Trying Not to Love You Page 21

"Shit!" I said as I let go of Hunter, and spun around to face Dominic.

Dominic walked over to me and grabbed my arm tightly. I knew I would have a bruise by morning. "Ow! Dominic you're hurting me. Let go." I tried to yank my arm free.

"What the f**k do you call that MacKenzie?" He seethed through his teeth while still glaring at Hunter.

"We were just dancing. Relax and let go of my damn arm." I said, trying to pry his fingers off me.

"Let her go Dom." Hunter demanded.

Dominic let go of my arm, then said, "You said you needed a break. I give you your space, and this is what you f**king do?"

"I wasn't doing anything." I said.

"Bullshit. We're leaving." Dominic stated, and reached for my hand.

"I'm not leaving with you like this. Calm the hell down. You have no right to be pissed off. I found f**king panties in your room. You didn't find boxers in mine." I yelled back at him.

He did not respond. He just pulled me towards the front door. I looked back to Hunter who was following me, and shook my head no. I did not want them to fight, and I knew that was where this was leading. When we made it outside and around the corner into an alleyway, Dominic pushed me up against the wall hard and crushed his lips to mine.

He groaned as he tried to deepen the kiss, and once his tongue swept into my mouth, I knew he had been drinking. I could taste the alcohol in his mouth. He fisted his left hand in my hair while his right hand reached down to the hem of my skirt. I squeezed my legs closed and pushed back on his chest, trying to get him to stop. Finally breaking the kissing, I yelled, "Damn it Dominic, what the f**k?"

Dominic dropped the hand that was on my upper thigh, and took a few calming breathes before he spoke. "You have no idea what you do to me. We need to get the f**k out of here."

"Hailey is in there. I'm not leaving without telling her first." Did he really think I was just going to leave with him?

"Fine, we'll go in and tell her we are leaving. And you're going to tell that prick to stay the hell away from you." He said.

"I'm not telling him to stay away from me. He didn't do anything wrong. We were just dancing." I said following behind him back into the bar.

He stopped right before he got to the door. "He wasn't doing anything? You're kidding right? He had his hands all over you, Kenzie." He ran his hands through his hair and pulled on it. "I know he has feelings for you. I've known for a long time. He will never pick you over your brothers. He's just using you."

I did not respond to him. I just walked past him, and opened the door to go tell Hailey I was leaving. I knew Dominic was right. Hunter would never be disloyal to my brothers. I was pissed at Dominic for bringing that up; I was pissed at myself for even thinking that tonight would mean anything to Hunter. I was only asking for more heartache.

Finally making it to Hailey, I told her I was leaving, and asked if she could grab my things from Hunter's, and bring them back with her. She told me she would, and that she would see me in the morning. As I was heading back to Dominic, Hunter stepped in my way.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a slight panicked look on his face.

"I'm leaving with Dominic. Tonight shouldn't have happened. You know that Hunter." I tried to step around him, but he stopped me.

He just stared at me as if he wanted to argue with me, but he did not say anything. That just pissed me off even more. I wanted him to tell me I was wrong, but he did not, he never would.

"You need to stay the hell away from me Hunter. You can't keep playing these head games with me. One minute, you are flirting and acting like you want me, then the next you are pushing me away. I'm tired of the back and forth." This time when I moved around him, he let me.

As Dominic and I made our way back to campus, neither one of us said anything to each other. I was pissed at myself for letting Hunter get to me. I was pissed off at Dominic for not being the boyfriend he used to be. When we pulled up to the dorms, I got out of Dominic's car, slammed the door shut and ran right to my room, locking the door behind me. Dominic tried knocking, but I did not answer and eventually, he left.


The next morning when Hailey came home, she was pretty quiet; I did not have much to say either. What would I have said? I freaked out because I was losing Dominic, and he pointed out the fact that Hunter would never want me. I wanted to know what happened after I left, but what would it have changed? Nothing. I just needed to get over Hunter, concentrate on Dominic and hope things would work out.

Hailey had made plans to meet up with Zeke from the bar last night, and she asked if I wanted to go along. I told her was not in the mood to go out, and that I was going to spend a quite night in bed reading. She told me I had until Monday to sulk, and that would be it. If I was not over my shit by then, she was calling my brothers. I promised her things would be ok. I just needed a little time by myself.

On Monday afternoon, I received a phone call from the library offering me a job. The only down fall was that it was from 6 p.m. until midnight, Monday through Thursday. I accepted the job because I needed time to myself and the distraction would be good for me. I was starting the following Monday, and Logan, of all people, would be training me.

When Hailey came back after her last class, I told her about the library job, and that Logan would be the person training me. She just shook her head and told me to watch my back. She had not talked to him since that day in the library and I was actually surprised by that, especially since she kept going on about him from the first time they met.

As the rest of the week went by, I would go to class, and come straight back to the dorms. Hailey wasn't around much since she seemed to be hanging out at Hunter's lately. When I saw her, I would act like I was fine and that nothing was bothering me. I think she bought my act. If she did not, she was not calling me out on it.

Saturday night, I got my first text from Dominic. I guess our taking a break was not bothering him as much as it was me. I finally caved, and texted him that we needed to talk. I did not trust him one hundred percent, but I still missed him. I missed him holding me. I missed him being sweet and caring. I even missed all the football talk. I finally gave up on him texting me back, so I plugged my phone into the charger and fell asleep.

The new text message alert on my phone woke me from a deep sleep. Sitting up, I rub the sleep from my eyes only to see that I actually had two new messages. The first was from Mason, letting me know that he would be staying at Hunter's in two weeks. The second one was from Dominic. It came in around four this morning, and made no sense whatsoever.