On the Plus Side Page 33

Within the hour, we were at some strange house with a bunch of laughing, drunken people. It was pretty exciting. Technically, it was my first house party.

Matt handed me a fruity drink before leaving me and Devin alone. I watched as he made his way through the room and socialized with random women.

“He’s a dog, you know?” Devin spoke as his sipped on his soda.

I thought it was really cool that he wasn’t drinking so that he could drive.

“What?” I asked.

“Matt, he’s a good friend. Don’t get me wrong, but he’s a man-whore. He flirts with everyone. I just wanted to let you know before you run off with him for the rest of the night.” He shrugged and looked away like he could care less.

“Whatever,” I laughed and playfully pushed at his hard chest.

I met so many different people, some were friends of Devin’s, some were friends of a friend, like me. I felt very welcomed and comfortable. It was nothing like high school that was for sure.

Before long, I had quite the buzz. I’m not sure how many drinks I had, but I thought for sure that my bladder would explode in a matter of minutes if I didn’t find the nearest bathroom.

The music was muffled once I was in the bathroom. I tried to reapply my makeup and look a little more presentable. I laughed at myself when I realized that I actually looked drunk. My eyes were glazed over and my cheeks were flushed. I even noticed myself leaning a little more onto the bathroom counter than I usually would.

“No more drinks for you, Lilly,” I said to myself with a little chuckle.

I left the bathroom and was making my way down a long, empty hallway that led to the party when I met Devin. Like the drunken person that I was, I gave in and leaned against the wall.

“Stick a fork in me. I’m done!” I giggled when I heard myself slurring. The giggle was followed by a hiccup.

He laughed.

“Do you want me to take you home?” An adorable smile spread across his face.

“Yes, please.” I pressed my cheeks against the cold wall and closed my eyes.

The hallway seemed to be shifting under my feet and I knew that I had definitely over done it in the drinking department. A soft moan escaped my lips as I switched cheeks against the cool hallway wall.

Suddenly, I felt fingers in my hair. I turned toward the hands and enjoyed the feel of it. He worked his fingers through the strands and tucked stray pieces of hair behind my ear. Soon, I felt his soft lips against mine. His kiss was so soft and sweet. I let him take my lips. I heard myself making little noises, but it was like the alcohol had washed away the filters in my brain and I was free to say whatever I wanted.

“That feels amazing,” I slurred.

“You feel amazing,” he whispered in my ear.

My sexual tension snapped and I turned and kissed him. I used my palms to push him up against the wall as I attacked his mouth like a starving woman. I felt like I could do anything. I had no fear whatsoever about being rejected. I kissed him harder and faster as I pinned him to the wall with my body. He delved his hands into my hair and turned my head to get deeper into the kiss.

Liquid bravery…I’d been taking shot after shot of that shit all night and now I could do anything I wanted. I reached down the front of him and grabbed his hardness through his jeans. He was turned on and the noises he made once I was touching him were making me even more courageous.

I had no idea what the hell I was doing, I just knew I wanted to touch him everywhere. I started to move my hand up and down and I felt his body go tense as he let out a little growl. I moved closer to him and continued to kiss him like the deprived woman that I was.

I moved away from his lips and nibbled at his ear before I moved to his neck. More little noises were pulled from him. His breathing got hard and fast as I continued to run my hand over the front of his pants over and over again. He whispered my name and it drove me harder.

“Lilly, stop,” he rasped against my mouth.

I continued touching him and kissing him.

“Please, Lilly, this is wrong. You have to stop.”

His voice was soft and inviting. He didn’t sound like a man that wanted me to stop. He sounded like he was begging me to keep going. The whining sound in his voice let me know that he definitely did not want to stop.

I didn’t. Instead, I reached down inside his jeans and grabbed him.

“Yes,” he whispered into my mouth. “Fuck yes, touch me, baby.”

I moved my hand up and down the best I could since his belt was cutting into my arm. He was so hot to the touch and while he was hard as a rock, he still managed to feel soft to the touch.