Ruthless Knight Page 14

After checking to make sure no one else is within earshot, I tell him the truth.

“I caught Casey fucking Todd Harris in the locker room.”

Along with the rest of the football team.

His eyes widen. “Shit. That fucking sucks.” The vein in his forehead makes an appearance. “If you want me to feed him his teeth, just say the word. I don’t want you blowing your shot with Duke’s over some asshole.”

As much as I appreciate his offer to handle Todd, this shit is my beef, not his.

“Nah, don’t waste your time. Truth is, I’ve been wanting to get rid of Casey’s skanky ass for a while now. She just happened to beat me to it is all.”

His lips twitch. “Well, don’t stress it. It’s not like you’ll be single for long. I’m sure there’s plenty of girls willing to give up their right tit to make your dick wet.”

He’s not wrong.

Too bad I’ve fucked most of them already and I’m growing tired of their fake moans and monotonous moves.

Half the time they just lie there like a dead fish. As if the thought of getting fucked by me is more interesting than the actual act.

No wonder Oakley fucked his stepmom.

High school girls are boring as hell. Especially when they’re virgins.

Screwing one of them is the equivalent of forcing yourself to eat bland, dry chicken without any seasoning for twenty minutes straight in order to get rid of your hunger.

Personally, I’d rather starve.

Reaching over, I bump my fist with his. “Truth.” I motion down the hallway. “I should get going. They’ll be calling my name any minute. Thanks for coming to the game.”

“Hold up,” he says when I start to leave.

“What’s good?”

“The sperm donor’s still on his business trip, right?”

“Yeah. I think he said something about being back on Tuesday.”

Whereas Jace harbors resentment toward our father and refuses to take a single cent from him now that he’s able to support himself—I simply don’t give a fuck and have no problem milking the fucker for every penny I can.

The way I see it, it’s the least Jason Covington can do.

Plus, I manage to accrue some pretty sweet shit when I act like I don’t hate his guts for five minutes.

Like my most prized possession. A two-million-dollar LaFerrari I dub the green monster.

I scored it shortly after we caught him red-handed with his latest whore Nadia, and Jace let it slip that he cheated on our mom before she died.


“Good. I’m coming over on Sunday.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Bianca’s been on my case a lot lately. She thinks Dylan’s keeping me away from you guys.” His gaze cuts to mine. “It’s not like that though. Dylan would never do that.”

Oh hell. Here we go.

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me. Dylan makes you happy. Don’t let Bianca ruin that.”

He sighs. “I know. I just hate that she thinks I don’t care about h—”

“She knows you care, Jace. The only reason she’s acting like a jealous brat and making you feel bad is because you let her. Point blank, Bianca wants the attention and enjoys feeling like she has some kind of power over your relationship with Dylan.”

Sometimes my big brother needs a dose of reality.

He knows as well as I do Bianca enjoys fucking with people and slithering into their psyche so she can control them.

Fortunately for her, she has an advantage, thanks to our mother’s looks and inheriting the asshole Covington gene from our dad.

Unfortunately for everyone else, the girl has no boundaries and there’s no telling how far she’d go to get whatever she wants.

The fact she’s planning to become a psychiatrist after she graduates is…unnerving.

The world will be fucked once Bianca starts pulling the strings of the mentally ill and criminally insane.

Which is why Jace needs to stop allowing her to play him like a fiddle. My brother’s gone soft ever since he fell in love, but he’ll end up getting burned if he’s not careful.

“You’re right.” Another sigh. “I just don’t want her to feel like she can’t come to me, or like I’m abandoning her or some shit. She—”

“Man, shut it down. Bianca has you wrapped around her little finger and the more you give in to her bullshit, the tighter her grip will become.”

She’s my baby sister, therefore I’ll always have her back if anyone hurts her, but the girl is a master manipulator if there ever was one.

I pity whatever poor schmuck she ends up setting her sights on. The clown won’t ever be able to escape from her crazy ass.

Hell, if Cortland wasn’t such a perverted prick, I’d set the two of them up.

Fucker deserves a little misery.

Nodding, Jace crosses his arms. “I will. Sunday morning I’m gonna sit her down and tell her to cut the shit because Dylan isn’t going anywhere ever, and Bianca needs to accept it.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll tell Oakley to come over for a family meeting. With all three of us there, she’ll know we mean business and back off.”

I start to walk away for a third time, but he stops me again. “Yeah…about that.” I’m not sure what to make of the grim expression on his face. “I don’t want Oakley there.”

That’s…peculiar. Oak’s our brother from another mother. “He always comes to our family meetings.”

“Not anymore.”

Irritation crawls along my neck. “Why the fuck not?”

“Because he came over high as a kite last night.” His nostrils flare. “And right when I was getting ready to press him on it, Loki called and he walked outside.”

Loki’s a drug dealer from the other side of town. The guy is bad news and Oak’s admitted to buying ecstasy, coke, and heroin off him a few times in the past.

However, Loki also sells weed—and according to Oak—marijuana helps manage his epilepsy.

I open my mouth to defend my friend, but then Jace grinds out, “A few minutes later I found him seizing on the patio.”


Given Oakley’s condition, seizures happen…but not that often.

Not unless he’s under extreme stress or taking drugs he shouldn’t.

But as much as the thought of him using again irks me, Jace shouldn’t cut him off because of a slip-up. Dude’s life hasn’t exactly been a picnic lately.

“He’s been arguing with his dad a lot,” I inform him. “Wayne wants him to come back home, but he refuses.”

Jace remains stone-faced. “I know.”

“Yeah, and you also know how much Crystal getting pregnant really fucked him up. Cut him some goddamn slack.”

His eyes darken in challenge. “I’m out of slack. When the sperm-donor gets back, I’m telling him to kick Oak out of the guesthouse. He’s fucking with Loki again, and I don’t want you or Bianca around it. Kicking him out is the only way I can protect you.”

It’s not often we fight, but fuck him and the judgmental horse he rode in on. “Oakley’s not Walter White, Jace. He’s your best friend and he’s going through some shit. If you make Dad kick him out, you’re all but signing his death warrant because he’s only gonna hang out with Loki more and we both know how that relationship will end up.”