Room for You Page 20

God, yes.

Who knew something as simple as looking up at stars and talking could be so enjoyable? Conversation was easy with her. It felt like we’d been friends forever. We talked for hours about everything and nothing. At one point, probably because of the beer, I got ballsy and reached out for her hand. She didn’t skip a beat. She just intertwined her fingers with mine and kept telling me about her and Alexa’s crazy high school adventures. What a fucking coincidence that the place I ordered her flowers from was her best friend’s shop. That might come in handy later, actually.

A few hours later, she swatted at her leg for the hundredth time and sighed. “We should probably go in, I’m getting eaten up.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and lit it up to check the time.


“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I promised Fred I’d be up by 6:00 and out here on the lake with him.”

She crawled over and blew out the candles while I folded the blanket.

“He’s really crazy about you, ya know? He’s so glad you’re here.”

I looked straight into her eyes. “Is he the only one?”

She stared back at me, frozen. Her eyes looked sad and she bit down on her bottom lip. “Don’t do that, Brody. We can’t go there.”

I smiled a sincere, genuine smile at her. “That’s fine, I’ll let you off the hook … for now.”

I lay in bed, listening to the girls giggling in the next room and replaying last night over and over in my mind. I hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time and it felt amazing. A day that started out with crappy texts ended with us lying hand in hand on the pier, watching the stars. My head was still spinning, and that was the problem.

Brody was like a drug. When I was with him, my mind was in this hazy, euphoric state, but once the smoke cleared, I realized that I was just setting myself up for disaster. How many red flags did I need?

He was a professional athlete.

He lived an hour and a half away, even when he wasn’t traveling.

He admitted last night that he’s never been in a serious relationship.

All of those things are the exact opposite of the qualities I needed. Brody and I had chemistry, no doubt about that, but I needed to keep him at arms’ length. He was my kryptonite.

I dragged myself out of bed, reluctant to leave the safety of my own room. I turned into a melted pile of goo when Brody zeroed in on me, and he was going to be here for two more days. I had to try my hardest to stay solidified.

My cell phone chirped. I looked over at the pile of textbooks sitting on my desk with my phone perched on the top, calling my name. I was worried that if it was another charming text from Brody, nothing would stop me from running up to his room, ripping my clothes off as I went. I walked over and peeked at my phone with one eye. It was from Lauren. Thank God!






An all-day fair is exactly what I needed to keep myself occupied and out of the house for the day. I ran off to tell the girls about our exciting new plans.

Lucy and Piper were in their room filling their backpacks with stuffed animals and arguing over which flavor slushy they were going to have first, while I ransacked the kitchen, packing my bag full of pretzels, Band-Aids and hand sanitizer.

The back door creaked open, but I didn’t turn to see who came in. I already knew. I could feel it.

“Morning!” Brody said cheerfully.

“Hey,” I responded without turning around.

“How are you today? I’m exhausted.” He yawned.

“I’m okay.”

“What’s wrong? You’re being short with me.”

I turned and looked at him. He was wearing a Minnesota Wild t-shirt that showed off his vast, strong shoulders and clung to his biceps perfectly. He had his Wild ball cap on again, facing backward this time. The hunter green hat made his already dazzling green eyes pop and I was hypnotized. I had to look away to regain my composure.

“Am I? I don’t mean to be.” I went to the fridge and grabbed a few juice boxes, tossing them in my bag. “I’m just in a rush. The girls and I are going to the fair over in Lake County today.”

“Nice, that oughta be fun. Want company?”

My heart plummeted through my body, through the sub floor, through the foundation and landed in a patch of dirt and weeds under the house. I didn’t want to tell him no, but I couldn’t hang out with him much longer and continue dodging his advances.

“Um, well I was thinking the girls and I need some time alone today. Please don’t be upset.”

He grinned at me and tilted his head to the side. “Kacie, I would never, ever be upset with you for wanting to spend time alone with your kids. Ever. Go, have fun. Meet you on the pier later?”

“Maybe.” I smiled at him, wishing he weren’t such a sweet guy. He would be much easier to avoid if he were an asshole.

There was a loud knock at the front door.

“Be right back.”

I could feel his eyes on me like a tattoo when I walked out of the kitchen.

I opened the front door and Lauren burst through it, swaddling me in a hug, almost knocking me on my ass. She let go and Tommy stepped up. “My turn.”

He wrapped his arms around me with a big bear hug and lifted me off the ground.

“Long time, no see, Tommy. Congratulations!” I planted a peck on his cheek.

“Thanks, Kacie. I’m a lucky man.” He reached over and squeezed Lauren’s hand as they smiled at each other.

“Okay, if you two are going to do that all day, you’re gonna make me puke,” I teased as I squatted down in front of Lauren’s niece, Molly. “Hey Molly. Piper and Lucy are so excited to play with you today.”

She grinned shyly and hid behind Lauren’s leg.

“So, who all is going? Did you call Alexa and Derek?” Lauren asked.

“Yeah, she’s a sloth. She had a long week and apparently her delivery boy called in sick today, so she had to get up super early and make all the deliveries. She went home and crashed again.”

“Bummer. All right, well let’s get moving!” Lauren clapped her hands in excitement.

“Let me grab the girls and my bag from the kitchen.” I turned and started down the hall with them trailing behind me.

Brody was standing in front of the fridge, scratching his chin.

I looked at him, feeling incredibly guilty. “We’re gonna head out. I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah, I’ll be here.” He turned and smiled at me sweetly, nodding respectfully at my friends.

“Holy shit! You’re Brody Murphy!” Tommy exclaimed.

Brody looked over as Lauren smacked Tommy’s arm and covered Molly’s ears. “Tommy, watch your mouth!”

“Sorry, babe, but he’s Brody Murphy.” Tommy just stared at Brody, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open.

“Hey man, nice to meet you.” Brody walked over and shook Tommy’s hand.

Tommy returned the handshake like an eager kid. “Wait … what are you doing here?”

“Uh, I’m staying for the weekend. Kacie and I are … friends.” Brody looked at me out of the corner of his eye.