Dear Aaron Page 25

Here’s a picture of the puppy. I don’t have a camera, but a PFC… private first class… with me has one. The pup’s already gained some weight since we found her… it was a her, not a him like we thought. We named her Ax.

That blows about your sister. Is she bummed?

Merry Christmas again. Tell me how it goes with the fam and if you got “special” brownies.


From: [email protected]

Date: December 25, 2008 5:05 a.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Happy Birthday to Jesus

Merry Christmas, soldier boy. :)

I’m glad I did go with the XL ones. Something told me you weren’t short. I could only hope my sixth sense was right. Worst case, I figured it would be better for them to be too big than too small.

Why did you cancel your Myspace account? I hardly ever get on mine anymore, but I have it. Now I usually just get on Facebook.

What did you think about The Alchemist? I hope you love The Left Hand of Darkness. It gave me a giant hangover. I’ll have to send you more books in the future. And you’re right, I couldn’t care less that you share them. They’re yours. Spread the goodness.

Depending on the secret, I usually can’t keep one for longer than a day before I have to tell someone. It depends. I agree though, how he managed to not let it slip is beyond me. He and his boyfriend met at a bar one night. They’re probably the only relationship I know of that started that way and they’ve managed to last. I think it helps that his boyfriend is ten years older. He’s got his life together and doesn’t let my brother get away with his usual crap, AKA blowing up over things and then not wanting to talk about them.

My mom is super bossy. I think her husband likes it though. Let me go throw up in my mouth now. Lol.

I don’t want to be a hypocrite, I told another lie today. Jasmine, my little sister, asked if I could see through her dress and I told her no. But I could see her underwear right through it. That’s what she gets for the pepper incident a few months ago. Remember I told you about that? No regrets.

Wait a second. I feel like maybe I’m missing something here. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, but what has someone done to you in the past to make you not trust them, and why are you still friends with them even after that?

That sucks you cheated on your exes, but at least you’ve come to terms with it and don’t do it anymore, I guess. You aren’t the only one judging silently. (Kidding.)

I’m not trying to convince you the guy I liked is nice at this point, because you aren’t going to believe me, but… he did used to help me with my homework. He did it for me a couple of times. I’m trying not to think about him anymore. I really do want to move on.

Regarding where to not pick up guys (bars and parties): I’m going to die alone. Great. Thank you.

I guess you do have a point about half of marriages ending in divorce, but… you know my mom is on marriage #4. #2 was a bad divorce, emotionally for her at least, but #3 was pretty amicable. Even knowing all that, I hope one day I can still find someone to be in a long-term relationship with me. I know I’m the last person to tell anyone to take a chance, but you never know unless you try, right?

I love Ax! Why that name though? Does she sleep in the tent with you guys? She looks like a mix of a lab and an Akita, even though her coat is blonder. You can tell by her smile she’s sweet as cherry pie.

Was my sister bummed about not moving on? She invited me to go to Golden Corral (a buffet, in case they don’t have those where you’ve lived) with her, and we went for donuts afterward. This probably doesn’t mean anything to you, but if you knew her, you would know she has the discipline of a samurai when it comes to her training and diet. Once, a cousin offered her one hundred dollars if she’d eat a slice of cake and she said no. It’s safe to say we’re all worried about her. You’ve never met a sore loser on the scale of Jazz.

We’re meeting for Christmas in a little bit. I still have gifts to wrap. :) Wish me luck.

Merry Christmas again, Aaron the Not-Asswipe.


From: [email protected]

Date: December 28, 2008 2:59 p.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Happy Birthday Jesus


Why would you think I wasn’t short?

I’ve heard of Facebook but don’t have one. Maybe when I get back, I’ll look into it. I canceled my Myspace because anyone I really want to keep in touch with can just e-mail me…. Also, my ex got jealous over the girls I was friends with… not that there were a lot… and I got tired of hearing about it. Seemed easier just to cancel it than fight all the time.

I spoke too soon: I haven’t gotten too far in The Left Hand of Darkness. We’ve had some long days lately, and by the time I get back to my tent, all I want to do is sleep while I can. I’ll let you know how it goes once I’m done. The Alchemist really got me thinking about choices and where they’ll lead you. I’m planning on reading it again.