On the Plus Side Page 42

I could feel her nervously shaking against me and it pushed me harder. Although I knew that I shouldn’t, I had to. I couldn’t take it anymore! She was too close and she smelt so good. She felt good in my arms and I missed her like crazy, like really, really missed her.

“I’m just sorry. Do me a favor and say you forgive me.”

I knew what I was asking her for. I was asking her to forgive me for what was to come. I just needed to hear her say it.

“I forgive you,” she smiled up at me.

I leaned down and kissed her without a care for anything. There was no shop and home loan that needed to be paid. There was no devious, rich-bitch mom on my back. There was just me and my sweet Lilly, and right then, in that moment, it was all I needed.

When I broke the kiss I looked down at her. Her eyes remained closed.

“Happy birthday, baby, I’m sorry I kind of ruined your party,” I said as I placed soft kisses on her cheeks and nose.

It was a new low for playboy Devin and I liked it.

“You didn’t ruin it, you made it perfect,” I felt her arms get tighter around my neck.

I kissed her again and for just that moment, decided to forget about everything but her.


Meet the Michaels

“Are you gonna be like this all week or are you gonna snap out of it soon?” Shannon asked with a smile.

I continued to stare out of the store window and daydream of Devin. It had been two weeks since my birthday party and things couldn’t be more perfect. We spent hours on the phone every day and when we weren’t on the phone or at work, we were together.

Some nights he would come to my apartment and we’d watch movies all cuddled up on the couch. Sometimes we’d go to dinner, some nights we’d stay in and make a mess in my kitchen cooking things we had no clue how to cook. I’d never smiled so much in my life. I’d never laughed so much in my life. I’ve never been this happy… ever.

On game night I included him and he fit right in. My friends adored him. Randy drooled over him and later told me that he thought Devin was a hot piece of ass.

After everyone left and Shannon suspiciously got too tired to stay awake another minute, Devin and I cleaned the messy apartment.  He looked so cute loading the dishwasher with a little dish cloth slung over his shoulder.

“What a good little maid you are,” I joked.

He smirked at me with his all-too sexy self. All the crazy “I want to jump his bones” feelings came crashing over me. Over the last couple of weeks there were lots of smiles and jokes. There was tons of tickling and cuddling and even though we both pretended it wasn’t there, there was so much tension. No matter what, I didn’t want to seem like I was throwing myself at him in any way and even though he never said it, I could tell that he was trying especially hard to keep his distance.

It didn’t make any sense to me. We were both adults and I can look at him and tell he was experienced. I never asked how many women he’d been with, but it was obvious from his mannerisms that the man knew his way around a woman’s body, no map needed. He had his own inner sense of direction and I’d love nothing more than to let him find his way through my valley.

When all was cleaned I walked him to the front door.

“Text me when you get home and let me know you made it safely,” I said.

“OK,” he yawned.

“If you’re too tired, you can crash here. I can get you a blanket and you can sleep on the couch if you want.”

“Nah, I need to get home. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow at the shop and I wanna get an early start. Goodnight. Sweet dreams, baby,” he whispered as he gave me the traditional kiss on the cheek.

His lips warmed the side of my face and I felt his breath against my ear. The man was making me crazy. Without thinking, I reached up and rested my hand against his cheek.  I ran my thumb across his lips—his light mustache tickled the tip of my thumb. His eyes connected with mine and all time stopped.

All too soon I snatched my hand away.

“Goodnight,” I said.

When he left I closed my door, made sure everything was off, and then got ready for bed. Thirty minutes later, I was snuggled up in my bed when I got a text. I picked up the phone and read it.

I’m home, but I wish I was with you.

I did indeed have sweet dreams that night.

It was exactly a week later that Devin took me to his house for the first time. We were out and about when he realized that he’d forgotten his wallet. He didn’t seem too happy about having to go all the way back to his house, but we made the thirty minute trip from Charleston to Walterboro anyway.