Broken Kingdom Page 11

“That may be true.” I twist the knob and push her outside. “But right now, I’m fucking ending it.”

For good.

I find her t-shirt near my front door and toss it at her. “Leave. Now.”

Her lower lip trembles. Damn, she’s good.

Just like my mother, Bianca wears her manipulating, scheming, vindictive traits like a crown of jewels and I want no part of it.


“Pull this shit again and I’ll tell Jace and Cole.”

It’s an idle threat. I might be an honorary member of their family, but I’m not blood. Bianca has them both wrapped around her little finger and I know they’ll believe whatever version of events she decides to give them.

Tonight might earn me an ass-kicking but it won’t destroy our friendship because I didn’t do anything with her intentionally.

I never would. Not even with my worst enemy’s dick.

“Goddammit, Bianca. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” Disgust rolls through me. “You have no right sneaking into grown men’s beds in the middle of the night.” I grab her chin, forcing her to look at me. “Do you have any idea what I would have done to you?”

Bianca doesn’t have an innocent bone in her body, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I’ve watched her grow up before my very eyes.

My stomach churns with degradation.

I can still remember the little girl with frizzy hair who wore glasses and had a mouth full of braces.

The girl who used to cry whenever I had a seizure because she got scared…but then would dry her eyes when it was over so she could make me grilled cheese and tomato soup.

The girl who would never do something like this to me.

She smirks seductively. “As a matter of fact, I do.” Her nostrils flare. “Don’t you dare stand there and act like you didn’t want it.”

So much for trying to reason with her.

My laugh is callous. “Once I realized who was in my bed?” I get dangerously close to her face. “Not even a little.”

I’ll never go there with her. Ever.

Baby Satan’s big brown eyes become glassy. “Oakley.”

For fuck’s sake. Does she really think those crocodile tears will work with me?

“Give me one good reason why—”

“Because I don’t want you,” I roar, the tendons in my neck straining with rage. “I’ll never fucking want you.”

Because she’s exactly like the first bitch who broke my heart.

Which means I need to stay far away.

For good.

Chapter 6




I toss and turn in the twin-size bed in my dorm room, trying my hardest to fall asleep…but it’s pointless.

My mind keeps firing off questions I don’t have the answers for, refusing to settle down.

This whole time I thought Hayley was driving the car I was in during the accident…but as it turns out, it was this Oakley guy.

A guy I can’t recall ever meeting before today.

And given I have no memory of him…I’m not sure why I was with him in the car to begin with?

I massage my pounding temples, but when that doesn’t help, I reach across my nightstand for the prescription bottle.

Grabbing my water bottle next, I pop a capsule into my mouth and swallow.

I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately due to anxiety, so my doctor prescribed me some pills to make it easier.

Truth be told, I hate taking them because they make me feel like a zombie the next day, but I have a statistics quiz in the morning, and I need all the rest I can get.

Rolling over in bed, I force my eyes to close.

Because after I pass my quiz tomorrow…

I have every intention of getting to the bottom of this.


I can feel him watching me.

He’s liable to slit his throat before he’ll ever admit it…but every so often those gorgeous blue eyes slide my way.

Even though I’m not the girl he’s supposed to be fixated on.

That girl would be Morgan.

As if on cue, her gaze joins his.

No surprise there. My bitch is thirsty.

And he has no idea.

Fighting back a smile, I lick my lips and adjust the strings to my black one-piece bathing suit.

I’m seriously regretting not going with my orange bikini—Oakley’s favorite color—but I don’t like showing the scar on my lower stomach to many people.

Besides, it’s a happy occasion since we’re supposed to be celebrating my birthday and all.

Even though I don’t turn eighteen for another few days.

However, Jace and Cole made plans with their girls, who happen to be besties—insert eye roll—to go on some kind of couples trip next week.

Which means I had to settle for a goddamn backyard BBQ pool party.

Not that I’m bitter or anything.

No, I’m fucking pissed.

I’ve been waiting my whole life to turn eighteen and neither of them give a shit.

Cole I’m not so angry at because his fiancée Sawyer is the closest thing I have to a real friend. But Jace?

I hate that bitch of his with a passion that’s out of this world.

If she never led Liam—my brother who committed suicide…

Oh, I’m sorry. Did that little tidbit make you uncomfortable?

Well, I suggest you buckle your seatbelt, honey. Because we haven’t even cracked the surface of my fucked-up life.

Anyway, if Dylan had never led Liam on and agreed to go to the junior high dance with him the night he committed suicide, Liam might still be here.

Needless to say, I’ll never forgive her.

However, she makes Jace happy—sickeningly happy—so I dig deep and find a way to tolerate her most of the time.

Because I’ll do anything for my brothers.

Even when they’re royal douchebags.

“Burgers and steaks are almost done,” Jace announces as he flips one over on the large grill.

Narrowing my eyes, I clear my throat. Loudly.

Smirking, Jace adds, “Including the birthday girl’s veggie burger.”

“Well, wonders never cease,” I mutter. “For once you didn’t forget about me.”

I’m happy for Jace and Cole, but it’s hard not being the main girl in their lives anymore. And by hard? I mean it hurts like hell.

Jace frowns. “Bianc—”

I don’t get to hear the end of his sentence because someone turns the raft I was happily floating on over and I fall into the pool.

Given I was unprepared, I get a mouthful of water and cough as I reach the surface.

Immediately, I zero in on the assailant. Cole.

Go freaking figure. He’s always pushing people’s buttons.

Still coughing, I punch his throwing arm as hard as I can. “Dick.”

He shrugs innocently. “What? You looked hot. I was helping you out.” His smirk matches Jace’s. “Although now you look like a racoon.” He cocks an eyebrow. “Why do you have that shit on your face anyway? You’re in the pool.”

As much as I love him…there are times I hate him.

Seriously fucking hate him.