Vampire Mine Page 18

She dug her fingers into his shoulders and pressed against him.

Marielle, he whispered, and trailed kisses down her neck.

More sparks tingled down her body. With another small shock, she realized all the sizzles were gathering between her legs, and a desperate need was building inside her. An empty ache that begged to be filled.

His hands cupped her rear end, and he pulled her against him.

She gasped. His groin was hard. And large. The empty ache inside her could only mean her human body wanted to join with his. And the two shall become one.

Good heavens! She pulled away. What am I doing?

Connor blinked, his eyes red and glowing. I Tis called making love.

She stepped back. Do these things really happen so quickly? We only met last night.

He frowned. I thought ye were beautiful the minute I saw you. And weve been through a hell of a lot together. Are ye denying there is something between us?

No. I Her emotions were all jumbled up, but there were a few things she knew for certain. She squared her shoulders. I care deeply for you, Connor Buchanan.

The red glow in his eyes intensified.

But I intend to go back to heaven. I need to stay . . .

His mouth twisted. Unsoiled?

She winced. I was going to say focused.

His eyes turned back to their normal smoky blue. Im a distraction.

No! You saved my life. I will always be grateful.

Is that what ye were doing? Showing gratitude? Next time, send me a card.

Thats not it! I was dangerously close to wanting sex! She grimaced and covered her mouth, but the words had already come out.

He looked shocked for a few seconds, but then he scoffed. A fate worse than death.

She curled her hand into a fist, ready to jam it down her own throat if she said anything else embarrassingly honest. Shed always been able to share any thoughts she had with the Heavenly Host, but the rules in the human world were confusingly different. And the emotions involved were more powerful than shed ever imagined. I dont think you understand.

I understand verra well. His face turned cold and blank. Ye need to stay pure and innocent. I doona resent that. Tis part of who ye are, and I doona wish to destroy yer chances of returning to heaven.

She lowered her hand. I do wish to retain my angelic nature.

Of course. He bowed his head. I apologize for molesting you.

You didnt molest me! She glared at him. You are a good and noble man, and I will not have you speak ill of yourself.

He snorted. What do ye expect from me, Marielle? I know damned well Im no good enough for you.

She made a noise of sheer frustration. You still dont understand. I do want you, Connor. I am . . . shocked by how much I want you.

His eyes widened. Ye want me?

Yes! But if the two become one, then you would be a part of me. How would I ever be able to leave you?

Yeye would have trouble leaving me?

Of course, you dolt! I told you I care deeply for you. Words have meaning, you know. She groaned inwardly. Shed done it again and said more than she should.

He continued to look stunned for a moment, then a twinkle lit up his eyes. Did ye just call me a dolt?

She winced.

That wasna verra angelic of you. He assumed a wounded expression. Words have meaning, ye know.

She narrowed her eyes. Careful. I can still knock you down with a blast of air.

A corner of his mouth tilted up. Still wanting a peek under my kilt, lass?

She couldnt help but smile. Youre incorrigible.

Aye. Thats why ye love me. He winced. I shouldna have said . . . tis merely an expression, I dinna mean to imply . . . He ran a hand through his hair.

It was almost a relief. She wasnt the only one saying more than she should. Still, the word love seemed to hang in the air between them. It was strange. Shed lived her entire existence surrounded by love. The Father was love, and shed always basked in its glow. But now, it had become a fearful, awkward thing that neither she nor Connor could admit to.

I will do everything in my power to help you get back to heaven, he said quietly. Ye have my word on that.

Thank you.

I should return you to the cabin. He stepped toward her. And then I need to drop by Romatech to give Angus a progress report.

She held up a hand to stop him. Before we go, can I ask you something? Its . . . personal.

He shifted his weight with a wary expression. What is it?

I was wondering . . . She took a deep breath. Who is Darcy Newhart?

He flinched. What? How? His eyes narrowed. While I was pouring my heart out to you just now in a kiss, ye were playing the busybody, snooping around in my soul?

She scowled at him. I didnt see anything then. I was too . . . overwhelmed.

He arched a brow at her. No overwhelmed enough. Ye were able to stop.

