The Arrangement 9 Page 5

Mel grins, “Well, it’s gonna cost you. We had plans.” Mel presses the phone to her shoulder and cuts across three lanes of traffic to get to our exit. Horns blare, but somehow she still hears what Miss Black says. “Fine, whatever. All I know is that my days off are getting to be fewer and fewer, and overworked and underpaid are two words that are not in my vocabulary, Miss Black. So, if you want me and Avery to work tonight, you’re going to have to fix that underpaid part. Overtime is a 50% increase. We’re both well into it this month and you know it. Uh huh. Well, that’s a risk I’m willing to take. How ‘bout you, Avery?” Mel makes a sound of agreement, and grins as she comes to a stop light. “Avery says, ‘suck it.’ She’s not taking a charity case either. Go ahead. Sic your big thug on us. I’ll cut him up and don’t you doubt that I won’t. Yeah.” She nods for a few seconds and then a smile breaks across her face like sunlight in the dawning sky. “Damn straight, woman. That’s more like it. We’ll be there in an hour. We both need wardrobe, too.” Mel tosses me back the phone.

I’m a little afraid. I put it to my ear like it might bite me, but Black already hung up. “Are you insane? She threatens to beat the shit out of us and you said bring it?”

Mel shrugs. “It’s part of the game, honey. If you can’t play, get out of the sandbox.” I blink at her like she’s lost her mind. Mel rolls her eyes, “This business is just that—a business. If Black wants to work us like this, then she’s gotta compensate us. That’s all there is to it.”

“Has she ever had Gabe or one of the guys rough you up?”

Mel snorts and glances at me. We turn a corner and head back to the Long Island Expressway. “Where are you getting your info on pimping? Crocodile Dundee? This isn’t 1980, Avery. The most Black will do is make you uncomfortable.”

“You don’t believe that.”

“It’s all talk. Have you ever seen Gabe beat the shit out of anyone?”

“Yeah. Last week. He beat Henry Thomas—”

“So he slapped him around in front of you, but did you witness the whole asskicking?”


“Well, I’ve never seen one either. Odds are that Mr. Dickhead is walking around in the same condition you last saw him in—meaning that Gabe threw a few punches and that was it. If it’s bend over or take a hit, I’d rather get punched in the face. Besides, Black was bluffing this time. She needs us.”

“Yeah, but the key phrase is this time, Mel.” What about next time? Or the time after? What happens when we no longer hold the same value to Black? I don’t want to find out.


The life of a call girl agrees with Mel. She likes to make guys fall on their knees. She tells me that Black gives her the guys that want to be tamed, that need a strong woman. “Most women are too demur. Bunch of pussies.” We’re sitting in the office, checking in.

I stifle a laugh because Black is coming back. She already scolded me for being fat again, even though my measurements are exactly the same. “Avery,” Black snaps her fingers at me, motioning to take the lingerie in her hands, “Put these on and hurry up. You’re going to be late.”

“She’s not late and stop snapping at her like she’s a mutt. Show some respect.” Mel folds her arms over her chest. She’s leaning back in a chair, already dressed and ready to go.

“Why are you still here?” Black’s eyes narrow to slits as she stares at Mel.

“I’m waiting for my friend.”

“Your friend has had enough of you for today. Go and have the driver take you downtown before I get tired of seeing you.” Black glares at Mel and Mel stares back. They hate each other. It’s weird, since I thought they had an okay relationship. Guess not.

Mel backs down first, which is weird. She stands and brushes her dress off. “Fine, but if you mess with her—”

“Yes, you’ll personally carve me a new face. I understand your gang speak. Now go on.” Black uses the most condescending tone I’ve ever heard. I can’t believe Mel doesn’t say anything back, but she doesn’t. Instead, there’s a languid smirk on her face that clearly accompanies the word, BITCH.

Black turns back to me and doesn’t notice, or care. “Well, hurry up!”

I dress quickly and pull on the bra and panty set. Another shelf bra. The underwire cuts into my sides because it’s a size too small. My boobs look like popovers in this thing, which isn’t a look I usually go for. It’s not the 60’s, no one likes cone-shaped boobs anymore. I walk out and Black hands me a little charcoal gray dress. “Uh, Miss Black, this doesn’t fit.”

Her eyes flick up from her desk and she looks me over. “It’s fine. This client will enjoy it. Get the dress on and get out of here.”

