Ruthless Knight Page 17

She’s also clearly trying to assert her dominance because she feels threatened now that she’s not the only female in her brother’s life, but that’s another issue entirely.

Dylan chews on her thumbnail, pondering my statement. “I can’t believe she thinks doing something like that would work.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to point out that it is working since she’s so riled up about it, but I go with something more constructive instead.

“She’s trying to plant creepy seeds that will end up putting Jace in the awkward position of having to choose between you and his baby sister. But you’re right, it won’t work. You guys are rock solid.”

“It still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a really fucked up thing for her to do.”

I stifle the urge to remind her that the Covington siblings are the epitome of fucked up.

“I’m not saying it’s right, but she’s probably jealous Jace left. Co—the asshole who shall not be named—isn’t exactly brother of the year, and from what you’ve told me, their father is a piece of shit and barely acknowledges them. Jace is the only stable person in her life. Heck, he’s basically her father figure. Him leaving undoubtedly feels like losing a parent and a sibling all over again.”

“Shit. When you put it like that, I feel kind of bad for Bianca.” Her face falls. “I’m not trying to take Jace away from her. I’d never—”

“I know that and Jace knows that. Eventually Bianca will too, and she’ll stop trying to sabotage your relationship. For now, just hang in there and hide your underwear.”

She smiles. “Thank you. I feel like I just had the world’s best therapy session.”

“I’ll send you my bill in the mail.”

We both look up at the same time an administrator declares Bianca the homecoming princess and tries to place a small crown on her head.

Shooting her an irritated glare, Bianca dismisses her and puts the crown on herself.

Dylan looks around. “Jace said he went to talk to Cole, but Cole’s been up there for a while. He should have been back by now.”

“Maybe he’s down there taking pictures?”

“Doubtful.” Looking at her phone, she mutters a curse. “Col—sorry, thou who shall not be named—and Jace got into an argument and he’s been sitting in the car.” She pops a quick kiss on my cheek. “You okay if I leave?”

I wave a hand. “Of course. In fact, I should get going too. Elijah needs to leave work early, so I told him I’d come in and close for him—”

And I’m talking to myself, because Dylan’s already trudging down the stairs.

I’m happy for her and all, but there’s a small part of me that resents Jace.

Not only is he her boyfriend, he was her best friend long before I was.

Which means he’ll always come first.

And there’s a small nagging voice in my head taunting me that I’m never going to know what it feels like to be someone’s first priority.

People around me stand up and clap and I glance at the stage just in time to see the homecoming king and his queen get crowned.

They look so perfect together. Like something out of a fairy tale.

I hate that deep down—below all my layers of fat, false confidence, and self-pity—I’d give almost anything to know what it feels like to be pretty and thin like Casey and to have Cole Covington look at me like I’m the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on.

But I know it will never happen, because all he sees—all most people see when they look at me—is a fat virgin who loves Jesus.

And girls like that don’t get the fairy tale.

Chapter 5


“Cole, wait!” Casey screeches behind me.

Crown in hand, I trek out of the stadium.

I have nothing to say to the cheating slut.

“Cole, please.”

People are starting to stare, no doubt wondering what’s going on with RHA’s most prestigious king and queen.

I shove down the urge to inform them their beautiful queen is an ugly, traitorous whore.

And their king despises each and every one of them for being sheep and buying into all the bullshit I serve them on a platter.

They all worship me because they think I’m better than them.

But I’m not. I’m just better at being fake.

I’m almost to the parking lot when there’s a sharp tug on my arm.

I can feel the cord growing tighter with every second that passes.

“Don’t fucking touch me.”

The few people within earshot freeze. Casey looks positively petrified.

Good. She should be.

We had an agreement and she fucking broke it.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, she made me look like an idiot in front of my entire football team.

With Todd Harris of all people.

“Everything’s fine,” she declares to the herd through a forced smile. “Just some leftover testosterone from the game.” She thrusts her pom-pom in the air. “Go Knights!”

A few people cheer, and I give her a look that conveys what I’m really thinking.

Eat shit and die.

By the time she steers me away from the small crowd, I’m seeing red.

“What part of don’t fucking touch me, don’t you understand?”

She looks around nervously, making sure no one else is within earshot. “Calm down before you do something you’ll regret.”

“Like fuck Todd Harris?”

Guilt colors her expression. “Look, I messed up. But we can still fix this.”

Jesus Christ. The bleach from her fake blonde hair must have burned through her brain.

I laugh, but there’s not a drop of humor. “Fix this? Why the hell would I ever want to fix this? You’re Todd’s headache now, not mine. As far as I’m concerned, the fucker did me a solid.”

Her tongue finds her cheek. “Are you done yet?”

I haven’t even gotten started…and I never will, because she’s not worth it.

“With you? Yeah. I’ve been done for a while now.”

I never should have dated her to begin with. Only reason I did was because she was the head cheerleader and it made sense.

And because I knew it would hurt a certain Bible thumping nerd who drives me crazy.

I start to walk away, but Casey zips out in front of me. It’s all I can do not to pick her up and toss her disloyal, bony ass out of my life for good.

“I have nothing left to say to you,” I grind out through clenched teeth. “Get out of my face.”

“You don’t mean that.” She tries to touch my cheek, but I turn away. “I made a mistake. Just like you did.”

I have no idea what she’s referring to, but I do know she’s delusional for believing this little song and dance of hers will garner any sympathy from me.

“A mistake? You’ve been fucking him behind my back for months. That’s not a mistake…that’s a deliberate choice.”

Her lower lip trembles. “Only because you were cheating on me with her.”

I’ve taken a few hits to the head this season, but I don’t recall fucking anyone other than the she-devil in front of me since we’ve been together.