Ruthless Knight Page 11

My hand clenches into a fist. I have to remind myself my arm will be worth millions one day, and Cortland isn’t worth shit.

“Bet a girl who looks like that was awfully desperate to please,” Lennox Wallace, one of my linebackers, chimes in.

A few of our teammates snicker.

Ignoring them, I swivel my gaze to the opposite end of the hall.

As if things couldn’t get any worse, Casey and her posse are marching toward me.

Bianca texted me earlier that Casey had told the girls on the team she was going to kick Sawyer’s ass if it was true.

Casey’s outrage over my drunken betrayal is almost comical given Bianca’s positive she’s cheating on me.

However, it’s just speculation and I don’t have proof.

All I have is a pissed off girlfriend who’s currently glaring daggers at me as her heels clack against the terrazzo floor.

And another girl who’s looking at me like I’m some kind of knight in shining armor.

The same girl I’ve forced myself to stay away from for the last three months.

Sawyer has a way of getting under my skin and inside my head like no one else…which makes her a hazard.

Even more so now.

There’s only one way to restore order and fix this shit.

I turn to Cortland. “You’re gonna have to be more specific. I’ve hooked up with a lot of girls.”

Way more than he has.

This time he’s the one who appears confused. “You really don’t remember?”

“Remember what?” I roar, drawing everyone’s attention to our conversation. “I was drunk as fuck on Friday.”

Sawyer’s steps falter.

Smiling snidely, Cortland looks around the small circle of people surrounding us. It appears everyone is interested in our little pow wow.

“Hate to break it to you, but rumor has it you fucked Sawyer Church at Christian’s over the weekend.” Before I can answer, he slaps my shoulder. “Never pegged you for a chubby chaser, but I hear Jesus freaks are wild in bed.”

My laugh sounds convincing, even to my own ears. “You’re shitting me, right?” Before he can protest, I seethe, “Why the hell would I ever fuck some fat virgin when I can have prime pussy whenever I want it?”

I feel the weight of everyone’s stare as Casey sidles up beside me. On cue, I sling an arm around her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Oakley looking at me like I’m a scumbag.

Whatever. He can kiss my ass. This is my reputation on the line.

And hers.

Not only will Sawyer be branded a slut—because that’s what girls in high school do—Casey and the rest of the cheerleaders will make her life a living hell.

Besides, Casey and I make sense. Us being together is what people expect.

What someone like me should want.

I’ve spent a long time building this life for myself and I’m not about to let some drunken mistake rip it all away.

No matter how much Sawyer intrigues me.

Looking at my girlfriend, I grunt, “Babe, tell this moron what happened on Friday since he’s so interested in where I stick my dick.”

Not missing a beat, Casey chirps, “You got trashed and then we went upstairs.” She narrows her eyes at him. “Why are you so interested in my boyfriend’s junk, Cortland? If you’re switching teams, I’m afraid you’re out of luck. My squad is already full.”

No matter how upset she is, I knew she’d step up to the plate.

Not because she loves me or she’s ride or die—but because we’ve been dubbed RHA’s power couple, and the notion of me cheating on her with someone like Sawyer is a huge insult to her vapid ego.

Just like me, Casey knows it’s important to keep up appearances and give the world a show.

Conceal who you really are.

Cortland looks embarrassed, but I’m not done with him.

Gripping his collar with my free hand, I fix him with a glare that makes it crystal clear not to cross me again. “Next time you give me the third degree about my sex life, I’ll slap your ugly mug with my cock. Just like I do to all the other uppity cumsluts who don’t know when to hop the fuck off.”

His face goes slack as everyone hoots and hollers.

Grinning, I lightly punch his shoulder. “Don’t come to practice until you find your balls, Bennet. Football is for real men. Not wannabes who run their mouth and spread rumors like some little pre-teen bitch.”

I look at my teammates. “Same goes for the rest of you.”

Respect illuminates their faces once more. Crisis averted.

Feeling like a weight has been lifted, my hand finds Casey’s ass and we start trekking down the hallway.

As usual, everyone’s eyes are on me.

Except Sawyer.

She’s peering down at her shoes…as if it hurts too much to look at me.


I warned her not to get too close.

Chapter 1


Two months later…


“Catherine’s getting married,” my mother all but squeals the second my ass meets the chair.

“Wow, that’s really…something, Mama. Can you pass the mashed potatoes?”

Truth be told, I’m way more excited about them than the news of my sister’s engagement.

From the other end of the dining table, my father’s lips quirk.

It’s safe to say I inherited my sarcasm gene from him.

My mother pouts. “Goodness, Sawyer. Catherine is your sister. You’d think you’d be able to muster up some enthusiasm.”

Pushing his glasses up his nose, my dad clears his throat. “Sawyer’s probably thinking the same thing I am. Catherine hasn’t even graduated college yet. She’s too young to get married.” Concern lines his features as he continues. “She’s only been dating him, what? Three, maybe four months at most, and during that time we’ve only met him once. They should wait a few more years before they settle down.”

My mom plasters a tight, bless your heart smile on her face. It’s one most southern women have perfected by the time they’re twelve.

“Catherine’s graduating nursing school this year, Dan. Besides, you think driven, intelligent doctors like Marvin are going to wait forever for a girl to be ready for marriage?”

Here we go.

On the bright side, this is the most they’ve spoken to each other in a long time.

“If he loves her, he will.” He wipes his mouth with a napkin. “I don’t want to argue, but I don’t want my baby girl—either of them—making a mistake and marrying the wrong man.”

She sighs. “Oh, please. I was barely eighteen when we got married.”

“Yeah and look how well that turned out.” The expression on his face makes it clear he wants to take the words back. “I didn’t—”

Freezing him out, she fluffs her dark hair and directs her attention to me. “She wants to have the wedding in Knightdale.”

Something tells me that’s more my mom’s idea than Catherine’s. North Carolina’s most legendary pageant queen is no doubt chomping at the bit to show off to everyone back home that her equally beautiful pageant-daughter-turned-nurse is marrying a doctor.