Dear Aaron Page 36

AHall80: So she fired you.

RubyMars: And that other aunt still wants me to work for her, but she’s being so mean. She’s worse than the jackass boyfriends my friends have dated in the past who try to do messed-up reverse psychology on them to get what they want. I’m trying not to even think about her right now. It’s making me really upset.

RubyMars: I cried. Again.

RubyMars: How does my own aunt fire me?? She said she felt bad but that “it’s business.” My mom is pretty pissed. She called her brother (that aunt’s husband) and ripped him a new one over the “she-monster” he married.

AHall80: Rubes. That sucks. I’m sorry.

RubyMars: I’m sorry too. It’s the only job I’ve ever had. Plus, it really hurt my feelings she just kicked me to curb like that as soon as I delivered the last of the garments she’d left me to alter. It was like she thought I wouldn’t finish my work or I’d do a crappy job if she’d told me before. I wouldn’t ever do that.

RubyMars: I get it’s a business decision, but :( :( :(

AHall80: Nah. She’s your aunt, and you said you’ve worked for her since you were what? 16? Seems harsh to me too. It’s not like you chose to get sick.

AHall80: You need to do something about your other aunt too.

RubyMars: Yeah. My whole family is boycotting ever seeing her family again. That makes me feel a little better, but not much.

AHall80: They should. I would.

AHall80: Don’t think I didn’t notice you ignored my comment about your wedding aunt. You need to tell her something. Or tell your mom or your dad, whoever is the one related to her, to tell her to cut it out if you don’t want to be the one to say anything. But you should.

RubyMars: I know I should, but…

RubyMars: I really hate confrontations.

RubyMars: My whole body starts to shake, my stomach hurts, I get nauseous, things start to feel funny.

AHall80: You’re going to make yourself sick trying to make her happy when she doesn’t seem to deserve you being loyal to her with that attitude. What’ll be worse? Pissing her off or you sweating over making her happy for the rest of your life?

RubyMars: …

AHall80: …

AHall80: Think about it, all right?

RubyMars: All right. :) AHall80: Any idea what you’re gonna do now?

RubyMars: No clue.

RubyMars: My mom’s husband says the company they work for is hiring entry-level positions. That’s an option.

AHall80: Where do they work?

RubyMars: An accounting firm.

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: …

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: …what?

AHall80: You’re just going to quit?

RubyMars: I don’t want to.

AHall80: Then why are you considering it?

RubyMars: Because it isn’t like it’s easy to find a job opening for what I do.

RubyMars: I sound like a whiney baby. I’m sorry. I’m only a baby, not a whiney one. I’m so frustrated right now. I don’t want to give up what I do, and I’m mad at myself. I know I can do something that makes me more money. I wasn’t making bank before, but I like what I do. I’ve looked through the paper and Craigslist for openings but haven’t found anything that pays even a dollar more than minimum wage. I haven’t made that little since I was sixteen.

AHall80: You’re not being a whiney baby.

AHall80: Maybe a little :]

RubyMars: :) AHall80: You said you have money in savings?

RubyMars: Yeah, but not much.

AHall80: For how long?

RubyMars: 2 months if I don’t change any spending habits. I can make it stretch longer if I have to.

AHall80: So don’t rush into a job we both know you’re going to hate.

AHall80: Can you try and get more ice-skating work?

RubyMars: I can try. I was limiting myself on how much I take on because of the day job. I was thinking about starting to run ads with a faster turn-around time, but that’ll cost me money to front. My brother’s boyfriend asked me to make his dog a rain jacket and some bandanas in the meantime because he felt bad after he heard what happened. He was here when my mom was on the phone with my uncle.

AHall80: Have you made dog clothes before?

RubyMars: No, but I’m sure I can come up with something. It can’t be any harder than that dress I made for my sister I sent you.

AHall80: Even I know you can do it.

AHall80: Hey, I gotta go. We’ll talk soon.

AHall80: Don’t give up and get a job yet, all right?

RubyMars: Fine. :) I won’t.

RubyMars: Take care. Talk to you soon.

AHall80: Bye, Ruby Cube.

March 13th

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey you

RubyMars: This is a miracle. It’s 12 p.m. here.

AHall80: I know… It’s a miracle you’re awake.

RubyMars: Har har

AHall80: How you feeling?

RubyMars: Sleepy but good. :) You?

AHall80: Rly tired AHall80: Long long day

RubyMars: Go to bed.

AHall80: I will in a min. Just wanted to get on and check on you for a sec.

RubyMars: Go to sleep. I’m all right. I still haven’t gotten another job, if that’s what you’re wondering.

AHall80: It is, but good.