On the Plus Side Page 14

I was praying that I made some kind of impression on this girl, at least enough to get her to agree to go on a date with me. Everything was riding on this girl and making her happy for three months.


Luck of the Rolls

“I don’t even know your name and you want me to go out with you?”

This day couldn’t have gotten any more bizarre. First, Shannon gets a mystery illness and I have to fill in all day long on a day that was supposed to be my half day. That worked out well though because I got to cancel my coffee date with my mom. Then, when I thought I was going to die from boredom at the store, this tall, sexy somebody comes walking in and actually starts to flirt with me. Which I have to admit, I kind of enjoyed that part.

Then, to top it all off, when I get to Mirabelle’s for my lunch break, who else but tall and sexy is sitting, practically waiting on me. Stranger things have happened, but I couldn’t help but want to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming.

I stared back at the gorgeous man sitting across from me. He couldn’t have been more perfect. It was like someone took all the physical qualities that I found attractive and put them all into this one extremely sexual stranger. It was almost unnatural that this beautiful man even spared me a look, much less talked to me, and yet, he was here and he was asking me out.

Even sitting his tall frame towered over me. He made me feel small and anything that made a girl my size feel small was a damn good thing.  His dark, wavy tresses melted down the side of his face and connected with his facial hair. I enjoyed the way his thin mustache and light goatee encircled his seductive mouth and turned it into a target for kissing.

His wandering green gaze held sexual secrets and promised fulfillment as it slid over my face, down my neck, and then very brazenly over my cleavage. He was fearless, confident, and it was such a huge turn on.

I remember at the jewelry store having to look up at him and the way he smiled when he looked down at me. Can you say sexy? Because I sure as hell can! The man had a smile that could bring a girl right to her knees, which would be bad considering I’d have a hell of a time getting back up. He had on a hunter green sweatshirt and relaxed jeans that looked like they were specifically made for him. He was born and bred to be eye candy. No other qualifications necessary with a man like this.

I realized then that he was talking to me and I had no idea what he was saying. Embarrassment seeped in when I was caught gawking at him like a drooling dog, or should I say like a drooling, fat sow? I almost burst out laughing at my own thoughts, but instead, a huge, goofy grin spread across my face. He smiled back at me and got quiet.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I could feel my face burning.

He chuckled a little before answering. It was as if he’d heard all my crazy thoughts.

I said my name is Devin…and you’re Lilly?” He leaned over and ran his finger softly across my name tag, which was practically on my left boob.

I felt his touch through my clothing and soon I felt my nipples getting hard inside my bra. They were probably pointing out like daggers saying, “Hey, hot guy! Look at me, look at me!” I put my head down and took a deep breath. My nervousness was becoming annoying. You’d think I’d never talked to a hot guy before in my life. It’s not like they’re lined out my door waiting to have a conversation with me or anything, but I’ve spoken with attractive men. Of course, those conversations were nothing like the one we were having. He was verbally screwing my brains out as far as I was concerned.

I had to pull it together and fast. I wasn’t some fifteen-year-old virgin…I was a twenty-year-old virgin. The extra age alone should give me more nerve control. Not to mention, with my undying virginal status, it was obvious that I was in need of some male attention. My nipples practically leapt from my body with a single caress of my damn name tag. I was minutes away from stripping naked and screaming, “Oh yeah, baby, finger my name tag!”

I made a mistake by letting my eyes dip to his mouth again and his smile knocked me stupid once more.

“Yes, my name’s Lilly. It’s nice to meet you, Devin.”

“It’s nice to meet you, too. Now, are you gonna put me out of my misery and go out with me?”

His voice was so rich and creamy. Yes…creamy. It was becoming obvious to me that I watched entirely too many cooking shows since the only word that even came close to describing his voice was creamy. The word made me imagine him smoothing peanut butter all over me and licking it off.  I’d make myself a Lilly peanut butter cup for this man…no questions asked.