Shock & Awe Page 8

Nick chuckled and stepped up behind him. He slid his hands over Kelly’s waist, pulling their bodies together. Kelly hummed, and Nick bent to kiss the back of Kelly’s shoulder.

Kelly turned his head, his nose brushing Nick’s hair. “Come on, Lucky. You think I can’t feel how much you want this?”

Nick inhaled sharply, rubbing his hard cock against Kelly’s ass. One hand gripped Kelly’s hip while the other dragged up his body, avoiding the new scar on his chest and finally coming to rest just under Kelly’s neck. He could feel the rise and fall of Kelly’s increasingly labored breathing.

“I’d give anything to fuck you tonight,” Nick hissed in Kelly’s ear. Before he knew what he was doing, his hand had ventured higher and tightened at Kelly’s throat. His forefinger and thumb rested on the defined edges of Kelly’s jaw.

“Why won’t you?” Kelly gasped. His pulse raced under Nick’s fingertips.

Nick closed his eyes. “I told you once. I’m not going to hurt you.” He kissed Kelly’s shoulder again, then his neck. Kelly groaned, vibrating Nick’s palm. Nick tugged him, turning them around and walking Kelly a few steps until he was facing the wall. He took care to be gentle when he pushed Kelly against it, still holding him by his neck and hip.

Kelly’s hands came up to press against the wall and he blew an unsteady stream of air out. He was trembling.

He put his lips to Kelly’s ear and hummed, the sound low and rumbling. He closed his eyes and thrust his hips against Kelly’s ass again, trying to be calm, trying to be gentle. He could imagine what it would be like to slide inside Kelly and make him writhe and scream, to take him on his knees. His grip tightened on Kelly’s throat as he thought about it.

“Jesus Christ,” Kelly gasped. “I don’t know why I find this so fucking hot, but I do.”

“Okay,” Nick grumbled. “You’re going to have to stop reminding me you’ve never done this before.”

He forced Kelly’s head to the side and strained to be able to kiss him over his shoulder. Kelly growled against his mouth, nipping at his lip and tongue, his body pushing back against Nick’s as he tried to turn. Nick shoved him harder to the wall, tightening his grip. His bare chest pressed against Kelly’s warm back. The denim of his jeans caught at Kelly’s naked skin, his belt buckle digging in. He took his hand from Kelly’s hip and fumbled with his belt and zipper.

“Yeah,” Kelly breathed.

Nick shoved his jeans and boxers down just enough to free his cock, then reached down and guided it against the crack of Kelly’s ass. Kelly’s entire body tensed and he shoved up onto his toes to make him closer to Nick’s height. Nick shivered as Kelly’s reaction reverberated through him.

“I’m not going inside you,” he hissed in Kelly’s ear. Kelly nodded. “But I do plan on coming all over your ass, so buckle the fuck up.”

Kelly groaned again and Nick pulled back on his chin, forcing Kelly to look up at the ceiling. He pushed Kelly’s entire body against the wall, thrusting his hips and dry-humping him between his legs.

Kelly made a growling, whimpering sound. “Are you sure you won’t fuck me?”

Nick grunted, pressing his face against Kelly’s cheek. “I’d wreck you.”

“Sounds fun,” Kelly said, choking on the words.

Nick closed his eyes. “We’ll get there. Do you have condoms? Lube?” he asked, barely able to get the words out.

“Does it matter what kind?” Kelly asked. He was gritting his teeth and his eyes were closed.

“The kind you use when you get off.”

“Drawer by the bed.”

Nick stepped back, putting his hand between Kelly’s shoulder blades. “Stay.”

Kelly nodded, resting his forehead against the wall. He reached down to palm himself. “Do we really need condoms?” he asked.

Nick glanced back at him as he rummaged through the drawer. “Less mess.”

“Messy is hot as hell.” Kelly still hadn’t opened his eyes, and he was stroking himself languidly. “I trust you if you say we don’t need them.”

Nick’s stomach flipped. He’d never once been with someone he would trust at their word for going without a cover. But Kelly was different, and Nick didn’t even give it a second thought. He dropped the condom back into the drawer and returned to press against Kelly’s back. He reached around him, replacing Kelly’s hand with his own to stroke Kelly’s hard cock a few times. Then he gripped Kelly’s wrist and brought it back out, shoving it hard against the wall.

