Axel Page 36

“Okay.” I mumble, already falling back to sleep.

Axel returned after a couple minutes carrying a tray with dry toast and ginger ale. He smiles shyly at me when I look up at him.

“God, I love you.” I say.

“Love you too, Princess. How’s the stomach?”

“Better. At least it isn’t protesting the sight of food.”

We sit there for a while and I slowly eat the breakfast. Everything seems to be staying down and I can see the concern start to leave Axel’s eyes.

“What’s your plan for today?” He questions, clicking the channel over to the local news.

“Not much, just catching up on some clients that needed a few things.” I actually had planned to finish wrapping up his presents but he didn’t need to know that.

“I need to tell you something and I’m not sure how you’re going to take it.”

I don’t like the sound of that at all. I put the tray on the table next to the bed and shift to look at him.

“Okay…I’m listening?” I can already tell I won’t be happy by the way he keeps looking at me with dread.

“Axel?” I prompt.

“Okay. So, I want you to remember that everything I do is to protect you. Got that?”

I nod my head, narrowing my eyes.

“Right. So I’ve had the guys keeping tabs on that fuckwad for a while now. So far, we haven’t had an inch to go on, until last week, when Locke finally found some irregularities in the company reports.” I go to interrupt him but he just shakes his head. “Do not ask me how we got those; you don’t need to know the particulars. Anyway, he’s been combing over those reports day and night and finally put it all together. Deep baby. He’s been pulling thousands, I’m talking hundreds of thousands right out from under the old man’s nose. Two days ago, Locke followed that trail right into Brandon’s pockets. Long story short, Locke sent a nice care package to dear old dad outlining and showcasing all the evidence. That last thing I heard from my inside guy, was that old man went balls to the fucking wall mad. Police were called in and warrants sworn out for Brandon.” He studies my face, looking for any sign of displeasure with him for disregarding my wish to just let it all be. He won’t find any. As upset that I am at him for keeping his thumb on Brandon, I know why he did it, respect it even.

“And...” I add. “I know there is more Axel or you wouldn’t be sharing.” My tone is neutral but my body is wound tight.

“I had a guy on him, not one of our men but one that I know and trust. Brandon, at this moment, is unaccounted for. Police are looking for him; the boys are looking for him. I’m looking for him. He won’t hide from me. Hear me now, baby, I will find that fucking shit. But I need you to be safe. Stick close this week, okay? I know you aren’t happy about this but it needed to be done.”

I reach out and grab his hand, giving him a small squeeze. “I understand. I’m not mad. A little upset maybe, but I understand where you’re coming from. If I’m honest, I don’t think I would feel safe knowing he was floating around there.” I give him a small smile, noticing that the worry lines have left his face.

“I’ll find him.” A threat. There will be no mercy from this man if he gets his hands on Brandon.

I snuggle into his side and we spend the rest of the morning in our bed watching TV and just enjoying being together.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully. Housework and catching up on some of the things I have put off throughout the week.

I have been calling Dee all day but so far haven’t heard from her. Axel told me to leave it be for the day, chances are she wasn’t able to come to the phone anyway. He tries to call Beck when I wouldn’t leave him alone but just got voicemail. With a smile and a shrug of his shoulder we went about the day. I decide to take his advice and just let her call me when she is ready.

I am still not feeling back to normal, so the night ends with us watching movies in bed before drifting off to sleep.

Monday morning starts off much like the morning before. Axel has given me a kiss before the sun is even up and tells me he needs to go into the office for a few hours but will be back for lunch.

Rolling over slowly, I try to calm my stomach but am unsuccessful, and dashing off for the bathroom a few minutes later. I spend the next thirty minutes dry heaving into the toilet before I am able to crawl back to bed. I drift off to a restless sleep not long after my head hits the pillow.

I jolt awake when a chill climbs up my spine. Throwing off the covers, I run down the hallway and stairs before crashing into the office. Pulling up my calendar, I start doing some math in my head. It doesn’t take me long before I am dropping heavily into my desk chair.

Holy shit. It couldn’t be.

I sit there staring out the window above my desk; watching the trees sway in the breeze and the water down by the lake ripple with the wind. It makes sense. That had been the week after the attack at my house. I remember taking my pill every day like clockwork but I had also been taking some heavy antibiotics.

Holy shit. I drop my forehead on the desk for a few minutes and allow myself a few seconds to freak out.

I pick up the phone on my desk and try calling Dee again but have no luck. It is still early, so I leave a message for her to call me as soon as possible. I disconnect the call before picking the phone up again and calling my doctor, making an appointment for a few hours from now.

On shaking legs, I make the climb back up the stairs and quickly get ready. I don’t even bother with my hair or makeup. I just throw on some jeans and a sweatshirt before dashing out the door.

