Axel Page 5

He’s pissed, but not as pissed as me. Why can’t they just let me stay in bed, maybe bring me some more Jack, the asshole.

“Go away, Greg.”

“So fucking help me God, Izzy, get the hell up now. Shower. Talk. Breakfast. That’s all I am asking, which isn’t fucking much.”

“Not interested in helping you play Dr. Phil, Greg. I just want to go back to sleep.” More of my muffled complaints fill the air, making it thick with bullshit.

“Goddammit, Iz.” He grumbles, standing up off my bed, giving me a second to release the breath I didn’t know I was holding. Thank God, he is leaving, was the only thought I had before the sheets were whipped off and I was flying through the air. “Not dealing with this shit, Iz. We have shit to discuss, and I do not have time to deal with you being depressed. I get it, baby girl, I understand where you are right now but you need to wake up and do it now, you have people worried about you. Dee and me are not going to let you sit here and turn into yourself again, no fucking way.” He is spitting each word out as he throws me over his shoulder and walks into the bathroom.

“GREG,” I scream, “let me down now!”

“Not going to happen.” Was the only reply I got before he dumped me into the shower, twisting the water on and slamming the curtain shut in my stunned, cold and wet face.

“I’m going to kick your ass, Greg Cage, kick it fucking hard.” I scream out at him.

I swear I hear his laughter as he walks out of the bathroom.

I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold, dreading leaving the solitude of my bathroom. Getting out, I dry off, brush my hair and teeth and throw on my robe. I take a deep breath in and open the door.

There he is, giant asshole, sitting on my bed with his elbows resting on his knees. He is looking right at me, trying to look serious while suppressing his laughter.


“Alright, you wanted me out,” throwing my arms wide, “here I am, what is so important, huh?”

He smiles at me, letting a few gruff chuckles free. “Try and be a badass another day, Izzy. I’m fucking tired. Went to chat with Reid when I left last night. Told him a little about the situation, not everything. He knows there is a husband, not wanting to become an ex, and not being quiet about it. He doesn’t know the significance behind the picture, but it’s disturbing enough that he didn’t question me too deep last night. I want you to be honest with him, it’s important for him to do his job, Iz. He doesn’t know a thing about shit, other than this mess currently going on, and the little he needed to know about your marriage to understand the threat. He’s booked solid with shit for the next two weeks, but I told him I would keep my eyes open until we could put a plan of action into play. You meet with Reid, explain the whole situation, everything and I mean everything, and then we deal. Understand?”

I take a second to process what Greg just said, it’s a lot and I know he means well, but I do not want someone else in my business.

“Greg,” I start, “I really would feel better if it was just you dealing with this. I don’t really know this guy, and…”

“Not negotiable, Iz. I’m good, but I am not as good as Reid.”

Sighing, I look at Greg, defeated I reply, “Fine, G. You know best.”

“That’s right, baby girl. Don’t worry, Reid’s who you need. Him and the boys, between all of us, there is no fucking way that shit fuck is getting his hands on you, got me?”

“Yeah, G. I got you.”

Greg left a little while ago, leaving me with a worried Dee. A worried Dee planning another “forget the world” mission. I’m not sure I can handle another one of these. Her newest plan, continue with birthday weekend. Since yesterday’s plans went wonky she calls up Greg to let him know the plan, drinks and dancing at club Carnal.


Just what I wanted.

My defeated mood continues throughout the day, and I just don’t have the strength to fight Dee on this. I can handle one night out with Dee and Greg, with drinks a plenty, and loud music to drowned out the pain.

I spend my day vegging out on the couch and just hating life in general. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? The divorce has been sitting in limbo for six long months. I didn’t want a thing, not the house, cars, or the money. Nothing that would tie me to Brandon. I was beginning to think he wouldn’t ever just go away.

Dee joined me for lunch, she didn’t say anything about the previous day but I could tell she wanted to. She was just working it out in her head; trying to figure out the best way to approach. No doubt she heard everything Greg had said too. She knew I would crawl into myself and start going back to that dark place; no way in hell she was letting that happen.

I was sitting on my bed folding laundry and avoiding the world when she walked in.

“Hey, have a second?” She asked, lacking the joy she normally greets me with.

“If you want to hash shit out, I just don’t think I have it in me today, Dee. I love you, but I just don’t know what you want to hear.” I replied, setting the laundry aside and clearing her off a spot to sit.

“I just want to see where your head’s at; make sure you’re okay.”

“I don’t know, I really don’t, Dee. I feel like there isn’t anything I can do at this point. He knows where we are, even though I hoped we could stay invisible to him. It was stupid of me to even nurture that thought. I knew he had reach, I just honestly thought he wouldn’t care. Why? I keep asking myself why he even wants to play this game?” I swallow the tears back down. I can’t go there, not again.

