Dear Aaron Page 62

AHall80: ….

AHall80: No. In case Max called.

RubyMars: I see.

RubyMars: What’d you see today?

AHall80: You’d be in heaven.

RubyMars: Tell me every detail.

AHall80: We’re in Skye today. We stopped at this place called the… I can’t spell it… Quiraing… Ian says that’s how it’s spelled… most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. Got to hike about half the trail. It was rainy and really cloudy, but the longer we walked the more the clouds went away and you could see these lakes, lochs whatever they’re called… Never seen anything so amazing in my life. Like I was on a different planet. Saw a waterfall, had a walk through another place called the fairy pools, another castle ruin, a cemetery…

AHall80: Wish you could have seen it.

RubyMars: :) As long as you had fun, that’s good enough for me.

AHall80: Had to do most of the fairy pools walk by myself because these lazy asses didn’t want to.

AHall80: I jumped into one of the pools and froze my ass off. Got tons of pictures.

RubyMars: Good. Send them to me.

AHall80: Des is off the phone.

AHall80: I’ll msg you when I can.

RubyMars: Okay. Have fun.

AHall80: Bye, Ruron

June 24th

12:09 p.m.

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey you.

RubyMars: How was your day?

AHall80: Good

AHall80: Saw this castle called… I wrote it down… Eilean Donan castle, stopped in a town called Fort William and checked out this place called Glencoe.

RubyMars: You had fun?

AHall80: I wouldn’t say fun, but it was good.

RubyMars: What’s wrong?

AHall80: Just wishing things would have worked out better for this trip.

AHall80: Hate thinking like that.

RubyMars: I’m sorry, Aaron.

RubyMars: Hopefully you can go on another trip with Max sometime in the future.

AHall80: It’s not even that.

AHall80: About to head out for dinner. I’ll msg you before bed.

RubyMars: Okay, have a good dinner.

AHall80: :]

4:33 p.m.

AHall80: You there?

RubyMars: I’m always here.

RubyMars: Unless it’s the butt crack of dawn.

RubyMars: What did you have for dinner?

AHall80: Fish n chips AHall80: I’ve been thinking RubyMars: What brought this miracle on?

AHall80: I wish you could’ve come with me

AHall80: You there?

RubyMars: I’m here, sorry.

RubyMars: I didn’t mean to give you a guilt trip about going to Scotland.

AHall80: You didn’t.

AHall80: Just wish you could’ve come too.

RubyMars: :)That’s really nice of you. I wish I could have too.

AHall80: I’ve been thinking about it a lot

RubyMars: When is your flight back?

AHall80: Tomorrow AHall80: You gone on another date?

RubyMars: No.

RubyMars: You?

AHall80: Nah

AHall80: I’m sleepy RubyMars: Then go to bed. :) RubyMars: Did you drink too much tonight?

AHall80: Yeah

RubyMars: Lol

AHall80: :) RubyMars: That’s the first real smiley face you’ve given me.

AHall80: Nah

AHall80: You haven’t seen the rest

RubyMars: Go to bed.

AHall80: Ok

AHall80: Night RubyMars: Goodnight, Ruron.

AHall80: Bye

June 25th

1:23 a.m.

AHall80: About to check out of the hotel, just wanted to say bye.

RubyMars: Good morning to you.

RubyMars: Okay. Have a safe flight home. Enjoy your extra space on the plane.

AHall80: I will

AHall80: Hey

RubyMars: Hey

AHall80: Never mind I’ll msg you when I get home.

AHall80: Go to bed

RubyMars: Yes, Mommy Aaron.

RubyMars: :) Be safe.

AHall80: You too.

June 27th

1:54 a.m.

AHall80: I figured it out

RubyMars: Hi to you.

RubyMars: Glad you made it home safely, lol.

RubyMars: What did you figure out?

AHall80: Why don’t you come with me?

AHall80: Ruby?

AHall80: You there?

RubyMars: I’m here.

AHall80: …

RubyMars: I dropped my phone sorry.

AHall80: Did you see my message?

RubyMars: That’s why I dropped my phone. You want me to go with you… where?

AHall80: To Florida RubyMars: ….

RubyMars: You want me to go with you to Florida?

AHall80: Yeah

RubyMars: I’m just trying to understand. Why do you want me to go with you?

AHall80: I want to meet you. You said you wanted to meet me…

AHall80: Unless you don’t RubyMars: I do

RubyMars: I do!

RubyMars: You just caught me totally off guard is all.

AHall80: Come with us.

RubyMars: You keep saying that.

AHall80: Because I want you to

RubyMars: I thought Max was going with you to Florida?

AHall80: He is

AHall80: He doesn’t feel bad going there RubyMars: But you want me to go too?