Gone Country Page 20

But he didn’t. He just wordlessly stroked her. Soothed her.

No man had ever done that for her. Largely because she didn’t allow it. She was self-sufficient with a capital S.

Rielle remained against his body, her back to his chest. Gavin was solid. Not ridiculously muscle bound, but toned. His expelled breath flowed across her bare shoulder and he kept up those teasing caresses.

She tipped her head to look at him, but his eyes were squeezed shut. “Gavin?”


“I like your hands on me.”

His eyes flew open. “What?”

“I like the way you touch me.”

His fingers circled her wrists. “So it calmed you down?”

“Yes.” Her heart beat hard for an entirely different reason. “But it’s also revving me back up.”

He seemed to consider her response. “So what does that mean? Do you want me to keep on touching you?”


“Like this?” His warm lips connected with the ball of her shoulder and he dragged a painstakingly slow kiss up the side of her neck, stopping at the start of her jawline. Then his breath tickled her ear. “Want me to stop?”

“No.” Rielle turned her head and nuzzled his cheek. “Please, keep going.”

His deep groan reverberated through her entire body. Then his hands landed on her hips and he slid his palms up her belly and over her rib cage while his lips and tongue tasted the skin at the base of her neck.

She felt him bump his hips forward, showing her how hard he was. For her. She wiggled her backside and he sucked in a swift breath.

Gavin pulled the stretchy cami down, exposing her breasts. Then his hands were on her, his thumbs stroking her nipples, his mouth leaving biting kisses down the slope of her shoulder.

Rielle ground her ass into his erection, her breaths short once again, her skin on fire from where his hot mouth worked her, and that heat arrowed straight between her legs.

Then he spun her and pushed her against the side of the house, his wet mouth suckling strongly on her nipples, moving back and forth, squeezing her breasts as his tongue licked and laved the tips, and driving her insane with need.

Clamping her palms on his head, she stopped those deep sucks that made her breasts ache, and tilted his face up to look in his eyes. “Gavin. Please.”

“One step ahead of you.” He fished the condom out of his pocket and held it between his teeth as his fingers worked his belt. The sound of his zipper was loud in the still air. His jeans and boxers hit the pavement. He ripped open the package and rolled the latex down. His hands were on her ass and he panted, “Hang tight,” in her ear.

A little squeak escaped as Gavin picked her up and pressed her back against the siding. Rough-tipped fingers followed the curve of her ass and the backs of her thighs, then the insides of her thighs.

Gavin’s mouth was attacking her neck as he maneuvered their lower halves. He bit off, “Move the skirt.”

Rielle couldn’t think straight, but somehow she yanked the material up around her waist. Immediately something brushed over the crotch of her thong.

“Jesus, you’re wet.”

She blushed.

He jerked the tiny scrap of fabric aside and took her mouth in a hungry kiss as he steadily fed his cock inside her and stopped.

Holy shit that burned. It’d been a long time. She felt Gavin shaking and then all that hardness slipped back out fully and slammed into her again.

The fabric of her thong was stretched tight across her clit, the edge rubbing perfectly on that hot spot, so by his fifth thrust, she was coming.

Rielle came in silence as Gavin kissed her crazily. Her fingers digging into the back of his neck was the only outward change, because she’d make damn sure nothing took this moment away from her.

A few more long, deep thrusts and Gavin’s body stiffened. He broke the kiss abruptly, letting his head fall forward as a long, “Fuck,” drifted from his mouth.

Breathing hard, bodies shaking, they remained locked together. Then he sweetly pressed his lips to her temple.

If they hadn’t been so still, they might not have heard, “Dad? Are you up here?”

She squirmed to be let down in case Sierra stepped onto the balcony, but Gavin rasped, “Don’t move,” directly into her ear.

Loud knocks sounded on the bathroom door and Sierra raised her voice. “Dad? People are starting to leave. You need to come say goodbye.”

Gavin didn’t move until he heard the bedroom door slam. He carefully lowered Rielle to the ground and eased out of her body.

She sucked in a sharp breath at the sudden stab of pain and Gavin finally looked at her. Guiltily.

He broke eye contact and yanked up his jeans, which he left unzipped and unbuckled because he still had to ditch the condom. “Sorry. I have to go.”

“I heard.” Keeping her head down, she fixed her thong and straightened the layers of her skirt.

“I… We’ll… Dammit. We’ll talk about this later, okay?”

Rielle nodded.

After Gavin left the bathroom, she snuck back into the room and picked up her blouse. She checked herself in the mirror in case she ran into anyone.

