Perfecting Patience Page 3

His body moved against mine. Stomach to stomach, sliding back and forth until the friction was so pleasurable I couldn’t control the sounds I made. He whispered his approval and rested his forehead against mine. The heat of our two bodies filled the room as a thin layer of sweat developed in the places where our skin touched.

I dug my fingernails into his flesh and my heels into the bed. His rhythm picked up and his breathing matched his movements as he rocked his body against mine. Just out of reach was the cure for my ache. I urged him to move me closer as the tingling heat moved into my thighs and lower stomach.

“That’s it, baby. You’re almost there.”

The tension snapped and relief ran down my spine, down into my core, and everything was released. I cried out his name and in turn he moved faster and harder. Soon after, he threw his head back and growled his release.

His body collapsed on top of mine. Hot breath rushed onto my neck before he placed his warm lips against my tingling flesh.

“Forever,” he whispered in my ear.

I was exhausted. My mouth spread into a satisfied sleepy smile. It wasn’t much longer until I fell asleep in his arms. There were no nightmares and dreams weren’t needed anymore since anything I’d ever want to dream about was pressed tightly against me. Things couldn’t have been more perfect.


Time slipped by without care, and then hard beating on the hotel room door awoke me. Half asleep, I kept my eyes closed as the bed shifted and cold air replaced Zeke. The sounds of him walking to the door filled the room and he cursed when he stepped on something.

The door creaked open and Chet’s voice slipped in.

“Dude, I need to wash my ass and all my shit’s here. Cover your junk ‘cause I’m coming in.”

I sat up in bed quickly and pulled the sheet up to my chin.

“Hold the fuck on, man! My girl’s naked in here,” Zeke yelled as Chet forced himself into the room.

I saw the instant relief in his eyes when he turned and saw me covered completely. He smiled over at me and I smiled back.

Chet didn’t miss our silent communication and he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“I sure as hell hope last night was nice because my night sucked massive cock and balls,” he said as he flipped open his suitcase and started digging through his clothes.

I suddenly felt bad about taking over his room the night before.

“I’m sorry, Chet,” I said as I sent him an apologetic smile.

He laughed and threw a pair of balled-up socks at me. “No worries. I get the whole hot reunion sex thing. Still, it was hell last night.”

“Ah, come on now. It couldn’t have been that bad,” Zeke said as he crossed his arms and leaned his shoulder against the wall.

He looked so sexy in his drawstring sweats that were barely hanging on his tattooed hips. Sweatpants had never looked so hot.

“Fuck you, bro. Finn sleeps naked and Tiny snores like a damn grizzly bear. I felt like I was watching the fucking Natural Geographic channel or some shit. All I’m saying is I hope last night was fun. I had to sleep my sexy ass on the hard hotel room floor. There’s no telling what kind of nasty body fluids are mixed up in that carpet, man. I probably slept with two or three females last night and there weren’t even any in the room.”

Zeke and I laughed at that.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go ahead and get your laughs in, but I suggest y’all find somewhere else to smash ass because I’m sleeping in my bed tonight.”

Chet grabbed the rest of his stuff and headed out of the room. I called out that I was sorry once more, and he winked over at me before Zeke shut the door in his face.

“So what you want to do today?” Zeke asked as he slid back in bed with me.

I rested my head on his arm and he kissed my forehead.

“Today?” I asked as I pointed at the afternoon sky.

The sun was barely peeking over the horizon and I knew it wouldn’t be long before the moon was high and all the sunny spots in Florida would be covered in black.

“Okay, so what do you want to do tonight? I say we get a shower and stay in bed.” He brushed a finger down the side of my stomach.

“I need some fresh clothes.”

“Nah, you’re perfect just the way you are. I like you naked.” He leaned over and ran his nose up the side of my face.

“That’s all well and good, but we need to eat, and I’m positive if I leave this room naked I’ll get arrested.”

He nuzzled the side of my neck and breathed me in. “Handcuffs. Sounds like good times.”