“Babe, we won’t ever know what goes through that sick bastard’s head. I think it’s all about letting you know he could if he wanted to. He knows you are here, knows you want the divorce, surely he knows you aren’t that girl he controlled so easily. Iz, I don’t know what his plan is, but I really think you need to speak to Greg’s friend. I would be lying to you if I said I didn’t have any fear that he might try something.”

I know she’s right. Hell, I lived with his evil for six years, I know more than anyone just what Brandon Hunter is capable of.

“I know, and I will. It’s just hard, you understand that right?” She nods her head, with compassion lighting her eyes.

“I get that, I really do, but when it comes to your safety, your life…well, I won’t take any chances Iz. We have come so far, YOU have come so far, it just doesn’t seem right that fate would be throwing him back up in your life.”

Ha, again with that bitch fate. I should explain how much she hates me to Dee, but she wouldn’t understand, not with her hopeful optimism.

“I’ll talk to him, Reid, I think that’s what Greg said his name was. Two weeks, I have two weeks to prepare myself to open those wounds back up. God, Dee. I don’t want to go there again, remembering it all, and Greg says I need to tell him everything. You don’t think he means everything do you? Surely anything from before Brandon isn’t important?” I think that’s panic in my voice, surely not, but I can tell by Dee’s watery eyes that it most certainly is.

“Izzy, babe, that picture. I think all the before Brandon stuff is kind of important. He knows what yesterday was for you, which means he won’t stop pulling more of your pain into the open; it really is best you tell this guy everything. Greg and I will be there, we won’t let you do this alone. Never again.”

I look into Dee’s big brown eyes and know she is prepared to fight by my side, and I love her for it. Maybe it isn’t right for me to depend on her so much for strength, but try as I might; I just can’t find another way.

“Alright, Dee. Together, when Greg sets something up, we can go talk to this guy; figure out what to do next.”

With a small smile, watery eyes, and relief hidden in their depths, she gives me a hug and stands up. With a small clap, she has officially brushed herself off and decided the heavy was done with for today.

“Well, now that we have had that talk, let’s get ready. Greg is coming back after he grabs some stuff for the night from his apartment, stops by his office and lets everyone know what’s going on, all that stuff. That should give us plenty of time to start all our prep work for tonight.” Huge smile, yup, my Dee, the queen of joy and happiness is back.

With a groan I let her pull me out of bed and set off for the shower.

I have been thoroughly waxed, buffed, shaved, tweaked, and generally molested by beautifying products by the time we hear Greg’s knock on the door. Just in time for him to sit back and enjoy the freak show.

I was sitting on the living room floor painting my toes and Dee was sitting back on the couch finishing her fingers when I yelled at him to come in. I hear the door click open and his heavy steps down the hallway, looking up I meet the fierce scowl he is famous for.

“The fuck? What the hell have I told you two about letting just anyone walk into the fucking house?” He growls, yes growls at us. If this was anyone other than Greg I would be sitting in my own piss right now.

“Oh, come on G, we knew it was you.”

“Oh really? So, you can see through fucking wood and steel now? I didn’t realize you picked up fucking super powers. Remind me next fucking time to just have you beam me the hell over, sure as fuck will save on the gas.”

Oops, guess I didn’t realize big bad protector Greg would be coming out to play.

“Iz, baby girl, I did not put this fancy-ass alarm system in for you to not only never set it when you are home, but to leave the door unlocked and basically invite Tom, Dick and Harry to come over. Do I really need to remind you of the dangers out there?”

If he was trying for the soft and tender route, he missed by a mile there. I instantly shut down, my gaze falling to the floor.

“Sorry,” I mumble.

“Don’t do that shit, Izzy. Brush it the fuck out of your pretty little head. Just promise me to start locking the door, use the alarm, and for shit sake check the damn door before letting someone in, yeah?”

“Got it; alarm, lock and check.” I pick up all my nail products and head off to my room. I have some time to get ready, we aren’t leaving until later tonight, let Dee deal with keeping the bear happy. “I’m going to take a nap before we leave, wake me up in a few Dee.” I called down the hall as I stepped in my room. I lock the door and shed my clothes before curling into my bed.

It takes me a while to finally fall asleep, but once I do it is anything but restful. Nightmares of Brandon and dreams of a future lost invade my sleep. When Dee comes to knock on my door around 8:00 asking me if I want to grab something to eat, it takes me a second to remember where I am and what we’re doing.

“Yeah, let me get some clothes on and I’ll be right down.” I yell through the door, still shaking the dreams from my mind. I get out of bed and grab my robe, setting off to find Dee and Greg.

“Pizza, sit…eat.” Greg says around a mouth full of said pizza.

“Classy Greg, I wonder why you are still single.” I laugh over at him.