Yeah, try and explain why you’re coming out of Gavin’s room looking like a train wreck.

That’d feed the McKay gossip coffers for a few weeks.

Her mouth was a little puffy. Her hair a lot unruly, but besides that she didn’t look like she’d been fucked hard and fast against the wall on her balcony.

How could the best sex of her life also be the most humiliating?

Chapter Fourteen

“I suck at sex.”

Ben stiffened at Gavin’s announcement and reined his horse to a stop. “You wanna explain that?”

This would be one of the most embarrassing discussions he’d ever had. Now that he’d brought it up, maybe he shouldn’t have. Maybe he’d freaked Ben out.

The man had been a Dom in a sex club for a decade. Chances are high he’s seen it all and done it all.

Gavin tried to get his horse to stop but the damn mare just kept moseying along.

“Gavin? Where you goin’?”

“Nowhere, but this horse won’t obey.”

Ben trotted up alongside Duchess and said sharply, “Jerk the rein back hard. She’ll think she’s in charge until you prove otherwise. Go on.”

He pulled the reins much harder than before and Duchess immediately stopped.

“See? That’s the first step of mastering her. Get her to do exactly what you want with a combination of firmness and praise.”

Gavin had a strange feeling Ben wasn’t only talking about horses. “Thanks.”

“So, back to your comment. Did some chick say you were bad in bed or something?”

“Not exactly.”

When a moment of silence passed, where Gavin couldn’t even look at Ben, Ben sighed. “You know I’m the last guy who’d pass judgment on anyone. I assume that’s why you wanna talk to me?”

Come on, Daniels, don’t be a pussy. You’ve been a pussy your whole life, which is why you haven’t gotten any pussy. Own up to all you don’t know.

“Yeah. Remember when Dalton staged that intervention after the incident at the club and I said if I ever found my balls again and started dating that I’d come to you for advice? Here I am.”

Ben gave Gavin a considering look. “I ain’t much help on dating, but sounds like it’s sex advice that you’re after anyway.”

“It is. And I have to admit, this is so far out of my comfort zone I may as well be on another planet.” He inhaled slowly. “But I’m ready to figure out a way to fix it.”

“You want my help, I’m gonna expect you to be completely honest about everything—and I mean everything, Gavin. Good shit, bad shit, the shit that you’ve kept bottled up inside, the shit you don’t think anyone will understand, the embarrassing shit. All of it.”

“I can do that.”

“Start at the beginning.”

Gavin frowned. “Of what?”

“Of your sexual history,” Ben clarified.

Seriously? Gavin wanted to ask why that was relevant, but seeing the hard set to Ben’s jaw, he decided to start talking. “This’ll probably shock a guy like you, but I’ve never been that into sex. I had my horny teen years where I thought about sex twenty-four/seven and jacked off that many times every day. Got my first girlfriend, we had sex a few times but she wasn’t that into it. Of course, at that age I never imagined it could be my lack of experience which caused that reaction in her.”

Ben chuckled.

“By then I’d started college. I focused on academics and when I wasn’t in school, I worked for my dad, learning the real estate business. Prime time for my sex drive, right? Well, I was more interested in spreadsheets than finding a girl who’d spread her legs. After I graduated, I was even more driven to prove myself. I didn’t date, didn’t do anything but work.”

“Didn’t your family encourage you to find a woman and settle down? God knows the McKays are all about that.”

Gavin shook his head. “My dad married later in life, so as far as he was concerned, I was following in his footsteps.” He paused. “Then I met Ellen at a party. This young, gorgeous woman was all over me. It’s fucking pathetic, but I’d never been the guy the women look at and say I wanna get with him because he’s so fucking fine. Ellen’s attentions were beyond flattering; she slept with me the first night we met. Then she kept coming back for more. At that point in my life, having sex with her twice a week felt like I’d hooked up with a nympho. I fell for her hard, not seeing her for the manipulative, psycho bitch she was. After dating six months, she told me she was pregnant. Even then I hadn’t known I’d been set up from the start.”

“Lemme guess. You did the right thing and married her.”

“Yes. I thought I’d had it all. A job I loved, a hot wife who loved me and was pregnant with my child.” His hands unconsciously tightened on the reins. “Before Sierra was even born Ellen demanded we buy a bigger house. I wanted to make my wife happy so I opened my wallet and she proceeded to empty it. Sounds corny, but when Sierra was born my world changed.” Gavin remembered the instant the nurse placed the screaming and pruny-looking thing in his arms. He’d also had a moment of anger, imagining his birth mother just handing over a helpless baby to a stranger.