On the Plus Side Page 11

After putting two dollars in the parking meter, I walked to the store. The entire time I prayed that everyone inside wore name tags.

It’d be more believable if I approached her at the little café, so right now called for just a little harmless flirting as I browsed the jewelry. Getting her to notice me was my number one goal.

The little bell over the door rang out as I walked into the empty store. The only reason I knew the place was even open was because of the big bright open sign in the front window.

I walked to one of the jewelry counters and started to look at all the expensive rings in the case. I made my way down to the earrings and decided they were more in my price range. In all reality, I didn’t have a price range, but I figured this was worth digging out of the savings for the loan payment. Besides, if this worked I’d have all the money we needed plus more.

“Anything in particular you’re looking for?” A female voice called from in front of me.

I looked up at the girl on the other side of the counter. She was short and chunky. Long, dark hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back while a thick set of bangs swooped over her right eye. Her cute, round face boasted clear skin and a juicy set of pouty lips.

Stylishly dressed in a low cut top, I was able to see the rise of her soft cleavage from my height. One of the perks of being a big girl had to be an amazing rack because she sure as hell had a nice set of tits on her.

She reached up and pushed her bangs from her face. The movement pushed a wave feminine scent straight at me. She smelled amazing, like vanilla and cherries. It was really nice, not too over bearing like the horrible perfumes Renee liked to smother herself in.

I took a better look at her as she pushed her hair out of her face and smiled. She had the biggest brown eyes…deep-set bedroom eyes with a sexy tilt that hid the secrets of a sensual woman. Honestly, she was kind of pretty…. in a chunky cute girl kind of way, if you’re into that.

While I checked out her tits, her name tag popped out at me. She was Lilly…my financial savior.

“Actually, I’m kind of lost when it comes to jewelry,” I said, as I nibbled my bottom lip. I was happy to see her eyes dip to my mouth. “I’m not really sure what she likes.” I shot her my “I want you” smile and let my eyes noticeably wander over her face.

I relished in the deep blush that invaded her cheeks since it signified that I was doing my job well. I was just getting started and she was already blushing. This was going to be a walk in the park.

“What kind of girl is she? What do you think she’d like?” She nervously bit the inside of her mouth.

“I don’t really know. What do you like?” I leaned my elbows against the counter to be eye level with her.

“I like lots of things.” She quietly giggled as she started to fidget. It was charming. “But she may not like what I like.”

“Ah, come on. Play along with me. If you could have anything in here what would it be?” I asked.

I kept hoping she’d show me something that wasn’t too expensive. This chick was rich and I didn’t want her thinking I was a poor guy when I couldn’t afford what she picked out.

“You’re serious? You want me to pick out jewelry for someone I don’t know?” She flashed me a weird confused look.

“No, I want you to pick out jewelry that you like. I’m positive that if you like it then she will, too. Humor me, please.” I tilted my head and gave her my puppy dog eyes.

Her face turned pink again and I felt a rush of primal satisfaction. I’ve affected woman before, but for some strange reason seeing her reaction gave me a rush.

“OK, well—um—I’m more of a necklace girl,” she said as she walked down to another case with necklaces in it.

“I’m not really into expensive jewelry,” she continued. “So, that knocks out everything on this side of the case.”

A rich girl who didn’t like expensive jewelry? Fascinating.

I listened as she continued picking out the perfect necklace for herself.

“I prefer silver over gold, so that knocks out half of the necklaces on this side of the case.”

Her fingers moved softly over the different necklaces and for a brief moment I wondered what those hands would feel like against my skin. She had cute fingers…nice nails, too. I appreciated that her medium length, baby pink nails were her own. I hated those God-awful acrylic nails that most girls wore. Short was fine, but some girls went overboard with the length. My boys and I would laugh as we wondered how girls wiped their asses with nails that long.