On the Plus Side Page 59

More memories of being taunted in high school slammed into my mind, all the horrible names, all the bullying and teasing.

“Just let her go,” I tried to sound as calm as possible.

“Why don’t you go downstairs and find something to eat. I’m sure you’d much rather be stuffing your fat trap than worrying about other people’s business.”

“Oh fuck that. I got something I can stuff in her fat trap.”

They laughed again.

With a growl I threw myself at the guy closest to me, but he was stronger than he looked. He pushed me against the wall and I watched as his fist came up. In slow motion it came down against my face.

My cheek exploded and I tasted the blood instantly. I reached out and dug my nails into whatever skin I could find. I could hear Jenny fighting with the other guy in the background. I needed to get to her. I needed to help her.

Another hit came and I felt myself go dizzy. I heard cheerleaders laughing and at the same time I could see Jenny fighting for her life across the room as I fell to the floor. The memory was somehow blending with my reality.

I heard her continue to scream and fight, but every time I attempted to get up there was another kick to my ribs. Finally, the kicks never stopped as my attacker repeatedly put his steel-toed boot into my stomach.

With every kick, I could hear the echoed laughter of teenage girls. I could hear them calling me Large Lilly. It was a replay of when I was fifteen, except instead of a group of girls I was being kicked and punched by a grown man. I must say I preferred the girls.

Just like before, my body went numb and I could no longer feel his kicks. I knew in the back of mind that the numbness was a bad thing.

I heard Jenny scream again and I tried with everything I had to get up once more. Instead of my stomach, I saw his foot coming toward my face. I tried to reach out, but I couldn’t lift my arms. I felt his large boot on the side of my head, and then the room went black.


Breaking News

I heard my cell phone ringing. In my sleep I couldn’t decide if it was really ringing or if I was dreaming. I kept thinking in my sleepy daze that maybe it was Lilly calling me. Then I realized my cell phone really was ringing and had been for a long time.

I jumped up quick and rummaged through the strange, dark room looking for my phone. I found it inside the couch I was sleeping on.

The number wasn’t familiar. I figured it must be Renee. How she got my new cell number, I had no idea, but only she would have the guts to actually call me at this time in the morning. Knowing her, it was probably something juvenile and stupid.

“Hello!” I screamed into the phone.

“Devin! It’s Dad, you awake?” He sounded like he was panicking. Dad never panicked.

“What’s wrong?” I said.

I rubbed my eyes abruptly and shook my head trying to shake the sleep from my brain.

“You need to get back in town as soon as possible…something’s happened.”

I was already on my feet and the minute he said that I felt like I was falling.

“What’s happened? Are you OK? Where’s Jenny?” I blurted out as I grabbed at random pieces of clothing I had lying around the room.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and the t-shirt I wore earlier that day. I threw things into my suit-case and was ready to go before he spoke again.

“Jenny’s been hurt. There were so many of them. I should’ve been there. She couldn’t…I don’t know how, but Lilly…she tried…,” he stuttered.

“Slow down, Dad. Calm down and tell me exactly what happened. What about Jenny and Lilly?” I asked in a panic.

“She’s…I don’t know if she’ll be OK. If it wasn’t for Lilly she might not have…we need you home, Devin. Jenny was asking for you. Just please get to Saint Marion Hospital as soon as possible OK? I don’t wanna do this over the phone and please be careful. I can’t stomach the thought of losing either of you tonight. I love you, Son, and I’ll see you soon.”

There was silence on the other line before the screen on my phone went black. Dad had hung up and whatever was going on was bad.

Dad was sober and he was still stuttering. That alone scared the shit out of me. What the hell was going on back home?

I didn’t even stop to tell Alex I was leaving. I didn’t care about that. I just needed to get back home to Charleston as soon as possible.  All I could do was pray that they were OK.

Questions filled my mind as I threw my suit-case in the backseat of my car.  I stood beside it for a minute before I got in.