The Copper Gauntlet Page 56

“Automotones.” Rufus spat the name. “The mages here would never have sent a deadly elemental to retrieve you. He was too powerful and too violent. And if we had sent him, we would never have sent him with orders to hurt any of you, even Alastair. Someone here sent him with orders to kill the Makar. We thought that meant Aaron, but now that you’re a Makar, no doubt that same person wants you dead, too.”

A cold shudder went through Call. Whoever had sent the elemental after them hadn’t been worried about Call’s safety. Which meant it couldn’t have been one of Master Joseph’s minions, since Master Joseph had thrown himself in front of Call to keep him alive. Which meant Master Rufus was right.

“Go back to the Refectory,” Master Rufus said. “Your friends are waiting for you. We have time enough to discuss the future when your classes begin. Tomorrow. You’re back just in time to go out with the other Copper Years on their second mission.”

“Second mission?” Call asked, astonished.

Master Rufus nodded. “Yes, finding seven speckled frogs in the surrounding forest.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Call said. “We killed the Enemy of Death. Doesn’t that count for anything?”

“Of course it does,” Master Rufus said with a rare, small smile. “It counts as your first mission. You won’t have to do any makeup work. Now get going.”

“Tomorrow,” Call echoed. He started back through the passageways of the Magisterium, past glowing crystals and rock formations, his mind a swirl of uneasy thoughts.

“Callum Hunt,” said a voice.

It was a voice he knew well. Call stopped in place, looking up until his gaze lit on a glowing lizard partway up the wall, regarding him with half-lidded eyes. Warren’s long tongue lashed through the air.

“The end is closer than you think, Makar,” the elemental said.

Then he darted away, leaving Call to stare after him.