Shades of Wicked Page 45

He gripped me tighter, his fangs sinking in again to send more of those incredible surges through me. Good gods, I hadn’t known it could feel like this! It had hurt when Tenoch bit me to turn me into a vampire. I’d never let another vampire bite me since. I couldn’t. My blood would’ve outed me for what I was.

Ian propelled my mouth to his neck. I hesitated. I’d never drunk from a vampire, either, since I couldn’t offer reciprocity. Then his new, deeper bite knocked the hesitation out of me. I sank my fangs into him, moaning when his blood slid down my throat. With the brands, his blood was now the most potent of wines. Every swallow sent delicious fire through my veins.

Desire maddened me. Each rub of his skin made my flesh oversensitized, and every new bite between us had me shuddering with pleasure. Finally, I tore my mouth away to shout “Please!” in whatever language came to mind first.

His mouth left my neck to sear over mine. Then he slid between my legs and I felt the glorious burn of a silver-studded thrust. Even as he started to pull out, I gripped him with arms and legs to force him deeper, crying out when that roughly buried him all the way inside me.

The sound he made was worth the ache. With his size, I would’ve needed more gentleness for it not to hurt, but I didn’t care. I arched against him and he began to move as if the passion boiling over in me was spilling out into him, too. That ache increased, but so did the pleasure, until both made me scream so loud, he paused and tore his mouth from mine.

“Don’t stop!” I said raggedly.

Concern creased his features. “Felt you tensing. This is hurting you.”

“I don’t care.”

Everything I felt was bared in my gaze, but I didn’t look away. All I did was tighten my legs around him to tell him in another way that I wanted more of those hard, deep thrusts despite the slivers of pain. They were an outlet for everything I couldn’t bring myself to say out loud.

“I care,” he said vehemently.

He kissed me, but he didn’t move the way I wanted. He stayed buried deep while he began to undulate his hips, his pelvis rubbing against my clitoris with an erotic caress.

That fullness combined with the instant starbursts had me crying out against his mouth. He continued those sensual rubs while his hands moved over me until the rest of my nerve endings felt raw from pleasure. It was all too much. I came with a cry his mouth couldn’t completely muffle.

Ian reared up and his hands left my hips. Oddly, he fluttered his fingers in the air as if counting something I couldn’t see. Then he touched his mouth before reaching down to glide his fingers over my clitoris.

“Say yes,” he rasped. “You have to accept this spell for it to work.”

“What spell?” I murmured, still tingling from the orgasm and the feel of his fingers.

“Say yes,” his voice deepened, “and I’ll show you.”

“Yes . . .”

I glimpsed his smile before his head dipped. Then I let out a shocked gasp as I felt his mouth in two places at once. His tongue tangled with mine while at the same time, I felt it twisting over my clitoris. He was still inside me, and the combination of incredible fullness plus sinuous laves had me shuddering.

I moved against him, wanting him to feel the same pleasure that was cascading through me. He let out a low chuckle as he stopped caressing me to hold my hips immobile. Those magically mirrored flicks and delves turned post-climax tingles into new throbs of arousal as he kissed me until I couldn’t remember anything except his taste. He still wasn’t moving inside me, but the undulations I couldn’t stop myself from making stretched and stroked my inner walls while every phantom lick sent more shards of pleasure into me.

“Gods, I love this spell,” I moaned against his lips.

His laugh was wickedness at its most tempting. “Agreed. The only real crime is that it’s illegal,” he teased before his mouth once again slanted over mine.

I could barely think through the ecstasy. I ran my hands over his back and ass, loving the feel of his sleek skin over those hard slopes and ridges. Then I raked my nails deep, feeling his shudder all through me. I glided my breasts against his chest before pinching his nipples hard enough to elicit a moan. Hearing it made my loins clench almost as much as those endlessly erotic licks, so I did it again, harder. With a throaty chuckle, he stopped kissing me to bend his head to my breast.

I cried out when his fangs pierced the tip. With the spell, I felt it in my nipple as well as in the throbbing apex between my legs. A long moan tore from me as the juice in his fangs bathed my breast and my loins with the sweetest of heats. He sank his fangs into the tip of my other breast next, pinching my bitten nipple at the same time. Merciless pleasure slammed into me.

My skin felt too tight, my nipples burned, and I was now so wet, I could feel it on my inner thighs. When I was crying out in near sobs, he finally began to move with all the unrestrained passion I’d demanded from him.

Pleasure razed me from the inside out. This time, his roughness had me begging for more in ways I’d be embarrassed about later, if any part of me could still think. I came with a climax that left me shaking. I was still in its throes when he flipped us and slid down to bury his head between my legs for real this time.

The stairs crumbled beneath my grip. He yanked me closer, tongue swirling, flicking and delving so deep, I felt dizzy. His fingers were busy elsewhere, doing things I hadn’t known I liked until that moment. Then he sucked on my clit until I thought I’d go insane, but that was nothing compared to when his fangs sank in and stabbed even more incredible rapture right through me.

I came so hard I must have actually blacked out. The next thing I knew, he was on top of me, moving in a way that had my back arching with lingering rapture. I felt worn out, but I wanted him to feel the same incredible sensations I had, so I mustered my energy and tightened my inner muscles with all my strength.

He gave a shout, and I gloried in every one of the deep spasms that came next. After the last shudder left him, he fell against me as if his own body weight was suddenly too much for him to support.

Chapter 35

After several moments, I realized I was breathing every so often; a vampire’s version of hyperventilating. My blood felt like it was tingling, so if my heart was still capable of beating, it would have been hammering. That wasn’t all I felt. From the various things jabbing me in the back and legs, we must have broken this section of the staircase, too.

Gods, sex with him was going to cost a fortune, if I didn’t want to leave a trail of ripped-off people behind me. But I didn’t move. No amount of splinters could compare to the warm, residual sensations from that climax. It felt as if thousands of little sparklers were still softly going off beneath my skin.

Ian finally lifted his head and balanced his weight on his arms. He smiled before lowering his mouth to mine. His kiss was lingering, as if he was savoring the taste of me. The spell must have worn off, because I only felt it on my mouth this time. He stopped when he felt the tears that had started to slide out my eyes.

“What’s this?” he asked, touching one of the trails. Then concern drew his brows together. “Still too rough?”

I let out a low, barely audible laugh. “Not at all. You’re going to make a world-class masochist out of me, it seems.”

The briefest smile touched his mouth before his expression turned serious again. “What, then?”