Wicked Princess Page 23

That’s two for two tonight.

Only this one is way worse.

Because it’s Stone DaSilva.

The younger brother of the most vile piece of shit on the planet.

Humiliation colors my cheeks as I sink down to my knees and he lowers his zipper.

This was a terrible idea.

But it’s too late, because I’ve already agreed and he’s pulling out his dick.

To Stone’s credit, it’s marginally bigger than the fake baby cock I photoshopped onto pictures of him back when he attended Royal Hearts Academy.

I open my mouth, then pause.

My second thoughts about doing this are enough to make my insides churn.

Stone must sense this because he says, “Forget it. I don’t want you doing something you don’t—”

I take him into my mouth as far as I can.

I need that video.

He punches the side of the car with his fist as I gag myself on his cock. “Fuck.”

In for a penny, in for a pound.

That said, I can’t deny the sick sense of pleasure I feel at having him at my mercy like this.

I might be the one on my knees, but it’s obvious he’s not the one in control.

I am.

His face strains as I deep throat him again, trying my hardest to figure out where he put his phone since he’s no longer holding it.

He groans. “Jesus fucking Christ, Bianca.”

I know.

Placing both of his hands on the back of my head, I start feeling around his pockets.

Low, gruff noises tear out of him as he fucks my face. “Shit.”

My heart beats faster. Every inch of him is hard and tight with arousal, ready to explode at any moment.

Focus, Bianca.

Disappointment hits like a brick to the head as I search his first pocket and come up empty.

I take him deeper, sucking him hard and fast as I dig my fingers into his ass.


I snatch his phone out of his back pocket at the same time a thick stream of liquid fills my mouth.

Standing up, I wipe the corner of my mouth.

Then I spit his cum in his face. “Wow. That didn’t take long at all.”

Anger mixed with disgust tightens his features as he lifts his shirt and wipes off his face.

I take the opportunity to hightail it to the docks, running as fast as I can.

The second I’m near the water, I throw his phone.

I hear his footsteps behind me, but it’s already sinking to the bottom.

Mission accomplished.

“You’re too late,” I inform him.

“And you’re seventeen,” he sneers.

I have no idea what my age has to do with anything.

I spin around to face him. “What’s your point?”

“You could have called the police and had me arrested. Or called your brothers and had them take care of me.” He takes a step closer. “But you didn’t…you gave me head instead.” I hate the cocky smirk on his face. “Which means you wanted to suck my dick, Bianca Covington.”

Jesus. The audacity.

“No, I did—”

I don’t get a chance to finish my sentence because he pushes me into the water.

Chapter 17

“Morgan,” I all but squeak as she starts unbuttoning my shirt.

It’s clear the old me had no problem using her, but this Bianca?

She’s not really feeling this.

She also doesn’t want to hurt her feelings.

“You’re amazing,” I tell her, gently pushing her away. “But I…everything is just so…” I gesture between us. “I can’t do this.”

Her face falls. “Oh.”

“It’s not you,” I quickly say. “It’s me. Ever since the accident, I haven’t really been myself.”

Ain’t that the truth.

“Right,” Morgan says. “I didn’t mean to…I was just so excited to see you.” She picks up my crutches and hands them to me. “How are you?”

That is a loaded question.

“I, uh…I’m having a tough time,” I tell her honestly.

“Yeah, I can imagine.” She exhales sharply. “I can’t believe Hayley’s dead.”

Guilt prickles my chest because she’s been the last person on my mind.

Even though we were friends.

Heck, more than friends, if the rumors are true.

“Yeah,” I say softly. “I know.”

Morgan’s features twist, like she’s contemplating something. “Bianca?”


She wrings her hands. “I just don’t understand why you were with Hayley that night when I told you what she was doing—”

“There you are,” Sawyer says. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”

I turn my attention back to Morgan because I have to know. “What do you mean? What was Hayley doing?”

“Bianca,” Sawyer snaps, her gaze ping-ponging between us. “Cole and Jace are blowing up my phone wondering where you are. I need to get you back home before they go postal.”

No surprise there.

I look at Morgan. “I have to go, but can I give you a call later so we can talk more about this?”

Given she knows what happened the night of the accident, I have a bunch of questions for her.

Morgan nods. “Yeah…sure.”

After programming her number into my new phone, I hobble out the door. “Ready when you are.”

We’re halfway out of the restaurant when Sawyer mutters a curse. “I forgot my purse. I’ll be right back.”

I’m about to offer to go with her, but I spot Stone wiping down the counters.

Suffice it to say, I know exactly what happened at the marina now.

As if sensing my stare, he looks up.

Warm eyes move over me like lava, sending a rush of heat through me.

The old Bianca might not have been into Stone…but the new Bianca very much is.

Too bad having feelings for him betrays the people I care about most.

“So, I told Morgan if she wanted a spot on the team, she had to go down on me. What I didn’t know was that Stone was lurking and recording the whole thing. I had no choice but to give him a blowjob in order to confiscate his phone and destroy the recording.” I hold up my hands. “Well, not me. The old Bianca.”

The one who ruins everything.

Dr. Wilson—or Walter as I usually call him, blinks. “I see.”

He promptly jots something down in his notepad.

I blow out a breath. “Anyway, Morgan said something about not understanding why I was with Hayley the night of the crash. I wanted to get clarification, but Sawyer walked in and said my brothers were looking for me.” Sighing, I add, “I was supposed to call Morgan later and find out what happened, but she never picked up.”

And she’s been ignoring me ever since.

A thick, heavy feeling pushes through my chest. “I’m starting to think it might not be such a bad thing, though.”

Walter looks up from his notebook. “Why is that?”

I tell him the truth. “Because the old Bianca caused nothing but problems. Maybe it’s best I try and move on with my life…well, the one I have now.”