Ruthless Knight Page 28

“At the chicken place?”

She nods emphatically. “From what she told me, they’ve only hung out a few times, but he really likes her. I think she’s starting to like him too.”

Well, shit.

Dread fills my stomach. If she’s getting serious with someone, it could potentially pose an issue with me winning the bet.

“What’s his name?”

“I have no idea. All I know is they work together and he’s older.”

That’s…strange. “Older?”


“How old?”

“I don’t know—” Her face lights up. “Look, if I tell you, you have to promise you won’t say anything.”

I eye her suspiciously. I wasn’t aware she and Sawyer were so close they’re divulging secrets, but I suppose it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. Girls are fucking weird. One day they’re besties, and the next they’re stabbing each other in the back over some guy.


“It’s her boss.”

I don’t buy that for a second. “No fucking way.”

“Yes way,” she argues. “I think…” She looks down warily. “I think he’s giving her money.” Her eyes cut to mine. “You know she’s poor, Cole. Sometimes desperate people do desperate things.”

My chest tightens. Sawyer isn’t a sugar baby. She’s also not the kind of person to use someone for money.

Then again, I have no idea how bad her financial situation is.

How far would she go to save her family from economic ruin?


“Christ. I can’t believe that son of a bitch is taking advantage of her.”

Hands on her hips again, she huffs, “I know, right? So gross.” Smiling, she waves a hand up and down. “Anyway, it’s just a costume, Cole. No different from what every other girl is wearing. For once, can you please just let me have some fun?”

This woe-is-me act of hers might fly with Jace, but I’m not falling for it. Even though I can’t stand her existence 99.9% of the time, she’s still my little sister.

“No.” I fetch my phone out of my back pocket to call her an Uber, but her next sentence stops me in my tracks.

“It’s Mom’s,” she whispers, her voice cracking like glass.

I have no idea what she’s talking about. “What?”

“My costume, you idiot. It was Mom’s.” She points to her skirt. “She wore it in one of her Bollywood movies. The one where she played a belly dancer.”

My breath freezes. “Oh.”

Just like that, a heavy feeling wraps around my heart and squeezes.

It’s not often I think about her…because it hurts too damn much.

She was the first woman I ever loved.

And she’ll be the last.

Lower lip trembling, she looks up at the night sky. “She was so beautiful, and I miss her so much. I just wanted—”

“Go back inside.”

I’m not gonna stand here and comfort her, because I don’t know the first thing about doing that.

I’m also not going to tell her how much she looks like our mother—especially right now with her big sad eyes and tear-stained cheeks, because I know first-hand how much hearing you resemble a dead person can suck.

The only thing I can do is let her stay and have fun.

Forget our fucked-up family for a little while.

God knows I live for those moments when I’m able to.

Surprise highlights her features. “You mean it?”

“Yeah.” I gesture to the glass door. “Go before I change my mind.”

She starts to walk inside but stops abruptly.

To my dismay, she spins around and plants a kiss on my cheek. “You’re an asshole, but I love you.”

I won’t say it back. I can’t.

I’m no longer capable of it.

“Stay by Sawyer, because if you hookup with any guys or get drunk, I swear to fuck I’ll never let you come to one of these again.” I glare at her. “You feel me?”

She nods as my phone rings.


I bring it to my ear as she takes off. “Hey.”

“Don’t you hey me, motherfucker. What the hell is going on?”

“Nothing. It’s a Halloween party and Bianca had the nerve to come dressed as a Detroit Lion.”

It’s the best I can come up with on such short notice.

Jace’s mystification is almost palpable. “And?”

“It’s an embarrassment. Here I am, the best up-and-coming quarterback of our generation—and my own flesh and blood shows up to a party as a Lion? They’re the worst team in the NFL.”

“I…Jesus. I don’t have time for this shit, Cole. I thought something serious happened.”

“This is serious,” I exclaim, driving my fabricated point home so I can ruffle his feathers even more.

“Yeah, well, you go handle that. I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow.” He laughs to himself. “Besides, it could always be worse.”


“She could have gone as a Patriot,” he says before he hangs up.


Chapter 13


“Be easy, baby.” Oakley sucks in a breath. “I’m trying to talk to my tutor.”

Morgan—whose lips have been dancing between Oakley’s earlobe and neck—doesn’t seem to give a single fuck about how rude she’s being.

“Anyway, like I was saying, I feel like I got the hang of that biology shit you were talking about the other day.”

I can’t help but smile. He might have fallen asleep during our first tutoring session, but it’s good to know he retained some of the information.

“Really? That’s awesome.”

“Yeah.” He brings his joint to his lips and inhales. “It got me thinking. Maybe you don’t have to spend your time on that crap anymore, and—”

“Oakley,” I interject, not wanting to hear his excuses.


“Cut the shit. You need Biology, English, History, and all the other crap you don’t want to study in order to graduate.”

Defeat colors his expression. “Yeah, you’re right. I just…” He groans as Morgan scrapes her teeth along his throat. “Damn. Someone’s getting feisty.” That dopey grin is back. “Keep that shit up.”

I’m about to leave them to their little love fest, but Bianca sidles up beside me. “Everything okay?”

If looks could kill, the one she’s aiming at Morgan would put her in a body bag.

Not that Morgan would notice at this point. She’s too focused on Oakley.

So is Bianca.

“Just peachy.” Straightening her spine, she looks at him. “Can we ta—”

“Bunny,” someone behind us screeches.

Oak turns white as a sheet and I see why when Hayley—his ex-girlfriend—approaches our little circle.

Given she graduated with Dylan and Jace last year, I’m surprised to see her at one of Christian’s parties.

But not nearly as surprised to find she’s wearing the same costume as Bianca.