Trying Not to Love You Page 14

Dominic placed both hands on either side of my face, caging me in. "Kenzie, you look f**king amazing in this." He kissed me hard, teeth to teeth. "I can't wait to strip you out of this later."

I reached down between us and started rubbing him through his jeans. He groaned at the contact. "Baby, stop."

I started to unbutton his jeans. "But you're so worked up." I looked around to make sure no one was in sight, and slid his zipper down. I would never have done this, but we had worked ourselves into a frenzy.

"Kenzie stop, really, I don't want…"

I interrupted him. "Dominic, just shut up, okay?" I dropped to my knees in front of him, looked up with a sexy smirk on my face, then pulled him inside my mouth and proceeded to twist my hand up and down, as I moved him in and out of my mouth.

Dominic's hands wrapped tightly in my hair, holding my head in place. He groaned his approval of what I was doing. I continually sucked and swirled my tongue along his length. I knew he was not going to last long, not with the way he was moving his h*ps back a forth.

"Ahh, baby that feels amazing…I'm not going to last long." Moaning my name repeatedly, his breath hitched and I felt his legs go stiff.

"Baby..." He gripped my hair a little tighter, pumped into my mouth once, twice and then he let go.

A few seconds later Dominic pulled me back up and wrapped his arms around me. He started placing kisses on me while he whispered, "Damn, baby that was hot. Now let me take care of you."

I cupped his face with both of my hands. "No, that was a thank you for the outfit. I love it."

"I love you so damn much, Kenzie. I am so glad that you are finally here with me." We stood there together for a few more minutes, just holding each other before we headed back into the party to find our friends.

Dominic straightened his clothes out, and made sure my hair was back in place before we made our way back into the house to find Hailey, and get some beer. I looked around for her but did not see her. I texted her but she did not answer.

I was getting worried and Dominic sensed it. "Hey Bentley, can you watch Kenzie for a minute? I'm going to go see if I can find Hailey."

"Yeah, sure man." Bentley said. Dominic gave me a kiss and then went to search for Hailey.

Bentley grinned at me and handed me another beer. I told myself this was going to be my last one. I needed to get Hailey and me home in one piece.

"Have you been here since he came down a few weeks ago?" Bentley asked, while peering at me as if he was trying to put a puzzle together.

I shook my head. "Oh no, we just got here.." I looked out into the crowded living room, trying to figure out what was taking Dominic so long. "So do you live here all the time, or is this just where you stay for school?"

"This is my parent's vacation house so I live here all the time. Like I said, during school, I have a roommate." He shrugged. "It helps pay for the bills and shit."

I looked back out in the crowd, trying to spot Dominic again, but I still could not find him or Hailey anywhere. I know Hailey would not just leave me at the party without at least texting me first. I was starting to get worried that neither one of them had come back.

I turned on the stool I was sitting on to face Bentley, "I'm going to go look for Dominic. He should have been back by now." Bentley put both his hands on the tops of my thighs, and I froze.

"No, uh…," he looked over my shoulder, and then back at me, "You'll never find him with all the people in there. Plus, you don't know your way around. I'll go get him. You stay here, just in case Hailey shows up looking for you."

He released my thighs and walked past me. I let out the breath I did not realize I was holding. That was strange. I followed Bentley with my eye, and that was when I saw what exactly was holding Dominic up. Some girl was grinding herself all up on him, and kissing his neck. Being nearly tipsy from all the refills Bentley gave me, I stormed over to where Dominic was.

I shoved his shoulder. "What the f**k was that Dominic?"

He tried to grab my hand, but I yanked it back. "Baby what are you talking about; I was just telling her I had to go find you."

"Kenzie, what's wrong?" Hailey asked from behind me. Now she shows up.

"Stop the bullshit Dominic. I saw you dancing with her, and she was kissing your neck. You just left me in the f**king kitchen, waiting for you to come back." I looked back at Hailey, "I think I have had enough fun for one night. I'm leaving."

"Baby…," he started to say something, but I cut him off by grabbing Hailey's arm, and pulling her towards the front door. After what we just did outside, how he was doing this to me? What happened to the Dominic that made me feel as if I was his whole world?

Hailey pulled her arm, causing me to stop walking and turn around to look at her. "Kenzie, wait a second. I was just coming to find you to tell you I was going to stay with Logan for the night."

"Shit! Hailey, you just met him and you are already going to spend the night with him? Do you think that is such a good idea after you have been drinking?"

Looking past me over to where Logan was standing, she gave him an I'm sorry look, and then she nodded her head at me. "Okay let's get out of here."

I knew we both had not made many friends here at school since we had only been here a week. It was not fair to Hailey for me to guilt her into coming home with me tonight.

"No, no it's okay Hailey. You stay here and have some fun. I'm going to go out front and call a cab to come pick me up. Send me a text in the morning when you wake up, and please, be careful."

She gave me a hug, "Are you sure? I know he'll understand. We both have been drinking pretty heavy, so we were just going to stay here anyway. Logan knows Bentley, and he said we could take the extra bedroom for the night."

I gave Hailey a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah I'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow."

I was upset, and on the verge of breaking down in tears. I needed to get out of here. I opened the front door, and ran right into a hard chest. Groaning to myself for not paying attention, I mumbled, "I'm sorry," and tried to move around him. He kept blocking my path so I could not move past him. I looked up, wondering what the hell this guy's problem was. I started to tell him to get the f**k out of my way, but was shocked to see that it was Hunter.

I was frozen in place by his piercing blue eyes. "W-what are you doing here? You're a little late for the party."

He broke eye contact, and looked me up and down, "I live here CC. Where you off to by yourself, and where the hell is Hailey?"