If I hadnt stopped you, you would have kept going?

Aye. He folded his arms across his chest. A man doesna start something he canna finish.

She recalled how hard his groin had felt. He really had been prepared to have intercourse with her. Heat rose to her cheeks.

Then ye spied on me when I entered yer mind to see where to teleport? he asked.

She shook her head. It happened last night. It wasnt intentional. Her name and face flashed through my mind while we were kissing. The second time.

In the bedroom?


When I touched yer breast?

She gave him an annoyed look. Not at that precise moment, no.

He nodded slowly with a glint in his eyes. So I can safely fondle yer breasts without revealing more information?

Excuse me? When he chuckled, she realized he was teasing her, and she slapped at his shoulder. Brynley must be right about the Three-Step Rule.

What is that?

She narrowed her eyes. I know what youre doing. Youre trying to distract me from the main topic of conversation.

Nay, our main topics are merely different. I want to talk about yer breasts. Actually, Id like to see yer breasts. And then Id like to kiss them.

She huffed. Three steps. Brynley was right.

The phone rang in his sporran and he pulled it out. Aye? He listened for a while. Verra well. Ill see if shell come. He dropped the phone back into his sporran.

What is it? she asked.

Shanna wants to meet you. Will ye come to Romatech with me?

She nodded. Yes, of course. She owed the poor woman an apology. And Connor was sadly mistaken if he thought she would forget to question him about Darcy Newhart again.

When Connor teleported with Marielle to the side entrance of Romatech, Phineas was there to greet them.

Connor introduced the young black Vamp. This is Phineas McKinney. He works for Angus, too, and hes in charge of security here.

God bless you, dear soul. She gave him one of her dazzling smiles.

Wow. Phineass eyes widened. Robby just said she was dangerous. He didnt mention she was smokin hot!

Connor glowered at him. Her hearing works well, too.

Its not her ears Im worried about, Phineas muttered. He turned to Marielle. We have a few mortal and shape-shifter employees here tonight. They have been warned to remain in their offices until you leave the premises.

She nodded, her face growing sad. I understand.

She wouldna purposely harm anyone, Connor grumbled.

I know. Phineas gave Marielle an apologetic look. I dont mean to insult you, but as head of security here, I would feel personally responsible for any . . . accidents.

She stuffed her hands into the pockets of her hooded jacket. Ill be careful.

Phineas opened the side door and motioned for them to enter. Shannas waiting for you in the cafeteria. Roman is outside with the children. Radinka and Father Andrew are with them.

Radinka is Gregoris mother, Connor explained as they walked down the corridor, followed by Phineas. Shes mortal and helps Shanna with the children. He winced. Radinka would have to watch over the children all day now.

Gregori has a mortal mother who is still alive? Marielle asked.

Aye, hes a young Vamp. Transformed in the parking lot here after Casimir attacked him. Radinka found him barely alive and begged Roman to save him.

Marielle nodded. I thought he was younger. Not as . . . heavily burdened as others. She gave Connor a worried look.

She was obviously referring to him and the black pit of remorse she kept trying to dig into. He didnt want to talk about it or even think about it. Tonight had been a magical night, buying her first ice cream cone and sharing her first ride on a carousel. And hearing her admit that she cared deeply for him.

Tonight had filled his heart with joy. It would be a memory he would treasure long after she returned to heaven. He flinched inwardly with a pang to his heart. He didnt want to think about that, either. It would hurt like hell when she left.

But of course, he was on the list for hell, so it was exactly what he deserved.

They reached the main foyer, and Connor turned left, motioning for Marielle to follow.

I guess an angel like you has to be really old, Phineas said as he walked behind them.

Connor glanced back with an irritated look.

Phineas smirked. I bet youre even older than grouchy old Connor.

Marielle smiled. I am. She looked at Connor. How old are you?

His jaw shifted. I doona discuss my private life.

I can translate that for you, Phineas offered. It means hes embarrassed he was a caveman and ate brontosaurus burgers for lunch.

Connor arched an eyebrow at him. The correct translation is sod off.

Dude, thats no way to talk in front of an angel. Just because youre having a mid-life crisis, it doesnt mean you can be rude.