I make it to the doctor by 9:30 and quickly sign in. I don’t have to wait long before my name is being called. I go through the motions with the nurse and then sit, wait, and silently freak out.

An hour later, it’s confirmed.

I’m pregnant.

Holy shit, I’m pregnant.

“When was your last menstrual cycle, Ms. West?” The older man asks.

“Um…I don’t know. I think it was October, maybe early November?” I have no clue. I’m still in shock. “I don’t remember. I’m sorry.” I mumble lamely.

“That’s alright dear. Let’s go down to the ultrasound room and take a look, okay?”

I don’t answer him. I just follow behind him as he guides me into a dimly lit room.

“This is Jane. She is going to do your ultrasound, dear. We can talk when she finishes up.” He offers a kind smile before stepping out of the room.

I turn my shocked gaze to Jane. She looks like Nurse Hatchet.

“Undress from the waist down. Sheet goes over your legs. I’ll be right back.” And then she’s gone.

I follow her instructions and sit gingerly on the edge of the exam table. My heart feels like it is going to pop right out of my chest. I have no idea how Axel is going to handle this. Besides the brief discussion by the docks that day, we hadn’t discussed children. I knew he was still having issues with the loss of our first child, the child he didn’t know about until recently but this was different.

This is our fresh start. This is our new beginning. I place my hands over my stomach protectively.

A baby. We are going to have a baby. I allow myself a small smile but slip my hands from my stomach when a brief knock sounds and Jane walks back in.

She rolls a condom over the probe and asks me to spread my legs. I blanch but do as she asks. After one awkward, slow thrust I look over at the monitor and stare in fascination as the tiny, grainy dot appears.

“Well, there you go.” She says and for the first time she sounds almost sweet. “That dot there, is the fetus. Looks like you are about five, almost six weeks along which puts your due date at August 3rd.” She prints off a small picture of the baby blob and hands it over into my shocked fingers.

I quickly get dressed, not once taking my eyes off the picture of our baby.

Our baby. Standing there in the middle of the ultrasound room, the biggest sense of peace settles around me. Axel and I are going to have a baby and I can’t wait to share the news. I am scared, but I know deep in my heart that he will be happy. Placing my hands back over my flat stomach, I promise to protect this little bean with everything I have.

This baby is so loved already. The love is overflowing into my body and I am walking on cloud nine.

Heaven. Absolute heaven. This is what it feels like to have the world.

I get home a little before lunch, quickly hiding the ultrasound picture away until I find the perfect way to tell Axel. This has to be special. He wasn’t there the last time; never got to experience the shock and joy of learning you are going to be a parent. I can’t wait to experience that with him this time. With only a week to go before Christmas, I know the perfect way to let him know.

Axel gets home shortly after I do. We enjoy a nice lunch before he carries me upstairs for dessert.

I love afternoon dessert with Axel.

Luckily for me, and my anticipation, the rest of the days before Christmas are spent with Axel, trying unsuccessfully to locate Brandon. I am not focusing on that right now, because I know that tomorrow I will be sharing my news with Axel.

It is Christmas Eve and we have decided to spend the night in and watch old movies. I finally got a hold of Dee two days ago. She has basically disappeared since Beck carried her out of the bar. She was short and I could tell frustrated. We made tentative plans to exchange our gifts tomorrow but that was all.

I drift off to sleep with a smile on my face and butterflies in my belly. Tomorrow is the day I make one of our dreams come true.

“Good morning Princess, Merry Christmas.” I hear whispered lightly in my ear followed by a soft kiss behind my ear. “Time to get up. Breakfast and Santa.” He says with a smile.

“If you’re playing Santa, can I sit on your lap first?” I reply, rolling over and rubbing my throbbing nipples against his chest. He lets out a groan before bringing his lips down to my own. He trails slow kisses and nips down my neck and across my collar bone, then drags his tongue across the swell of my breast before taking a painfully hard nipple into his mouth. He sucks deeply and flicks the tiny barbell with his tongue. Bringing up his hand and pinching my other nipple between his fingers. I feel the sensation all over my body.

“How ready for me are you, Princess? Is your sweet fucking pussy dripping for me yet? Begging for my dick?” He trails his hand down my stomach and my over-sensitive skin screams for the feelings only he can bring me. “Huh, Princess? Want me to make you fucking scream?

“Oh yes, please Axel, please…I need you, so fucking bad” I beg. My pussy is begging to be filled, filled and fucked hard.

“Jesus Christ Izzy, you’re fucking soaked.” He brings his hand up and I can see my juices glistening on his fingers. He licks his fingers clean before taking his ridged flesh in hand and rubbing against my clit. The most exquisite shocks shoot up from my core. My womb clenches and I groan loud and shamelessly. “My girl wants my dick doesn’t she?” He says. I nod my head, speech is beyond me now. I can feel the claws of my climax climbing up my spine; every inch of my skin is on fire.