Their fingers twined together.

Nick kissed at Kelly’s neck. “Do me a favor, okay?” he whispered. Kelly nodded. “Don’t come until I’m ready to swallow it, you hear me?”

Kelly grunted and made another whimpering sound, but he nodded.

“I don’t care if I’m in the middle of shooting my load inside that sweet ass of yours, you start to come, you shove your dick down my throat any way you can.”

“Got it,” Kelly gasped. He grinned and rested his head back on Nick’s shoulder, his eyes still closed. “I got it. Holy fuck.”

Nick smiled and filled one hand with lubricant. He dropped the bottle and took himself in hand, stroking and covering his cock in lube.

He bent his head to kiss Kelly’s shoulder. Then he dragged his teeth over the skin, biting down. Kelly moaned and pushed his ass back against Nick’s cock.

“You like that?” Nick asked.

“I don’t know. I’m no longer in control of my ass.”

Nick laughed. He took his cock and slid the head between Kelly’s ass cheeks. “That’s because your ass is mine right now,” he growled, then bit down again on Kelly’s shoulder and rocked his hips harder. His slick cock slid easily, gliding against Kelly’s ass.

Kelly pushed back, shimmying his hips. Nick let Kelly’s hand go and grabbed his neck again, yanking his head back so he could kiss and bite and suck at his collarbone and jaw and neck. The sounds Kelly made with each nip were intoxicating.

“Goddamn, I want to eat you alive,” Nick snarled, pulling a desperate moan from Kelly. Kelly’s knees were going weak, though, and he seemed to be using all his strength to keep his chest from hitting the wall. Nick worked harder to hold him up, reminding himself to be gentler as he worked his hips, seeking friction for his thrusts. He reached around Kelly with his slick hand and palmed his cock, beginning to stroke him, his movements forcing Kelly to fuck his hand.

Kelly rose on his toes again. He exhaled in a gust. Nick shoved Kelly’s head to the side and their lips sought each other out, sucking and biting, their tongues lapping. Nick found the tight ring of muscle at Kelly’s ass with the head of his cock, pushing at it with a careful thrust.

Kelly moaned wantonly, and the sound went straight to Nick’s throbbing cock. Kelly’s jumped in Nick’s hand, the tip leaking against his thumb.

“If I beg, will you shove that into me?” Kelly asked.

“No,” Nick ground out. He thrust harder though, pressing at those muscles, making Kelly think he could enter him. There was no way he’d force himself past those tense muscles, though, not for the first time.

“Jesus Christ, Nick,” Kelly gasped. His hands splayed against the wall.

Nick moaned, pressing his face into Kelly’s neck. He took advantage of the tension pouring off Kelly’s body, of the chance to let Kelly feel Nick’s cock pressing at those muscles.

Their panting breaths mingled together. Kelly’s strangled gasps were loud in Nick’s ears. He pushed his ass back, obviously liking the feeling and wanting more. With some patience and preparation, Kelly was going to be one hell of an entertaining bottom. Nick could imagine exactly what it would be like to stretch him out on a bed and lay into him.

“Kels,” Nick ground out, desperately fighting back his orgasm.

“Come on, Nick!” Kelly shouted. He reached back and dug his fingernails into Nick’s ribs, breaking the skin as he dragged them. Nick shouted and tightened his grip on Kelly’s neck, pulling his whole body away from the wall and then slamming him into it as he came.

Kelly talked the whole way through, mumbling to him, begging him, groaning and moaning. Nick held to him as they both gasped and grunted, as his cum spurted between Kelly’s legs and against his ass.

“Jesus fucking Christ that feels good,” Kelly finally panted.

Nick pushed away from him, taking hold of his shoulder and turning him to press his back against the wall. Kelly was biting his lip, his eyes fluttering as he tried and failed to keep them open. Nick stepped close and kissed him, diving into it. Kelly’s hands tangled in his hair.

Nick growled into the languid kiss. All sense of urgency had leaked out of both of them, and Nick’s palm was covered in cum that wasn’t his. He pulled away from the kiss. “You came, didn’t you?”

Kelly began to laugh, curling around Nick and pressing their bodies closer.