Connor scoffed. Im no having a bloody mid-life crisis. And Im no rude, so bugger off.

Phineas leaned close. I can give you some pointers on how to sweeten her up.

She can hear you, Connor muttered.

Right. And she heard you, too, bro. Youre in desperate need of some professional help from the Love Doctor.

Youre a doctor? Marielle asked.

Of love, Phineas clarified, then puffed out his chest. Youll never find so many happily married couples as there are around here. Is it a coincidence that all this romance occurs when the Love Doctor is around? I think not!

Connor shook his head and led them down a glass-lined hallway to the cafeteria. Through the glass, he could see Roman playing with his children on the basketball court. Radinka and Father Andrew sat on a bench nearby.

Now let me tell you how to set up the perfect date with your lovely lady, Phineas continued. You gotta take her somewhere romantic.

Like a park? Marielle asked.

Yeah, that would work, Phineas agreed.

Connor slanted a glance at Marielle, and she was watching him, her eyes twinkling with humor.

And then, bro, you gotta buy her something sweet to eat, Phineas said.

Like ice cream? Marielle asked.

Yeah, thats it. Phineas slapped Connor on the back. You just do whatever your angel here wants. Shell tell you whats romantic.

She smiled at Connor, and his heart did its usual squeeze. My goal is no to date her, but to get her back to heaven.

Oh. Phineas looked disappointed as he turned to Marielle. You dont want to stay here with us?

Her smile faded. I dont belong here. I live in constant fear of brushing up against humans and causing their death.

Phineas nodded. Thats a bummer. Romans still kinda pissed about what happened.

Marielle sighed. Ive come to apologize, but I know thats woefully inadequate.

Connors jaw clenched.  Twas my fault. He stopped outside the cafeteria doors. Shannas in here. I can leave you alone a few minutes while I report to Angus.

Angus isnt here, bro, Phineas said. He and Emma went to Nebraska. Robby and Olivia went with them.

Connor stiffened. Dead bodies?

Yeah. Sean Whelan called to let us know that a local sheriff discovered ten bodies in a small town. They went to see if Casimir was behind it.

Marielle hung her head. Im so sorry. I should have sensed that.

Tis no yer fault, Connor said. I asked ye to find a peaceful death close by. Well try again tomorrow night.

You were able to teleport to a death scene? Phineas asked.

Aye. Connor nodded. When ye see Angus, tell him the training is going well. We should be ready in a few nights.

Phineas nodded. Will do. He turned back to Marielle. I need to get back to the office to keep an eye on everything. Thank you for helping us.

Youre welcome. She touched Phineass shoulder. Bless you.

As Phineas headed back to the security office, Connor opened the cafeteria door and escorted Marielle inside.

Shanna was across the large room, standing by the window and gazing out at her children. When the door banged shut behind them, she turned.

Connor kept his face blank, but a sharp jab speared his heart. Shanna had always seemed so vibrant and full of life, but now she had joined the ranks of the Undead. There was a new fragile paleness to her skin, and something a little different about her eyes. The blue irises were more intense.

Thank you for coming, she said softly and smiled.

Connor flinched inwardly. Shannas fangs were retracted, but he could still see the sharp points. Bugger. He didnt understand it. How could so many of his friends marry mortal women, knowing full well this would be their future?

Shannas eyes widened as she looked Marielle over. Youre really an angel.

Marielle knelt and bowed her head. Dear soul, I have caused you terrible wrong. I pray you will forgive me.

Shanna approached her. Father Andrew told me how upset you were when you learned about the accident. She leaned over. It was an accident. Theres nothing to forgive.

Marielle looked up at her with tears in her eyes. Im so relieved youre all right. God bless you and your family.

Shannas eyes glimmered with tears, too, and she extended a hand. Thank you.

Marielle took her hand and stood.

Connor looked away. They were probably able to forgive so easily because neither one had been at fault. He was the one who had brought Marielle here, ignoring all her protests that she mustnt be touched.

He sat at one of the tables, giving the ladies some distance so they could chat. Still, with his heightened senses, he could hear everything they said. As always with Shanna, the conversation soon turned to her children.