Dear Aaron Page 29

Writing me when you can is good enough. It keeps me company since I can’t do anything except marathon shows my brothers have on DVD.

Ax looks like a brand-new dog. She’s so cute. Send more pictures.

I hope you get your leave. If I don’t hear from you until you get back, have fun and enjoy your plumbing.


P.S. I put some butter on the toast.

Chapter 9


From: [email protected]

Date: February 4, 2009 2:38 p.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Toast and Superman


Still here. They’re telling me I can leave in three days. We’ll see.

I’m going to worry about you “almost dying.” Who else would send me pizza materials? :]

You’re celebrating toast? I’m shaking my head right now. Find some vegetables or fruit at least.

What did you need to take medicine for and what kind of surgery did you have? Don’t think I didn’t notice you being vague again. That never means anything good.

When I’m the one entertaining you and it isn’t the other way around, that’s sad as hell. There’s nothing new or interesting happening over here. Last night, some of the men in my tent talked about who would win in a fight, Superman or Jesus, for an hour. I couldn’t sleep, and I ended up thinking about that for too long.

Did you have to push back all your dress/costume making and sewing stuff?

More Ax pics attached. She’s one of the few things making me smile here.


P.S. At least put some cream cheese on your toast. Calories, girl.

From: [email protected]

Date: February 5, 2009 5:05 a.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Toast and Superman


Still there?

I walked downstairs twice today. That’s an improvement. I’ve had two pieces of toast with butter and some chunkier soup. Happy? :)

I’ll make sure to leave a note in my imaginary will that someone in my family keep sending you pizza materials in the case of my demise.

…I was being vague on purpose. How you could tell through a message is a little amazing, to be honest. I don’t usually tell everyone about my health, but that’s only because I worry people will react the same way my family does, and like I said, it isn’t that it isn’t great but… I sound like a whiney baby. I had a heart disorder. I had surgery for it a few years ago. I’m fine now. :)

Superman versus Jesus. I’ve never paired them up. (It’s blasphemy, but Superman would win, wouldn’t he?) My brother told me when he’d have trouble falling asleep, he’d stay up counting all the aircraft that flew over the camp. Have you done that before?

All my designs on my own were moved back or canceled. You should have read some of the rude messages I got from a few of the skating moms that were “understanding.” You’d figure that I intentionally got sick and wanted to miss out on making money. My alteration work through the dry cleaner had to go through someone else, and my aunt with the bridal shop… she chewed me out. I’m trying really hard not to think about how much money I lost, but it’s hard and it makes me panic. I felt really bad about letting everyone down. When I give someone my word, I try to keep it.

Thank you for the pics of Ax. I’m going to print out the one of her on top of the big tractor tire and frame it. It’s beautiful.

Hope the mosquitoes and mice are treating you well. :)


P.S. I put butter. Real butter, not the fake stuff. Good?

From: [email protected]

Date: February 8, 2009 12:45 p.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Sometimes I wonder


Still here….

You’re being vague again, Rube. A heart disorder and you had surgery? If that’s all you want to tell me, it’s all right. I know it isn’t my business. But if you do want to tell me, I’d like to know. I searched for heart problems and there’s… a lot of them. Kind of wish I wouldn’t have done that now.

At this point, I hope you’ve walked further than just downstairs and eaten more than soup. The Internet was down for a little while and we got sent out on a patrol.

Make sure whoever inherits me sends books too.

^^^You know I’m messing with you, yeah?

Superman all the way… but some guys put up some good points on Jesus to be fair. We’re both going down if it’s blasphemy. Down, get it? Heh.

The aircrafts constantly going over the camp is unreal. You have to learn to zone them out, otherwise you’d never stop counting them or get sleep. They’re always there. Literally always.

Do you have money saved? Can you borrow some from your family if you needed? Tell those moms to leave you alone. If you cough all over their dresses, you’ll get their kids sick… then they can’t skate. Your aunt has no business giving you hell over not being able to work on dresses for her. Didn’t you say she already makes you do a lot more than you should?