On the Plus Side Page 38

I can only imagine what my face looked like in that moment. I adjusted my shirt and stepped up to the counter.

“Hey, Matt. It’s good to see you again. What can I do for you?”

“Ah, how sweet…you remembered my name. I didn’t think you would’ve remembered anything with as much as you had to drink that night,” he joked.

Shannon cleared her throat.

“I see you have this taken care of, I’ll just be in the back if you need me,” she said as she left to go to the back of the store.

“You’re looking good today, Lilly. Did you do something different with your hair?” He tilted his head and worked that mind-shattering smile.

He’s good, but Devin’s better.

I could feel my face starting to burn as I cleared my throat nervously.

“Um—is there something you were looking for?” I tried to change the subject back to his purpose at the jewelry store.

“Nope, I came here looking for you.”

The butterflies in my stomach were having one hell of a party and for a minute I couldn’t think of a response. He knew what he was doing to me, I could tell by his satisfied expression. He ran his eyes down my body and then back up before smiling. He sucked in his bottom lip and then ran his tongue across his top lip.

It was shameless and kind of tacky. It was different from Devin’s smooth seductive manor. Matt was trying too hard…Devin didn’t have to try.

“Well, here I am, now what can I do for you,” I repeated.

“You can go out with me this Saturday night,” he cocked his perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

“Excuse me?”

No way was this happening. Just weeks ago I was approached by Devin, who is probably the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, and now today the second sexiest man I’ve ever seen is standing in front of me asking me to go out with him. I must have heard him wrong.

“I want to take you out, unless of course you and Devin are still…”

“No! Devin and I aren’t anything,” I said too quickly.

Great now it was probably obvious that I was totally falling for Devin. What can I say? I’m a master at being calm, cool, and collected. Not!

“I actually have something I have to do this Saturday night. I’m sorry, maybe some other time.” I mustered as nicely as possible.

Sure he looked tastier than that pint of cookies and cream that was probably melting in the back of the store. Sure, the way he eyed me made me want to throw myself at him and beg him for things that I have absolutely no clue about, but my achy girl parts were thanks to Devin, not Matt, and there was no way in the good name of Ben and Jerry’s that I was going to take that road again.

I don’t know why, but for some crazy, unknown reason hot men were throwing themselves in front of me. Thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather spare myself the drama. I may not know what the hell Devin wanted, but I know exactly what Matt the muscular man -whore wants and I think I’ll pass on my turn to take a spin on that tilt-a-whirl.

At least that was my plan.  Apparently, Shannon had other plans.

“Lil, why don’t you invite your new friend to your birthday party Saturday night?” She wasn’t really paying any attention to us as she started to stock things behind the counter.

For that reason she missed it when I gave her our secret shut up look. You know the bug-eyed tight mouth look that everyone gives to their not so smart, speak before they think, friends.

“I love birthday parties,” Matt said.

How is it possible to make a single sentence, like that one, sound like a sexual invitation? Where does one learn a skill like that?

“You—you do?” I stuttered.

“Oh yes. So, are you gonna invite me? I’ll make sure to give you something really good for your birthday,” he whispered.

Needless to say, I now had a date to my birthday party Saturday night. Thank you very much loud-mouthed Shannon!

Even though I prayed that the time would go slowly, Saturday rapidly approached and I was getting dressed for the big, unnecessary birthday party. Honestly, I’d rather hang out with the girls watching movies all night. I have no desire to spend the night of my birthday in a room full of people who only consider me a friend because they think that my mother’s rich.

The doorbell rang and then I heard muffled voices.

“Lilly! Matt’s here!” She called through our small apartment.

I finished getting dressed and then threw on my shoes. I checked the mirror one more time.  I grabbed my bag and made my way into the living room. Matt’s eyes lit up when he saw me and for a minute I let myself enjoy the compliment his eyes gave me.