“Jackass,” Nick muttered against his lips.

Kelly stretched out on the lounger on the small balcony outside his bedroom. The stars winked overhead. The moon shone down, bright on his bare skin. It was cool enough that Nick had gone back inside for a blanket, because neither of them was willing to get dressed again.

Nick’s cum was drying between his legs. He’d refused to clean up because he wanted to feel it there. It was a singularly odd sensation, but Kelly was digging it. In fact, it was sexy as hell. He was all for new experiences, after all.

He was also pretty sure there was going to be a handprint on his neck. Bite marks on his shoulder. Jesus Christ, that was hot. And he’d actually been compelled to put Neosporin on Nick’s ribs where he’d drawn blood.

He heard Nick bang into something and cuss it up and down before stumbling out onto the balcony. Kelly snickered as Nick wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and cursed the table one more time.

“I’m pretty sure that wasn’t there before,” Nick grumbled.

Kelly laughed harder. “I’m pretty sure it was.”

“Shut up.”

“You’re high.”

“Oh, look at the pothead calling the kettle names,” Nick said in a singsong voice as he settled onto the wide chaise beside Kelly. They both laughed harder. Nick pulled the blanket over them, and the warmth of his naked body against Kelly’s was so welcome that Kelly turned into it. A moment later Nick had his arm under Kelly’s neck, giving him a cushion to rest his head on, and he wrapped his arm around Kelly to pull him closer. Their temples pressed together as they both looked up at the night sky.

“Jesus,” Nick muttered. “Even out on the water the stars aren’t like this.”

Kelly hummed in agreement and passed Nick the blunt they’d started on earlier. Nick brought out the lighter he’d retrieved with the blanket.

Kelly wasn’t sure he should have found it sexy to watch Nick light the thing. He’d seen him do it a hundred times before. They were the only members of Sidewinder who appreciated the intricacies of herbal refreshment, so they’d done this together a lot over the years, sneaking away and sitting under the stars to share a hit. But this was the first time Kelly had ever appreciated Nick’s form.

He was falling hard and fast and he didn’t care why or how. Wrapped up in this blanket under the stars, he could admit that. He always fell fast, though, and he knew Nick. Nick could smell someone falling in love from a mile away. Kelly had seen him bolt like a scared whitetail deer more than once, so he’d have to be careful.

Nick took a long drag as he stared up at the sky. His body was relaxing, settling into the lounger and into Kelly. He turned his head, placing the burning tip of the blunt into his mouth. He reached for Kelly’s chin, pulling him until their lips met. Kelly slid his fingertips against Nick’s cheek as they shotgunned the hit. Nick blew smoke into his mouth as their bodies curled together, then he took the blunt and pulled it away, stealing a languid kiss before Kelly got a chance to exhale.

They began to laugh even as the kiss continued. Nick pulled away, and Kelly turned his head to blow smoke into the night, laughing harder.

They lay curled together, sharing the blunt until it was gone and getting higher than the stars they watched, drawing warmth from each other when they probably should have been inside.

“This is good, Kels,” Nick finally murmured.

Kelly turned his head to peer at Nick in the moonlight. He was staring at the sky, the same way he always did when they’d wander off and lie down somewhere and get high.

Kelly grinned. “I grow it myself in the woods out back.”

Nick began to laugh, the sound kicking Kelly off into a fit of giggling too. Nick pulled Kelly closer. He turned his head, pressing his face against Kelly’s. “That’s not what I meant.”

Their lips met, and before Kelly knew what was happening, they were curling around each other, kissing more, their legs tangling, their bodies aligning in ways Kelly had never realized they could.

“This is good,” Kelly whispered. “What do we do about it?”

“Wing it,” Nick growled. “It’s what we’ve always done.”

Kelly nodded. “You promise to fuck me eventually?”

He felt Nick smile into the kiss. “Promise.”

When Kelly woke, the sun was streaming through the loft of the cabin and he was alone in bed. Again. He glanced around. Music was playing downstairs. On the table beside his bed was a bottle of water and his pills all lined in a row, waiting to be taken. There was also a packet of string cheese. A note was propped against the lamp, telling him to call for help before he tried to get out of bed, and to eat the cheese before taking his pills.