Trying Not to Love You Page 37

Arriving back at the dorms was gloomy; I didn't really want to be back here. It brought back too many memories.

Hailey sighed behind me; she must have been thinking the same thing. "Do we really have to stay here?"

Hunter looked at her through the rearview mirror and then back at me. "You guys can always stay with me. You know Bentley doesn't mind."

"You would be ok if we stayed the night?" I asked. I wanted to make sure this wasn't too much, too soon.

"Of course, or I wouldn't have offered." He leaned over and whispered, "I get you in my bed. I'd be a damn fool not to want you to stay with me."

Hailey groaned from the backseat, "Will you two please knock that shit off."

I laughed at her. She was just jealous that Mason wasn't here. "Ok, let's go to your house."

Later that night, Hunter got Hailey all set up in the spare room since no one was using it. I took a long hot bath. I had my iPad playing music, a candle Hunter had lit and a glass of wine next to me, just relaxing.

Hunter knocked on the door before coming in; he walked over to the tub and kneeled down beside it. He bent down and captured my lips. When our lips touched, the sparks were flying again.

I pulled back and he moaned. "Get in with me?" I should feel nervous since I was na**d in front of him but I wasn't.

He didn't move at first. I was expecting him to fight me but then he stood up and started stripping out of his clothes. Hunter had no reason to be ashamed. His body was perfect, all the way from his perfectly messy hair, his defined chest, his abs to that v between his hips. He was watching me rake my eyes up and down his body. I felt the flush reaching my cheeks, but he was too sexy for his own damn good.

Smirking at me with those bright blue eyes of his he said, "See something you like?"

"What is there not to like Hunter? You are absolutely gorgeous."

When he stepped into the tub, I sat up slightly so that he could sit behind me. Oh God, maybe this was not such a good idea. Once Hunter settled in, he reached for me and pulled me back against his chest. I moaned at the contact of our skin.

We sat there for a while, maybe a little unsure of what the other wanted. Hunter took the lead by helping me sit up. He reached behind him to grab the body wash, poured some in his hands and started washing my back. He rubbed circles from my neck all the way down my back to my ass. I whimpered a little when he stopped, but then he pulled me back against his chest again and started the same process again on my front. He caressed my shoulders, and paid special attention to my br**sts, lightly pinching my ni**les. When he did that, I arched my back at the sensation. Sliding his fingers up and down my stomach, I shifted my h*ps and tried to get him to go down further to the spot I wanted him the most.

When my h*ps shifted, I heard him take a quick breathe. He grabbed my h*ps to keep me in place. "CC, don't move baby."

I whined, "Please Hunter, I need you to touch me. This is killing me."

He shook his head and said, "Not tonight babe. You're not ready."

Not ready, is he kidding? I was more than ready.

He kissed my shoulders and neck for a few minutes before he reached down, let the water out of the tub and then turned the shower on. He helped me rinse the soap from my body and helped wash my hair. As much as I wanted Hunter to touch my middle, he never did.

I grabbed the body wash and started massaging Hunter's body. He had me so worked up, that if I couldn't get him to touch me, than I planned to make sure he was just as worked up as me. I started at his broad shoulders, moved down his pecs and then traced his well-defined abs with my fingers before following the V between his hips. I stopped and looked up, meeting his hooded eyes.

He looked so intense that I knew he would not stop me so I took my chances. I wrapped my hand around his length. His head fell back, and a hiss escaped through his teeth. I stroked him a few times before I continued down his legs and then back up and I washed his hair.

We dried each other off and Hunter gave me one of his shirts to sleep in. We climbed in bed and fell fast asleep, cuddled in each other's arms.

I could only hope that whatever was going on between us lasted, but for now, I would take anything he would give me.


Three weeks have passed since Hunter kissed me in the rain on Thanksgiving and things have been blissful, perfect really. Hunter and I have practically been joined at the hip. Christmas was a little less than a week away and I was looking forward to going home. I wanted to spend time with my family, especially baby Alex. Chloe, Jackson and my mom were always texting me cute little pictures of him.

More importantly, I couldn't wait to get away from school and spend some alone time with Hunter. We only saw each other when we are on our lunch together during the week and on Sundays. He worked nights at the bar every night except Sunday and I worked Monday thru Thursday night at the library. Hailey still hung out with Zeke, so he kept us entertained when Hunter could not.

On the Friday before we headed home, Hailey and I decided we were going to go out. We asked a couple of girls that we were friends with if they wanted to come along too. Hunter and Zeke both had to work that night and they expected wall-to-wall college kids at the bar because winter break had officially started.

Hailey and I headed out to grab a cab to take us to the bar. As the cab pulled up to the curb, I noticed a couple fighting in the parking lot. I thought it looked like Brittany and Logan, but I pushed that thought from my head.

The line to get into the bar wrapped around the side of the building, so Hailey asked the cab driver to drop us off at the door instead of the side where the line ended. The girls and I got out and made our way to the door where I was sure Hunter or Zeke would be. Hunter spotted me the second I was in his view, and a shit-eating grin spread across his face.

He motioned me over with his head. I looked at the girls. They all started giggling except for Hailey, who just rolled her eyes.

Hunter stood up from the stool he was sitting on and half hugged me. I don't think he was even supposed to do that. "CC, what are you doing here?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "The girls and I wanted a night out, so what better place to come then here?"

He looked behind me and said, "Hey girls, give me your hand and I'll stamp you in."

Gracie, Hailey, Zoey and I had our hands stamped and we made our way into the bar. As I walked past Hunter, I heard him radio someone that we were here and to keep an eye on us.

After dancing for a little while, we went to the bar for a drink. Hailey and I planned to order a soda since we were not old enough to drink, but the bartender shook her head and looked towards the door. She didn't ask us what we wanted; she just made the drinks and set them down in front of us. I started pulling money out of my clutch and again, she just shook her head at me again and, looked at the door.