped back like he was caught doing something he shouldn’t, and none other than Lily was standing there. Lipstick smeared on her face.

“What the f**k, Mase?” I yelled.

“It’s not what it looks like.” He looked over my shoulder, “Hailey, baby, it’s not. I was telling her to leave me alone. She’s been following me all night.”

I did what any best friend would do. I walked up to Lily and punched her straight in the face.

She dropped to the ground covering her mouth. “That’s what you get for trying to kiss Hunter and messing with my family.”

I turned to grab Hailey who was still holding on to the door and stomped away.

On our way out I told Hunter that I had to take Hailey home and he had to deal with Mason. Then Hailey and I left to go nurse my best friend’s heart.