On the Plus Side Page 90

“And the money?” I croaked.

“What about the money? I don’t give a damn about your money. Not even thirty minutes ago I was ripping up a check for fifty thousand dollars and ready to live on the streets. I only care about you and the baby. I’ve worked since I was thirteen and I’ll work for the rest of my life. I just wanna take care of you and our baby.” He softly laid his hand over my stomach. “Please give me another chance, baby. I love you so much.”

His love filled me, and for some crazy reason that I didn’t understand, I believed every word. Maybe I was an idiot, maybe I’d kick myself in the ass in the years to come, but I loved Devin and I wanted to feel the way he made me feel for the rest of my life.

“I love you, too, Devin.”

I reached out and wiped the single tear that fell down his cheek and he wrapped his arms around me and stuck his face into my neck.

“I almost lost you,” he whispered.

“Almost, but now you’re stuck with me. I’ll be all pregnant and cranky and you’ll love it.”

He tearfully smiled back at me.

“Sounds perfect,” he leaned in and kissed my stomach before coming up and kissing me softly on the lips.


I worked late at the garage with Dad. We were swamped at the shop and since Jenny was coming home from school for a few days, we needed to get everything done. By the time I got home, all the lights in the house were out and I knew everyone inside was asleep.

I pulled into the driveway of our three bedroom house and felt pure happiness for being home with my family. I made sure to quietly shut the front door since the last thing I wanted to do was wake up Emma.

I crept into our bedroom, and, without turning the lights on, I made my way through the dark bedroom and into the shower.

After my shower, I slipped through the bedroom to my side of the bed and turned on the lamp. The dim light illuminated a small portion of the bed, but it was enough to see my beautiful wife sleeping. Her dark hair spilled over her pillow and a light flush made her soft cheeks pink.

Instead of being in her toddler bed in her room, Emma was balled up next to her mother’s pregnant stomach, her tiny three-year-old fist balled up under her chin.

It was such a beautiful sight that I didn’t want to move them over to make room for myself. Lilly’s eyes popped open when she felt me adjusting Emma’s small frame.

“Hey, baby.” She flashed me a sleepy smile. “Sorry, she had a bad dream.” She ran her fingers through Emma’s hair.

“It’s OK, sweetie.” I leaned in and gave her a tiny kiss. “Go back to sleep. You need all the rest you can get, baby.”

She turned on her side facing me and tucked her arm under her pillow.

“Mom stopped by today.” She rested her other hand across her stomach and smirked. “She took Emma to the park for few hours. When they came back, Mom had mud all over her pants. It was so funny.”

“Your poor mom doesn’t stand a chance with Emma. She’s so much like Jenny.” I reached out and ran my fingers over Emma’s soft cheek before settling my hand on Lilly’s stomach.

I felt a small bump against my palm and smirked.

Lilly hissed a little then shook her head. “He’s been doing that all day. I think he’s ready to come out.” She softly rubbed her stomach.

“He’s gonna be a hard ass like his daddy.” I smiled proudly.

“Yeah, like I can handle a mini you running around,” she laughed.

I loved her laugh. I loved everything about her. I tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear.

“You’re the only person in the world who knows how to handle me.” I leaned in and gave her a kiss.

“Imagine what the world would be like if I weren’t here to keep you tame. That makes me a valuable commodity to the community,” she giggled.

“No, baby, that makes you priceless.”