Gone Country Page 36

Vi skewered him with a hard look. “That gives me the right to spend my own damn money however I see fit. I bought gifts for my other granddaughter, so it’s only fair I do the same for Sierra. And don’t forget, you wouldn’t let us buy her anything for her sixteenth birthday. Then today she sees me buying things for Amelia’s birthday? How do you think that made her feel?” She jabbed her finger at him. “Exactly like you do. Like you aren’t really part of the family. Like some family members matter more to me than others.”


“Why did you move here, Gavin, if you didn’t want your daughter to be part of our family? You expect her to stand at arm’s length like you do? She is not you. You are her father, but you shouldn’t have the only say in whether we can build a relationship. Doesn’t what she wants matter?”

“Oh, trust me; she’ll be your BFF if you keep buying her things every time you’re together.”

“That’s the only reason Sierra could possibly want to spend time with me? That’s bullshit. You’re making horrible assumptions about her. And about me. That girl is not shallow, and yet I suspect sometimes you treat her like her mother. So you shouldn’t be surprised when she acts exactly how you treat her.”

Gavin’s jaw tightened.

“I’m not trying to buy her love. I’m not fostering a relationship with Sierra to get to you either, because if I thought I could buy your love? Son, I would’ve gladly paid the price the day you came looking for us. As far as today? I won’t apologize. I won’t let your paranoia and distrust ruin the wonderful afternoon that I got to spend with my granddaughter.”

They stared at each other without speaking.

Gavin knew Vi had several legitimate points, but he was still pissy.

“I can’t deal with this right now.”

It wasn’t until he went looking for Rielle that he realized she’d witnessed the whole scene…and he’d left her in the kitchen.

Rielle should’ve snuck out when she had the chance. Maybe she still could. But one look at Vi’s miserable face and she knew she wouldn’t. Especially after Vi drained her drink. “Want another?”

“I’d like to have the whole damn bottle.”

“To drink? Or to smack Gavin upside the head?” Rielle asked lightly.

“Both.” Vi studied the ice cubes in her glass. “I wasn’t in the wrong.”

A statement Rielle let lie.

“I keep hoping he’ll come around.”

“He will. However, it may take more time than you think it should.”

“Being pushy, am I?”

“No. Gavin has his own way of thinking.” Rielle didn’t say more. She wouldn’t violate the trust he’d placed in her.

“He’s being ridiculous if he believes I was trying to buy Sierra’s affection. When he lived in Arizona, I followed his parameters. But then he moves here, down the road from us, and I’m still supposed to wait for him to give the green light so I can get to know Sierra? Or she can get to know me? Gavin sure doesn’t have a problem with Charlie spending time with Sierra, or that Charlie buys her food and little tokens every damn day. But he objects when I do essentially the same thing? That feels a lot like punishment and a little like manipulation.”

Rielle agreed. “So you, or Charlie, or both of you haven’t brought any of this up with Gavin?”

“No. We’re aware of Gavin’s boundaries. Before he moved here we kept contact casual because we were afraid if we pushed too hard, he’d cut off all contact with us.” Vi’s chin trembled, but she firmed it.

In that moment Rielle clearly saw the family resemblance between mother and son and her heart broke for both of them.

“Does he want me to apologize for giving him up for adoption?” Vi asked softly.

“Maybe this sounds simplistic, but have you sat him down and tried to explain to him what you went through? What it really meant to be pregnant at sixteen? How you felt during the pregnancy and after?”

“Not since he first came to us and I was in such a…state of shock that I don’t think I explained myself very well. He hasn’t brought it up since and I’m afraid to.” Vi looked at her. “Have you talked to him about your life as a pregnant girl?”

“A little. But he doesn’t understand. It’s…vague to him. Like watching a forgettable TV movie of the week.”

“We’re different sides of the same coin, aren’t we? You kept your baby; I gave mine up.”

“Is that why you were so nice to me and Rory?”

“Out of guilt? Maybe. Nothing against your folks, Ree, but I got the feeling they saw Rory as a mistake. I admired you for doing what I couldn’t. So part of me always wondered if I’d kept Gavin, if some woman would’ve taken the time to make sure I was okay.”