Gabe is waiting for me downstairs. The ground looks like a sheet of glass. It’s been raining, which makes the city lights sparkle on the ground. I love the city when it rains, especially since I don’t have to try and catch a cab. I duck into the car and lose a boob as I climb in. It falls out of the too-small bra and peeps out the top of my low-cut neckline. Horrified, I tuck it back into the bra as Gabe walks around the car and lets himself in. He doesn’t say anything.

We drive to another hotel, to meet another client. My stomach is twisting ruthlessly as I cross the lobby. It isn’t until I lift my hand to knock on the door that I realize that I never saw this guy’s picture or caught his name. All the bickering between Black and Mel had me distracted. Just as I raise my fist to knock, the door opens and a hotel employee greets me.

“Good evening, Miss. Your husband said he’d be along shortly and asked me to make some preparations to your room. I hope everything is to your liking. There’s a letter on the desk, from Mr. Charles. He asked that you read it immediately and apologized for his delay.” The young man holds the door open for me and I step inside.

For a second my heart is pounding, but when I glance around the room there are roses everywhere. Some of the jitters float away as I stand there. Then it dawns on me to tip the guy. I stuff twenty bucks into his palm and thank him.

When he leaves, it’s clear that I’m alone. “Well, let’s see where Mr. Charles has gone to...” I can’t believe he made a fuss about me being here and then didn’t show up. I still get paid, so whatever.

After finding the letter, I tear it open and read the note. I stare at it for a second longer than I should, not believing what I’m reading. It can’t be…

My phone chirps and I drop the letter. Grabbing my purse, I yank out my phone and look down at the screen. It’s Sean. A smile softly laces across my face.

There’s a text message.

Avery, are you there?

Yes, I type back with a stupid smile on my face. He really booked me again? Maybe he doesn’t want to let me go and just can’t say it yet. I cradle the phone to my chest like it’s Sean and giggle.

Do you understand what I want us to do? He explained it in his letter. Since he can’t be here, Sean wants to be dirty with me from afar.

Heart pounding, I type back, Sexting, right?

Pretty much. I couldn’t be there, but I had to have you.

Miss Black will have a coronary if she finds out about this. Pictures are discouraged and sexting is strictly forbidden. But it’s Sean... I start to ask him if he cleared it with Black, but erase the message. I want to be with him and if he didn’t, I’d rather not know. As it is, I wonder what Gabe will report since he isn’t going to see Sean walk in or out.

I’m not sure what to do, or what to type. How do we even start something like this? I flat out tell him, I haven’t done this before…

A few seconds pass and he writes back, It’s okay. I’ll tell you what to do and you do it. That’s all. It’s not hard, Avery… Stand in front of the mirror and take a picture of yourself. I want to see what you’re wearing.

I walk to the mirror and click the picture. After I hit send, another message appears.

Remove the dress and send another…

My heart flutters. This is weird. There’s no one to talk to, no one to look at, but I do it anyway. This is what he wants. Besides, I’ve never done it before. Maybe it’s not going to be weird the whole time. Slipping the dress off my shoulders, I take another picture showcasing my cleavage and perky nipples, but it doesn’t feel sexy. I’m too nervous. I click send and glance around the room.

There’s wine on the dresser. It’s the kind you like. Go have a glass and then lay down on the bed.

Fine by me. I walk across the room in my heels and find the wine. Someone already removed the cork so the only thing I have to do is pour a glass and chug it. The wine warms me as it floods my stomach. That combined with a lack of dinner makes me calm down. I pour another glass and place it on the nightstand before climbing onto the bed.

There’s another message:

Are you ready?


Will you do anything I want, no questions asked?

My stomach twists as giddy excitement rises in my chest. Yes, if that’s what you want…

Good. Tonight is about me seeing you. I’ll tell you what to do and when. I want you to follow my directions exactly and send pictures or video when I tell you.

Will you send any to me?

No. Tonight’s about your ecstasy, Avery. I want to see you writhing with pleasure and know that I was the man who did it to you…that my words were enough to make you come hard and long. The message makes my stomach flip. The spot between my legs is already pulsing softly, expectantly. The whole situation is unreal. I thought Sean left me. I thought we’d never see each other again, and here we are.

I have a little buzz from the wine and intend to keep it that way, so I take another swig, downing half the glass. I’m nervous. I’m a sexting virgin and don’t want to do it wrong, but at the same time, this scares the life out of me. A lazy smile forms on my face as the wine takes effect.