Playing Patience Page 16

“Oh my God, Megan. That’s… I don’t know. I look like a different person.” I was shocked.

“No, you don’t. You look hot. Not that you aren’t always hot, but I just accentuated your hotness.”

“Yeah, um… not so much, but thanks. At least now I won’t stick out so much. Promise you won’t run off with Chet and leave me alone at this place.”

“Oh, please! Last time taught me a lesson. I’ll be hooked to your side like your sexy conjoined twin.” She picked through the makeup on her dresser, throwing random things into her bag.

Gerald, the doorman, said nothing this time as we slipped past him. The Pit, once again, was full of people bouncing off the concrete walls, all dressed in black. Except this time I fit right in. While I was still uncomfortable, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the first time. I was completely prepared and I was determined not to lose Megan in the crowd this time.

The band was already playing as we made our way to the bar. We ordered something in a bottle and asked the bartender to give it to us unopened. That got us a stink eye, but we didn’t care. This time we were determined to walk out, preferably not drugged and on the verge of death. We hooked pinkies as we made our way close to the stage. Chet winked at Megan once we were close to the front of the group.

I took a quick peek at Zeke and he looked right over me as he scanned the crowd through his dark bangs. I felt a slight twinge when he didn’t even notice me, but then I realized I didn’t look exactly like the girl he found half dead on the disgusting bathroom floor. When he turned his head away, I took advantage of the time and checked out his tattoos. The one that stuck out the most was the nautical star on the top of his hand that melted onto the side of his wrist. I’m not sure what it was about the tattoo that was so appealing, but that, combined with the flexing of his muscles as he played, was very attractive.

I was beginning to understand Megan’s fascination with bad boys, although I’d never admit that to her. Zeke had been a total dick to me both times we spoke, but he wasn’t handsy and he didn’t make any sexual advances toward me, and in some way I appreciated that about him.

Then again, looking around at all the tattooed, half-naked women in the room, I obviously wasn’t his type and just a small part of me wanted to be like the girls around me. I may look the part tonight, but this wasn’t me at all and no amount of tiny clothes or makeup could make me like them.

Zeke strummed the chords for his solo and once again I was caught with how untouchable he was for me. He closed his eyes as he played and the light glinted off the piercing on his eyebrow. I found myself jealous of his freedom to be himself. Just like the first time I saw him, he was dripping with moody sexiness. The fact that I could describe him as sexy was a huge step for me, but it was the truth and all the girls pushing toward the stage to get into his line of vision knew it just as much as I did. Zeke Mitchell was sexy. He was a total asshole, but I guess it worked for him.

After a few unopened bottles of beer, and entirely too many stink eyes from the bitchy bartender, I was starting to feel myself relax. The alcohol had made its way through my system and down into my limbs. I was beginning to enjoy myself. I even caught myself swaying to the music every now and again.

An hour after that, I was dancing with Megan and a group of people I didn’t know. I was jumping up and down, screaming lyrics I’d just learned, and laughing like I hadn’t laughed since I was seven. Like, real laughter, not the fake stuff that I produced around people at school. It was an amazing feeling. I could totally see myself becoming an alcoholic real quick if it meant feeling this way all the time.

And then suddenly the fun was over. The crowd broke and darted in different directions as The Pit filled with police officers. Megan grabbed my hand and pulled me in her direction, but the beer had taken its toll and my reflexes weren’t working.

“Come on, Patience! Pick up your feet!” she screamed over the loudness.

The music had stopped and all I could hear were the sounds of the police yelling for everyone to freeze. The lights were flickering and I saw a few people get trampled. Then Megan’s hand was ripped from mine and I was thrown back. I lost my balance and fell hard onto the sticky concrete floor. I tried to get up, but some girl stepped on me and I fell back onto my stomach. Then I felt a strong grip on my arms as someone pulled me into the standing position. For a brief moment, I felt relief, but then my arms were pulled behind my back and I was handcuffed.



“You going to class?” Chet asked, as he passed me a joint.