Room for Just a Little Bit More Page 18

“They are the cutest. I’m pretty crazy about them.” I couldn’t help but grin at my sweet daughters.

“I’m pretty crazy about you,” my mom said, leaning in close.

My head snapped to meet her glassy eyes and trembling chin. Instinctively, I reached out and put my hand on hers. “What’s this about?”

She shrugged and plucked a tissue from her purse, dabbing at her eyes. “I don’t know. My only baby is getting married soon and I’m emotional. I’m also so damn proud of you, Kacie. I can’t believe all you’ve accomplished on your own since you had them.”

“I wasn’t exactly on my own.” I squeezed her hand gently. “You’ve been there for me since the day I found out I was pregnant, Mom. Way before Zach even left. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, Kacie, but you totally could have. You’re the strongest woman I know.” She sniffed.

“It takes a strong woman to raise a strong woman.”

“Oh God, look at me.” She laughed awkwardly as she wiped her eyes again. “If I’m like this now, how can I possibly get through your actual wedding?”

Giggling, I nodded my head toward Lucy and Piper. “Just focus on them instead. They’re usually good for a few laughs.”

We left the spa a couple hours later with smooth skin and pretty fingers and toes.

“Do you have to get back, or do you have time for a late lunch?” Mom asked.

“Um…” I glanced at my phone. “Sure. Alexa and I were supposed to go over some last-minute flower details, but I can’t get her to text me back.”

“There’s a really nice Italian restaurant that just opened down the street here. Wanna check it out?”

It wasn’t worth driving, so we walked the two little blocks to Cellucci’s. The hostess welcomed us, grabbed a few menus, and asked us to follow her. We walked past a handful of empty tables and I wondered why we were being led all the way to the back of the restaurant. We passed through a set of large, wooden saloon doors and—


My head whipped forward and my mouth fell open.

Alexa, Lauren, Darla, Shae, and JoAnn all stood near a large table in the middle of the room that was exploding with flowers and balloons and streamers. Mom and the girls turned to face me and once again, tears filled my mom’s eyes.

“What’s going on?” My hands covered my mouth as my eyes darted around the whole room.

Lauren walked up and pulled me into a tight hug. “A surprise shower, silly.”

“But I said—”

“We know, we know. You didn’t want a shower.” Mom rolled her eyes. “But your friends are excited and wanted to celebrate with you. Me too, so have fun.”

Max wobbled over, wrapping his chubby arms around Lauren’s leg. I bent down and gathered him up. “Hey, buddy.”

Darla came over and hooked her arm through Lauren’s. “Blondie here says this place has great food.”

Lauren laughed, glancing at Darla and back at me. “Why haven’t I met her before? She’s hilarious.”

JoAnn walked up with Shae and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Congrats, honey. I know you and Brody aren’t technically married yet, but I already think of you as a daughter.”

Before I could get a word in to respond, Shae threw her arms around me, squishing Max and I together. “Congratulations. I’m so happy for you guys.”

I tried shifting Max to my other hip as I hugged her back. “Thanks for driving all this way. I can’t believe you guys did all this.”

“That Alexa, she’s quite the party planner, huh?” My mom gave JoAnn a quick hug.

Craning my neck to the left, I peeked at Alexa, who was standing next to the table, rocking Joseph in her arms. I passed Max back to Lauren. “I’ll be back in a minute, okay?” Lauren and Darla nodded.

“Hey.” I hip-bumped Alexa.

“Hey. Congratulations.” She smiled at me.

“Thanks for this. For everything.”

“Nah, don’t mention it. It’s the least I could do for the girl who’s been my best friend for years and years.”

Resting my hip against the edge of the table, I looked out at my best friends and family, all gathered in the room to celebrate my wedding to Brody, and laid my head on Alexa’s shoulder. “How do you always know? I said I didn’t want a shower yet you knew I’d love it.”

Her shoulder raised then lowered with a hefty sigh. “When are you gonna learn, Kacie? Alexa is always right.” She smiled.

Tomorrow I’m marrying the girl of my dreams. I take that back. I’m marrying the girl of every man’s dreams. I’m just the lucky bastard that tricked her into picking him. I hear my friends joke a lot about getting married and having an ole ball and chain, but to be honest, I was so excited to marry Kacie that I wasn’t kidding when I offered to fly her out to Vegas and elope the night I proposed. I’m glad we waited though.

The barn looked amazing, I had a special tux made for Diesel to be the ring dog, and I was beyond ready for some Oreo wedding cake. The one thing I couldn’t wait for was to watch Kacie walk down the aisle toward me, hold my hand, and swear to love me for the rest of her life. Everything else would forever pale in comparison to that moment.

Kacie and I had agreed not to see each other for a few days before the wedding, but I had something to give her and I couldn’t wait anymore. I knocked on the big wooden door of the Inn and took a few steps back. The knob turned and four tiny fingers curled around the front of the door. As it pulled back further, Lucy saw me and her big brown eyes widened in response.

“Brody!” She flung the door all the way open and jumped into my arms.

“Hey, kiddo.” I kissed the side of her head. “Where is everyone?”

“Brody!” Piper came flying out of the house and leapt into my free arm.

“They’re in the family room. Come in.” Lucy giggled, covering her mouth.

I was walking through the hall toward the kitchen area with one Twinkie in each arm when Sophia spotted us. She did a quick double take and held her hands up, halting me in my tracks. “Stop!” she yelled. “She’s trying on her dress.”

“What? Brody’s here?” Kacie hollered. “We aren’t supposed to see each other ’til tomorrow.”

“Sorry.” I shrugged. “I couldn’t wait.”

As I stood in the hallway making goofy faces at the girls, Sophia watched Kacie take her dress off, but kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn’t try to sneak a peek.

Smart lady.

“Okay.” Sophia waved us into the room. “She’s gone.”

I laughed as we made our way into the kitchen, where I deposited the girls at the island. “Sorry about that. What are the odds that the exact moment I stop by, she’s trying on her dress?”

Sophia shook her head back and forth. “That was close.”

“Tell me about it. I saw my life flash before my eyes.” I winked at her. “So what’s everyone up to?”

“What are you doing here?” Kacie came down the hall from their apartment quickly. “Is everything okay?”