Dear Aaron Page 14

Your brother got all of you high?

Growing up, my parents were strict Baptists and both their parents… my grandparents… were… uptight. I don’t remember any of them ever laughing or smiling. My dad’s a good guy. I wouldn’t call my birth mom a good person though, but she was all right when I was real little. Nothing seemed… off… until I was in middle school and started spending time at my best friend’s place that I noticed how different things were. It isn’t a big deal now. My dad’s happy enough, and my birth mom… I don’t know if she’ll ever be happy, but that’s on her.

What concert did you go to? Did you have a good time? What do you do when you don’t work? I know you said you kill ducks for fun, but what else?

My ex e-mailed me. She wanted to let me know she added me as a reference on a job application. I don’t know why she would think that’s a good idea. Does she expect me to answer my imaginary phone or write back an e-mail telling someone to hire her? Would you ever ask an ex for a reference, or is that as stupid of a request as I think it is? My mind is blown, but maybe I’m that tired. You tell me.

You don’t have to answer my question ^^^ if you don’t want to. Sometimes I feel like I don’t understand women and never will. No offense… I don’t mean you.


From: [email protected]

Date: November 4, 2008 1:05 a.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: No


Your message was fine, and I’m relieved my cheese experiments weren’t in vain. :)I had my mom’s husband try some of it to give me a second opinion. Not that it says much because I’ve seen him eat food with mold on it after he scraped it off.

If you were anyone else and our conversations were any different, I would feel more embarrassed than I do right now, but I think we’re past that. I peed in public. I’ll own up to it.

Speaking of peeing… do you pee in the bottles? My brother told me when he was in Afghanistan and it was cold, that there was no way he was getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. He’d roll over and pee in one instead. Not that he learned that in the military or anything. He and my brother mastered that art on family road trips when my mom would refuse to stop to use the bathroom, unless she needed to go, to save time.

I agree. I’d love for them to make a movie, but I doubt it would be as good. (But the costumes!)

Lol! Each husband has gotten younger and better looking. My mom was twenty-eight when she had me, so get that into perspective. After my dad, husband #2 was three years younger than her. (My mom is ten years younger than my dad). They were together for two years. Husband #3 was ten years younger than her, and they stayed together 8 years. He was my favorite. Husband #4 has been around a year now. They work at the same company and met that way. The next thing I knew, she was bringing him over for Thanksgiving, and by Christmas, they were married.

My older sister isn’t a fan of how many times she’s been married, and she hates that the men have been so young. The rest of us though don’t really care. I don’t. My mom doesn’t look her age. If you look up cougar in the dictionary, they would have her name as an example in a sentence. Who am I to tell her not to snag some young guy if she can? I think for a long time, she was hurt because of splitting up with my dad and wanted to make a point, but she didn’t let it keep her down. Honestly, I think my dad still gets jealous over it. Maybe I shouldn’t pick favorites, but… go Mom, you know?

That was an info drop.

We were high out of our minds thanks to those brownies on Christmas, Aaron. I’m not exaggerating. Usually people have family get-togethers and you know there’s going to be leftovers that everyone has to take home, right? There weren’t any. NONE. If the grocery store would have been open, I’m sure we would have taken a taxi to go buy snacks. We laughed the entire night. I should’ve known something was up when my little sister was going to break her diet for once to get a piece and he didn’t let her. Part of me hopes he’ll do it again this year, but we’ll see. Maybe I can hint at it. Please don’t call the cops on us.

I understand the religious point. I have a friend who was raised with a cult-type religious family. She couldn’t wear skirts, tie up her hair, or watch television. She ended up running away when we were in high school. My mom was a pretty strict Catholic up until she and my dad got divorced. Then she decided the church wasn’t so important, lol. The only time she goes now is for family baptisms and maybe Easter. I am sorry to hear that your relationship with your birth mom isn’t the best.

How long have you and your best friend known each other?

I went to see my favorite band. They’re called The Cloud Collision. You probably haven’t heard of them. They’re indie rock with an even balance of screaming and amazing vocals. It’s kind of hard to explain. I’ve been a fan for a few years. Every time they play close by, I go watch them.

When I’m not killing ducks on television, reading or playing pranks on my family, I like to go to the movies. I used to be pretty big into cosplay (if you don’t know what that is, I can explain, but I don’t want to assume you don’t since you play video games), but my friends have kind of chilled out on going to conventions, and since I work so much, I don’t make costumes for fun like I used to. I like trying new things too. I was taking some kickboxing classes recently, and before that I did aikido for a while. I like going to festivals and museums too.