On the Plus Side Page 8

“Mr. Michaels, I think it’d best if you left before I have to call security.”

“Then I guess you better call security because I’m not leaving until we come to some kind of agreement.”

“I understand that you and your daddy are having money issues, but it’s not really mine or the bank’s problem. If we handed out free money or more time to every poor person that walked through the door we’d go out of business, too. Maybe your father should think about the way he runs things,” he snapped.

Before I knew it, I was standing over Mr. Schaefer with a sore fist and his blood on my knuckles. That bastard better be glad I didn’t keep going. He had the audacity to talk down about me and my dad…in my face, no less. His high-horsed ass needed a big reality check and I’m glad I was the one to give it to him.

Security arrived just as I was backing away toward the door and I knew I was going to jail.

I came here to try and fix things, but because I couldn’t control my damn temper, dad was going to have to dip into our measly savings to get me out of jail. I really screwed up this time.

Four hours later, I laid on the little bunk that the jail provided and ran different ideas through my head. I decided against calling dad to bail me out. I could spend a night in jail. I knew they’d let me out in the morning and to be honest I’d rather dad worry about me for the night than to use money we needed to bail my stupid ass out of jail.  It was worth being behind these bars. That bastard got what he deserved.

The cell door opened and a police officer stepped into the tiny space.

“OK, Michaels, time to go,” he said.

“What do you mean? I just got here.”

“Your bail’s paid. You’re free to go.”

I followed the officer out of the cell and down the hall to the front desk of the police station. I collected all my stuff, my empty wallet included, and turned to face my dad.

He was nowhere to be found. I did one more quick check around the police station trying to find him. He definitely wasn’t there.

Maybe he went to wait in the truck?

I walked out of the police station and checked the parking lot. Dad’s truck was nowhere in sight, which meant that he was so pissed off that he left me here.

I was about to start walking toward home, when I noticed the cougar lady from the bank lobby standing across the parking lot. She was perched against a long, black limo as she motioned for me to come to her with a finger.  

Today had officially become the most fucked up day ever, and it didn’t look like it was going to get any better. First, I get eye raped by an old broad in the bank. Then, I beat the hell of the bank manager, which got me a swollen hand and jail time. Then, I get mysteriously bailed out only to find the female eye rapist waiting on me outside the police station.

I made my way over to the limo.

“It’s about time. I was beginning to think they took my money and left you there,” she said in a husky voice.

“You bailed me out?” I asked, confused.

“Well, how else was I going to talk to you?”

“I’m sorry…do I know you?” I continued to question.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Ordinarily, I’d never be caught dead socializing with someone like you.”

Fire cut across my chest as my anger started to spike.

“Then what the hell are you doing socializing with someone like me?” I said in a mocking tone.

One more stuck up bastard in my face tonight and I was going to snap.

“Let’s cut the small talk. I heard you pitching a fit at the bank today. You need money and I have plenty, so let’s talk business,” she said.

“Look, Lady, I don’t know how y’all do things in your world, but in mine selling yourself will get you at least thirty days. Being that I just stepped out of the jailhouse I’d prefer…”

She cut me off with a burst of laughter.

“I know you don’t think I’m suggesting I pay you for sex, do you?” She laughed out loud one more time. “Don’t get me wrong, kid, you’re nice to look at, but I’m into men, not boys.”

“Then what the hell do you want?” I asked rudely.

“I have a business proposition for you.” She pulled open the limo door and climbed in. “Care to join me?” she asked.

“I already said I’m not a…”

“Don’t flatter yourself!” She cut me off again. “Trust me…I’m far too much woman for a boy like you. Now, are you getting in the damn limo or not?” she growled.