Blood Red Road Page 21

Time shrieks to a halt. I cain’t move. I cain’t breathe. I cain’t take my eyes from his. I don’t want to.

Lookin deep inside of me.

Findin my darkest thoughts, my worst fears.

I know you, a voice whispers. I know you.

Cold starts to creep through my blood. I shiver. It runs through my whole body, from my toes to my head. He feels it. Sees it. There’s a slight flicker in his eyes. Then he moves, slips through the door an he’s gone.

It only lasted a heartbeat. Him an me, locked inside a heartbeat.

Nobody says nuthin fer a long moment. Nobody moves. It’s like we al felt the same thing. Like we al stopped breathin.

What jest happened here? Who is he? They’re al afeared of him.

Then the Cage Master lunges at the table, pours hisself a cup of grog an drinks it dry. He slumps into his chair, moppin at his forehead with his napkin.

So, says Miz Pinch, we unnerstand each other, I think.

Yes, he says. Of course. Now, you’ve brought somethin to show me. Yer latest acquisition, I take it. He looks me over with his greedy lit le eyes. So, you think she’l be good in the Cage.

I don’t think, Miz Pinch says, I know. This one’s very rare. Very fine.

Not like that last one you brought me then, he says. She was a disappointment. Didn’t cooperate at al . I was startin to think that maybe yer judgement ain’t what it used to be, ha ha!

Miz Pinch’s neck flushes a dul red. Her hands clench into fists. Mind what you say, Cage Master, she says.

I … I meant no disrespeck, Miz Pinch. You know me, I didn’t mean to—

Jest remember who yer talkin to, she says. Who I am. I got influence! Anyways, I dealt with that girl. She got what she deserved.

That’s right! That’s the way! Yer one in a mil ion! Wel go on, he says, let’s take a good look at this prize of yers.

Step up, she says to me. She goes to give me a push between the shoulders but I shrug her of .

Don’t give in to fear, Saba. Be strong, like I know you are.

I take my time walkin up to the table. My ankle chains clank on the stone floor. I hook a chair with my foot, pul it over an sit down.

I lift my chained hands, help myself to one of the roasted sparrows an bite the head o . Then I pour a cup of grog an drink it down, starin at him the whole time. I put the empty cup upside down on the table.

He narrows his eyes. Wel , he says, she’s bold enough, I’l grant you that. Stand up girl, let’s see you proper.

I look him up an down. I curl my lip.

He’s around the table in a ash. He grabs my arm an hauls me to my feet. Who’d think a fat man could move so fast? An he’s much stronger’n I thought he’d be. He pul s me tight aginst him.

Be very careful, he whispers in my ear. I’m in charge here. I don’t care who you are or where you come from. In Hopetown my word is

Be very careful, he whispers in my ear. I’m in charge here. I don’t care who you are or where you come from. In Hopetown my word is law. Unless I say so … yer nuthin. Less than nuthin. The dirt under my feet’s more use to me than you are. Do you understand?

I nod.

Good, he says. He licks my ear slowly. Then he steps away. My stummick turns over. I feel the blood rush to my face. I wanna scrub at my ear, chuck up, run from the room, but I cain’t. I don’t. I jest stare straight ahead.

She’s strong, says Miz Pinch. An smart too.

Strong, smart an bold. The Cage Master struts around me, lookin me up an down. Wel , she looks impressive. You might just have somethin here.

I told you, she says.

The Cage Master stares at me. Then he says, The question is, can she fight?

Only one way to find that out, says Miz Pinch.

Quite right, he says. An there ain’t no time like the present. Come.

The Cage Master walks to the door that DeMalo came through an throws it wide open. The roar that we heard before spil s into the room an fil s the air. He steps outside. We fol ow him.

We’re standin on a platform, lookin down on a great crowd of people.

Welcome to the Colosseum, he says.

I try to take it al in. The Cage Master’s house sits on the top of a hil . It sweeps down an away from the house. Down below us, cut into the hil side, there’s rows an rows of benches with three clear paths that cut through ’em from top to bot om.

The benches is crammed ful of people. Everybody’s shoutin an some of ’em’s leapin around an pointin an shakin their sts. An they’re al lookin at one thing.

A cage. At the bot om of the hil in a open space stands a big metal cage.

Inside there’s two men ghtin. From the roar of the crowd, from the smel of the excitement in the Colosseum, it looks like it’s buildin up to a big finish.

The ghters both barefoot, bare-armed, bare-legged. They wear short tunics. No weapons. They punch, wrestle, kick at each other, scramble up the sides of the cage an throw theirselves of to land on their opponent.

One of ’em’s git in tired. Blood’s pourin out a his nose an he’s startin to stagger, throw wild punches.

Looks like the end fer Artashir, says the Cage Master.

Artashir’s opponent backs him into a corner, picks him up by the throat with both hands an holds him there, slammin him aginst the cage bars. Artashir goes limp. The guy lets him go an he slithers to the floor.

The winner holds his hands over his head, pumps his sts in the air an the crowd goes crazy. They’re al pointin at the Cage, screamin an jumpin around. Some of ’em’s even fightin with each other an guards wade in to break it up. Their eyes look wild.

Artashir pul s hisself slowly to his feet. He stands there, swayin slightly. The crowd boos. Then they turn to face our platform an start to chant, Gauntlet! Gauntlet! Gauntlet!

Artashir looks up at the Cage Master. The Cage Master stares down at him.

I usual y look forwards to this bit, he says. But there’s somethin about this one.… His wil to live seems to be stronger ’n most. I s’pose that’s why he’s lasted so long. He’s certainly been good for business. Wel , no point get in sentimental. He’s lost his last two ghts an this one makes three. Rules is rules.

He tugs the red napkin from around his neck an, holdin it in his right hand, raises it above his head. The crowd’s screamin even louder by now.

The Cage Master sighs. Oh let’s get on with it, he says. Then he brings down his arm.

Two burly cagekeepers open the cage door an pul out Artashir. The crowd al rushes towards the path that runs up the middle of the Colosseum, climbin over each other, punchin an kickin to get right next to it.

Armed guards haul people out a the way, push ’em back so the path stays clear.

They live fer this, says the Cage Master. They’re worse than animals. That’s what too much chaal does to you. Fools.

Then everybody starts to stomp their feet on the ground. The whole place shakes, even the platform we’re standin on. The stompin gits faster and faster.

The keepers push Artashir forwards. He looks around the Colosseum. He drags in deep breaths through his nose, his head held high. Then his face changes. Hardens. Like he’s made a decision. He stares up at the Cage Master an spits on the ground.

The Cage Master gives a lit le laugh.

Then Artashir throws back his head an roars. Bel ows like a wild beast that’s bin hunted down, that’s cornered but that’s gonna go down fightin.