The Wonder Page 76

A tiny nod. Wheezing, yawning to catch a breath.

Lib unveiled the child, then pushed the chair up close to the table so the candlelight illuminated her white nightdress. So the committee could see her in all her grotesque disproportion: The hands and lower legs of a giant grafted onto the frame of an elf. The sunken eyes, the limpness, the hectic colour, the blue fingers, the weird marks on ankles and neck. Anna’s wrecked body was a more articulate testament than any Lib could offer. “Gentlemen, my fellow nurse and I have found ourselves overseeing the slow execution of a child. Two weeks was an arbitrarily chosen period, was it not? I beg that the watch be called off tonight and all efforts bent to saving Anna’s life.”

For a long moment, not a word. Lib watched McBrearty. His faith in his theories was shaken, she could tell; his papery lips quivered.

“We’ve seen enough, I believe,” said Sir Otway Blackett.

“Yes, you may take Anna home now, Sister,” said McBrearty.

Meek as ever, the nun nodded and wheeled the chair out. O’Flaherty hopped up to hold the door open for them.

“And you may leave us, Mr. and Mrs. O’Donnell.”

Rosaleen looked mutinous but went out with Malachy.

“And Mrs. Wright—” Mr. Thaddeus gestured for her to go as well.

“Not till this meeting’s over,” she told him through her teeth.

The door closed behind the O’Donnells.

“I’m sure we all concur on the necessity of being quite certain before deviating from our agreed course of action and curtailing the watch?” asked the baronet.

Hemming and hawing along the table. “I suppose there’s only a couple of days in it,” said Ryan.

Nods all around.

They didn’t mean that Sunday was only three days away so they might as well end the watch now, Lib registered dizzily. They meant to keep it going till Sunday. Hadn’t they seen the child?

The baronet and John Flynn maundered on about procedure and burdens of proof.

“After all, the watch is the only way to find out the truth once and for all,” McBrearty was reminding the committee. “For the sake of science, for the sake of mankind—”

Lib couldn’t bear anymore. She raised her voice and pointed at the doctor. “You’ll be struck off the Medical Register.” Bluffing; she had no idea what it took to get a physician banned from practicing. “All of you—your negligence could be considered criminal. Failure to provide the necessities of life to a child,” she said, improvising as she moved her accusing finger from one man to the next. “Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Complicity in a suicide.”

“Ma’am,” barked the baronet, “may I remind you that you have been employed for a not ungenerous daily consideration for an agreed period of a fortnight? Your final testimony as to the matter of whether you’ve observed the girl take any nourishment will be required of you on Sunday.”

“Anna will be dead by Sunday!”

“Mrs. Wright, restrain yourself,” the priest urged her.

“She’s in breach of the terms of her hire,” Ryan pointed out.

John Flynn nodded. “If there were more than three days left, I’d propose we replace her.”

“Quite so,” said the baronet. “Dangerously unbalanced.”

Lib stumbled to the door.

In her dream, scratching. Rats swarmed down the long ward, filling the walkway, leaping from cot to cot, lapping at fresh blood. Men cried out, but above their voices it was the scratching Lib heard, the furious friction of claws on wood— No. The door. A scratching at her door, upstairs at Ryan’s. Somebody who didn’t want to wake anyone but Lib.

She clambered out of bed, fumbled for her dressing gown. Opened the door a crack. “Mr. Byrne!”

He didn’t apologize for disturbing her. They considered each other in the shaky light of his candle. Lib shot a look at the dark hollow of the staircase; someone could come up at any time. She beckoned him into her room.

Byrne stepped in without hesitation. He smelled warm, as if he’d been riding today. Lib gestured at the single chair, and he took it. She chose a perch on her rumpled bed far enough from the man’s legs but near enough so they’d be able to talk in low voices.

“I heard about the meeting,” he began.

“From which of them?”

He shook his head. “Maggie Ryan.”

Lib felt a ridiculous pang that he was on such intimate terms with the maid.

“She caught only the odd snatch of what was said, but her sense of it was that they all came down on you like a wolf pack.”

Lib almost laughed.

She told him everything: Anna’s perverse hope to expiate her brother’s juvenile sins by making a burnt offering of herself. Lib’s guess that the priest had brought her to this country in hopes that the watch would expose the fact that there was no miracle and save his precious Church from the embarrassment of a false saint. The committee members and their pigheaded refusal to deviate from their plan.

“Forget them,” said Byrne.

Lib stared at him.

“I doubt any of them can talk the girl out of her madness now. But you—she likes you. You have influence.”

“Not enough,” protested Lib.

“If you don’t want to see her stretched out in a box, use that influence.”