On the Plus Side Page 69

His eyes shot to mine and there was a brief flash of panic in his glazed over green eyes. Just as quickly, his smiling laid back persona slipped into place.

So, what are we doing today, gorgeous?” He asked with a smirk.

He had completely ignored my question. We had never talked about his mother. I’d always sensed that it was a sore subject, but I gathered from my conversations with Jenny that his mom had left them when they were young.

“Devin,” I reached out and laid my hand over his arm. “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“Yes, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to talk about it. Wanna have another movie in bed day?” He nuzzled my check.

“That’s not what I was talking about, sweetie.” He tensed up next to me. “I meant do you want to talk about the nightmare and your mom?”

His sweet and smiling face went dark.

“Just drop it, please.”

He climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom.  I heard the shower water turn on and I knew I had pushed the wrong button. I felt awful.

I followed him into the bathroom and stood in the door way. He stuck a hand into the shower water to check the temperature then he noticed me standing there.

“Come for the show?” He asked as he slowly started to untie his drawstring pants.

“Are you gonna give me a show?” I flirted back.

“Come here.” His voice was stern and demanding.

I walked to him then leaned up to kiss his soft lips. The kiss started out soft and sweet, but soon Devin took over and our tongues were fighting for ground.

He backed me up until I felt the bathroom counter meet the back of my thighs. He stopped kissing me and quickly turned me to face the bathroom mirror. I watched our reflection as he very slowly kissed the side of my neck then bit down on my earlobe. His eyes never left mine in the mirror. It was so sexy.

He worked his hands around the bottom of my t-shirt, then lifted it and took it off of me. I was standing there in my panties in front of him and I couldn’t bring myself to look at my naked reflection. I knew once I saw myself my mood would turn sour.

I turned my eyes away. I could only imagine how my pale, chunky body looked next to his firm, tan one.

“Don’t look away,” he said roughly in my ear.

I flicked my eyes back to his and held them there. As long as I looked into his eyes, I was fine. I just didn’t want to see myself.

He ran his hands up my sides and brought them around to my stomach.

“Watch my hands,” he rasped.

“No,” I whispered.

I felt my expression drop. Looking at his hands meant looking at my stomach.

“Do you have a problem looking at yourself?” His breath blew into my ear as he nibbled softly on the lobe.

It felt so good and I let my eyes flutter closed.

“Open your eyes and look at yourself.” His voice was rough.

My eyes popped back open and took us in. Like I had expected, his body looked darker and firmer compared to mine.

“I love looking at your body. It’s so sexy and succulent.” He ran his nose down my hairline and breathed me in. “I love kissing and tasting you here.” He brought both his hands up and cupped my breasts. Then he slowly worked his hands back down my body until he was at my panty line. He dipped a finger inside my panties and ran it across my pleasure point. “And I especially love kissing and tasting you here.”

My legs wobbled and a tiny noise escaped my lips.

“Did I mention that you taste amazing?” His tongue peeked out and licked quickly at the side of my neck.

He moved his finger again, barely grazing me on my most sensitive spot. My body begged for him to put pressure there and to move his fingers lower and deeper.

“I bet you want to be touched here,” he pressed. “I bet you wanna cum. Don’t you?”

“Yes.” My voice sounded deep and seductive. It surprised me when I heard it.

He slowly started to push my panties down. Once they were at my ankles I stepped out of them. He ran his hands down my arms until they were cupping my hands. He intertwined our fingers as his kisses moved to the back of my neck. Then, very unexpectedly, he brought my hands up and placed them against my chest. Using his hands, he gently massaged my breasts with my own hands.

My skin rippled as he pressed my hands against my body and slowly worked them down over my stomach.  They went further down, until he was pressing my finger into my moisture. My body was tense as I leaned my back against him.

Then there was a rhythm as he used my finger to massage my clit in a circular motion. It felt amazing, and before long I was starting to pant and moan softly. His hands left mine and the motion stopped.