From the moment they’d met Rielle had seen behind Vi’s brusque nature to the sweet thoughtful woman beneath. It hadn’t escaped her notice that a lot of people said the same thing about her being so prickly, which was probably why she and Vi had always gotten along so well. “I appreciated those random visits. Not because you brought over a bag of groceries, but because you spent time with me and listened to me.”

“I only wish I could’ve done more. But I was happy that you broke free of your parents’…mold, for lack of a better word, and raised Rory how you wanted.”

“Rory had as normal a childhood as I could give her.”

“Is that the gist of this? Gavin doesn’t know how thrilled I was to get to buy Sierra a pair of pink cowgirl boots? Every girl her age needs something frivolous. When I was her age I had the world on my shoulders and I’m happy that she doesn’t.”

Rielle reached for her hand, her heart hurting for Vi. “Gavin lashed out before he thought it through.”

“Maybe I should consider it a good sign that he cared enough to get pissed off at me.”

“There’s a healthy way of looking at it.”

“Can I ask…does he talk to you?”

“About his relationship with you and Charlie? No.”

“But he does open up to you about other things?” Vi clarified, “I don’t want specifics. I just want to know that he’s finally got a woman in his life who cares about him like he deserves.”

“I care about him. He knows that. He’s just adrift in a lot of aspects of his life. And his ex-wife really did a number on him so he doesn’t trust easily. Even with me.”

“I’ll admit I was happy when Sierra told me about you and Gavin. You two are good for each other. But between us, I won’t tell him that, in case he gets it in his fool head to rebel against my approval and break it off with you.”

“Deal. And I won’t tell him he was acting like an ass.”

“Oh, no, go right ahead and tell him that part.”

After Vi left Rielle heated up a plate of leftovers. One thing that hadn’t changed in their relationship was separate mealtimes. She’d done that intentionally—it’d be easy to get into the habit of cooking for him and Sierra and horn in on their family time.

Gavin was frustrated by Rielle’s “separatist” attitude. But Sierra needed that alone time with her father. Just the two of them, cooking together and catching up on their days.

Rielle found Gavin upstairs, watching a game. She plopped down beside him. “You all right?”

“Nope. Still a little pissy if you want to know the truth.”

“Should I trot my little self downstairs?”

“Funny. But if you expect me to be charming and witty? Probably.”

“Mmm.” She ran her hand over his short, bristly hair. “Sometimes I like a broody man. It’s a different kind of sexy.”

He expelled a disbelieving snort.

“You could drag me into your bedroom, using terse commands while having your wicked way with me. No talking. Just intense sex. Fast and demanding.”

“You trying to get me hard, Ree? ’Cause it’s working.”

She angled her head to place a soft, sucking kiss on the skin below his ear. “I’m not busy now, Mr. Hot Brooding Man.”

Sierra’s music drifted down the hallway. Rielle shifted back so Sierra didn’t see her mauling her father.

Seconds later, Sierra appeared. “I’m starved, Dad. What’s for supper?”

“Hadn’t thought about it. I could heat some soup. Or there’s lunch meat for sandwiches.”

“I was hoping for something like pork chops.”

“We’ll fix that tomorrow night.” Gavin lifted a box off the floor. “Must be your day to get presents. This came from your mom while you were shopping with Grams.”

A snarky remark from Gavin? He was pissy.

“Yay!” Sierra grabbed a pocketknife from the bar. She carefully slid the tip of the knife along the airmail tape covering the box. As soon as she opened the flaps, a heavy perfume poured out.

Rielle sneezed.

Sierra offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry. Mom loves spritzing perfume on everything.” She excitedly pulled out wrinkled sheets of white tissue paper dotted with black images of the Eiffel Tower. Then she stopped. A bewildered look settled on her face.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Gavin asked.

Rielle watched the girl struggle to get control. Sierra tipped her head down but not fast enough; Rielle saw two tears plop onto the tissue paper.

Then she reached into the box and angrily threw a handful of material on the coffee table.

Upon seeing the contents, Rielle’s stomach dropped and she shot Gavin a sideways glance.

He appeared calm, but the air around him vibrated with fury.

Sierra handled each piece of lingerie. A black peignoir, sheer except for the lace edging and the tiny, strategically placed pink bows. A pair of matching G-string panties. The next piece she held up was a short white bustier with what looked like padded cups. Another pair of panties to match.