Dear Aaron Page 51

AHall80: Good, that’s great RubyMars: I think so. :) RubyMars: I’ll let you know what happens.

RubyMars: I thought about e-mailing you, but I didn’t.

AHall80: I noticed.

RubyMars: Har har har

RubyMars: I didn’t get any e-mails from you either, buster.

AHall80: :]

AHall80: You’re the only one I’m still messaging. I already said bye to my two other HaS matches, and my family and friends know I’ll let them know as soon as my flight is off.

RubyMars: You’re making me feel special.

RubyMars: If you’re trying to suck up to me for ignoring me for two weeks, it’s working.

AHall80: None of them make me laugh like you do

AHall80: I’m not trying to suck up. :]

RubyMars: Sure you aren’t. :) RubyMars: Speaking of… I’ll tell you something funny that happened a couple of days ago.

RubyMars: My allergies have been really bad lately, and I haven’t been taking any medication. I was at my older brother’s condo helping him paint and we had the windows open. I’d been holding in my pee because he was busy doing the bathroom. I sneezed so hard I peed myself. A lot. So much. There was no way for me to hide it. He laid down on the floor when I told him what happened, covering his face with his hands.

AHall80: ….

RubyMars: Funny, huh?

AHall80: Yes

AHall80: Yes

RubyMars: :) Luckily he has a washer and a dryer in his condo. He promised not to tell anyone, and luckily he still hasn’t, so I’m holding out hope he doesn’t blurt it out one day while he’s drunk.

AHall80: I wouldn’t do that to my sister.

RubyMars: He would, lol.

AHall80: You’re not worried I’ll tell somebody?

RubyMars: No. You wouldn’t do that to me.

RubyMars: How is your sister anyway?

AHall80: She’s good from what I heard last e-mail. My brother said she’s back to acting like normal.

RubyMars: I’m happy to hear that.

AHall80: Me too

AHall80: Have you gotten more work?

RubyMars: Only a little, but one is a big job. One of the local theaters reached out to me two days ago about doing costumes for their play. Their usual costume designer quit unexpectedly and hasn’t finished them, and I said I could finish her work. I have three days before costume rehearsals, but I’ll trade sleep for money.

AHall80: How’d they get your number?

RubyMars: One of the actors is friends with my big sister. :) AHall80: Whatever works RubyMars: That’s what I said.

RubyMars: Anywho, have you heard anything else about Scotland?

AHall80: Nothing new yet

AHall80: Ready to go

AHall80: The new unit showed up already. I’ll be heading out any day now

RubyMars: Air conditioning everywhere!

AHall80: Plumbing RubyMars: Beer!

AHall80: Pizza RubyMars: Clean clothes!

AHall80: No sand

RubyMars: No mice!

AHall80: No mosquitoes RubyMars: Smaller chances of dehydration!

AHall80: :]

AHall80: You’re something else

RubyMars: Something good?

AHall80: Very good

RubyMars: :) AHall80: My bad on the last few weeks.

AHall80: I missed talking to you too

RubyMars: Nobody told you you couldn’t talk to me.

AHall80: Way to lay down the guilt trip

RubyMars: It’s the truth, isn’t it? :) RubyMars: I’m just messing with you.

AHall80: Nah, you got a point. It is the truth.

AHall80: My bad

RubyMars: I know, it’s fine. I forgive you.

AHall80: You forgive everyone, don’t you?

RubyMars: For the most part. Holding grudges takes too much energy and time.

RubyMars: I don’t want to live my life pissed off, you know?

AHall80: I know.

AHall80: Huh

RubyMars: We’re still the platonic version of Ruron.

RubyMars: If you want.

AHall80: …yeah

AHall80: I gotta go, but I’ll write you before I head out. I’ve got this feeling it’s any day now.

RubyMars: Okay. Be safe. If I don’t hear from you before you leave, have a good flight and make sure you take a book with you to read when you aren’t snoring away.

AHall80: Har har

AHall80: I missed talking to you.

AHall80: Bye, Ruby Cube

RubyMars: Bye, stalker

May 25, 2009

AHall80: Tell me something RubyMars: I fell down the stairs today. I was wearing socks and my heel just slipped on the edge. It’s a miracle I didn’t break my arm.

RubyMars: My butt was like a stack of dominos on each step going down.

AHall80: Ruby

RubyMars: It wasn’t my most graceful moment. No one was home, so there’s that.

AHall80: No video?

RubyMars: No video. Sorry for bursting your dreams.

AHall80: That’s on my list of things I’d like to see after a pizza with double pepperoni.

RubyMars: I’m so honored busting my butt is on your list after pizza, lol.

AHall80: :]

AHall80: Before mac and cheese too

RubyMars: Lol

RubyMars: You never tell me if embarrassing, dumb stuff happens to you.

AHall80: Because it doesn’t RubyMars: Liar.